Run Barry Run

We had just opened the door to the police station and everyone was greeting us I guess bruce was pretty famous even here in the central city.

Then I realized a very important part of the first episode of the CW TV Show today was the day Barry was going to be struck by lightning but I saw that that was not going to happen for a while so Bruce could talk to the people that are coming toward him and Alfred who is standing behind him who I guess is feeling better today you should have seen his face when he saw me in Bruce's arm when we got to the mansion yesterday.

I swear he was frozen in place for a couple of minutes but he warmed up to me pretty quickly after he asked bruce what happened when he was gone and Bruce said he found me in a spaceship also bruce called someone to bring the spaceship to the mansion which is now in the garage.

Anyways I also saw Lex Luthor and Olivier Queen here one of them I know as the guy who is obsessed with Superman and the other one I recognize as the Arrow Bruce then shook both their hand I also realized Bruce is very mature for his age I mean he is only sixteen years old.

I also realized he looks exactly the same as the actor from Batman The Dark Night and they then talk for a while most of the conversation was about where Bruce had found me he had told them he adopted me but kept it out of the newspapers I mean it definitely was a good idea to lie.

Not tell them I came from a spaceship especially with how obsessed Lex was with Clark even before he knew he was Superman and while he was busy talking I crawled up the stairs to Barry lab luckily the door was open so I crawled into the room and...

A/N ( I will post another chapter between 11:50 and 12:40 or after school till then enjoy the chapter. )