First Day

I just opened my eyes to see Bruce was not next to me anymore so I did the one thing babies do best I screamed and cried don't judge me I still have to at least act like a human baby even though this was so degrading for a former forty year old man.

I did not think this through all the way I then heard footsteps running down the hall and then I saw Bruce burst through the doors and he looked extremely worried and I kind of felt a little bit of guilt.

He then came over to me smiled and said hello baby brother amd then picked me up and took me to breakfest there was a varity of food so I pointed two mushed up Bannana and he picked up a spoon and started to feed me

Then when we were done we got into the limo and then I saw we were headed to central city I was hoping to run into Barry Allen

Because I am pretty sure he was not the Flash yet but I was alao thinking of how many things were diffrent from the original but I did not have to worry it seems as my wish was granted because we were headed to the Poilce Station.

A/N ( sorry about the grammar you guys but I am in school so I am trying to write quickly I will about at lunch or after school is done. )