29. Losing the Pursuers. And finding Hao Chen.

Hundreds of Anticans could be seen scuttling through the trees and valleys at the border of the Torringrood Mountains. Some distance behind them, a particularly larger Antican, about 3 times the size of normal Antican was slowly following behind them.

This small army of Anticans was actually chasing a lone Antican. The running and chasing party were about 400 meters apart.

For some reason, no one among the hundreds of Anticans was able to sense the location of the lone Antican in the front. Only the bigger Antican Queen was vaguely able to sense its existence. And she was guiding the army of hundreds of anticans to chase the lone Antican.

The lone Antican who is actually a human male disguised as an Antican was slowly gaining more distance between them. The Antican Queen was unable to properly guide the army of hundreds of Anticans due to its slow speed because of its bigger size.

The human male 'Sunny' was also constantly changing his direction as he ran. The path he chose always seems to avoid the other Antican colony present at the border of the Torringrood Mountains.

Suddenly, Sunny stopped running, turned around, and raised his wand. He softly chanted *Small Inferno Wave*.


A familiar scene repeated as the fire began to spread outside the effective range of the skill.

During the duration of the skill, Sunny waved his wand around in a semi-circle which caused the fire to spread in much more areas than last time at a much faster pace.

Basically, Sunny had created a widescreen of fire behind him which heavily obstructed the chasing army of hundreds of Anticans.

Sunny again started sprinting just after the duration of the skill ended. This time, in just a minute he lost all the pursuers from the Antican colony which had a black-colored flame pattern on their mandibles.

As for whether any Antican from other colonies joined the chase or obstructed Sunny? Well, they didn't because of a few reasons.

First, Only the black-colored flame pattern Antican Queen could vaguely sense that Sunny wasn't an Antican.

Second, the hierarchy and rules of the Antican race are extremely strict. No Antican can order or attack any other Antican from a different colony.

This system may bring disadvantages to the race like with Sunny's situation. But, it is also what prevents infighting and chaos between different colonies.

Anyway, after losing his pursuers, Sunny kept running and only stopped and hid in a secluded place after 5 minutes when the effect of [Corpse Disguise] was about to come off.

He only started his journey back to the desert region when the effect of the [Corpse Disguise] fully dispersed.


2 hours later, Sunny was back in the safety of Pueblos city walls.

He then went to the Noble District before renting a room in one of the luxurious inns where he sorted out his inventory and rested for some time because it was close to his log-out time.

The harvest this time was also pretty good. 2,789 Gold Coins in total. Along with some ores, tokens, and some accessories.

Among the tokens he got, he was especially happy to get 2 class tokens. [Assassin in the Shadow] and [Silver Fire Mage]. Both of them are C-grade tokens. These two tokens will help very much in the near future.

He chose not to sell anything of this time's loot. After the matter of the black-colored hexagonal token is over, all these things will come in handy.

The next day, i.e. on the 11th day, after logging in, Sunny exited the luxurious inn and came to the teleportation building. He again paid the teleportation price of 500 Gold Coins. The destination? Xia Ember City.

The black-colored token that he stole from the Antican colony was not the usual token-type item, that can be simply used by crushing it.

To make proper use of it, a highly-skilled blacksmith is required. And blacksmiths capable of identifying and bringing out its full are less than 5 in the human domain.

Furthermore, all of them are affiliated with prominent backgrounds. Four of them work for an empire each. While the last one worked for the Cycadlike Treasure Chamber.

To get any of them to make an item for him is obviously an impossible task, for now.

But, Sunny knows a blacksmith, someone who is more capable, experienced, and knowledgeable than them.

A few moments later, Sunny found himself in a teleportation chamber with jade green colored walls. The scenery outside was of a bustling city full of ancient eastern architectural buildings, with advanced technology and fantasy mixed.

Sunny admired the city landscapes as he slowly walked toward the Residential Sector. When he came close to the city walls, he approached a random NPC and asked, "Excuse me, do you know where a short and stout man named Hua Chen lives?"

The NPC repeated the name and thought deeply before replying, "Hua Chen… Ah! Are you talking about the drunkard shorty Chen? Yes, I know."

Then, the NPC gave some direction to Sunny and then left to do his work or whatever he was doing.

Sunny followed the directions and reached in front of an old and slightly dilapidated house with a small front courtyard.

He came in front of the courtyard door and knocked lightly three times.

A minute passed but there was no response from inside. Sunny knocked again, this time louder while calling out, "Is sir Hua Chen home?"

Again, no response. Sunny was practically banging on the courtyard door now while shouting in a loud voice, "IS SIR HUA CHEN HOME?"


Something seems to have fallen inside the house. A moment later a man of short and round stature about 1.4 meters in height opened the door of the house and walked toward the courtyard door.

His face was scrunched up in extreme displeasure. Opening the door with a bang, he looked at Sunny and practically shouted loudly in his face, "Who the f*ck are you? Why did you come to disturb my sleep this early in the morning?"

VWPS follows the GMT +0 time zone. So yeah, it is still early 6:00 o'clock in the morning.

"Sir, my name is Chaos. I am an otherworlder and I came to know that you are an excellent blacksmith. I want your help with something that even the top 5 blacksmiths of the Human race will find hard to do. Can you help me, sir?" Sunny asked Hua Chen politely despite getting cursed.

"Huh?! Blacksmith? Me?! Don't joke around. I am not a blacksmith. Don't waste my time and yours also. Go away. Shoo! Shoo!" Although Hua Chen still spoke rudely and impolitely, he didn't curse this time.

As the saying goes, 'You can't punch a smiling man in the face.'