A strange structure.

One minute has passed since Carlos was riding on the platform, but as Carlos saw something the platform continued descending without stopping. After a while, the platform slowed down as it revealed a strange room. The room had cream tiles and the black walls had constellations decor on them.

Carlos looked around and noticed a blue hue that surrounds the platform. Carlos cautiously walked out of the platform. "Welcome, The Other One..." A voice boom around the room making Carlos startle. "...For you have entered prepare yourself to be judged." The voice dies down as a door opens up to show another room.

Carlos walks to the next room, unsure whether to trust the voice or not. The room was much bigger, having two chests near to the entrance of the room and it has a giant gap in the middle of the room.

'Perhaps like the pedestal, I unlock them with this...' Carlos thinks as he looks at the device. He walks up to the chest on his left and swipes at the front of the chest. It plays a chime as it unlocks and opens by itself. Carlos looks inside and sees a black sword with its sheath.

Carlos grabs the sword and notices a belt inside. 'Thankfully there's a belt here, I didn't want to put it on my waist.' Carlos thinks as he grabs the belt and puts it over his shirt. He tightens the belt to make sure it doesn't fall and looks back at the sword. Carlos unsheaths the sword and looks at it.

Carlos isn't unsure what to react with as he inspects the sword. The grip has this weird liquidy feel to it, the guard seems to be wings, but it seems that the wings are liquid, the blade is the only thing normal with the sword. 'It could be made out of steel, but what other materials are in this world?' Carlos sighs as he puts the sheath on his back and puts the sword away.

Carlos walks to the other chest and unlocks it with the device, plays a chime and it opens. Carlos looks in it and there's a black shield. Carlos grabs it and inspects it. The shield has this giant symbol of 3 golden triangles forming a bigger triangle, but the middle was upside down and seemed to be a blackened triangle. Carlos shrugged and strapped it to the sheath.

Carlos: 'It feels weird since I'm not used to this, but it feels like I'm going to adventure!'

Carlos smiles as he stands up and walks towards the gap on the floor. but his smile soon disappears as a platform rises. The platform stops and it has a strange machine in the middle of it. There were these crates all around the platform. Carlos slowly grabbed the sword's grip, but then the machine turned on.

The machine had 3 legs, and an eye on its head, along with some lines glowing orange, it has some cogs that spun around after it locks on to Carlos. Carlos unsheaths the sword and the shield and locked eyes with the machine. The machine glared at Carlos as a blue line appeared on its eye.

Carlos walked towards it, but then it shot out a small laser at him. Carlos blocked it with the shield and looked back at the machine. He rushed forward and strikes at the machine, making it break down and explode. Carlos looks at the parts that the machine dropped when it exploded.

Carlos picked up a screw and a gear. The doors to the next room open and he hurries along. He makes it to the next room, it has a tall wall with some boxes on one of the corners. "Use what you have to pass this roadblock..." The voice spoke to Carlos.

Carlos looked at the boxes and they seemed to be made out of metal. 'I don't think I could even push a metal box on my own...' Carlos sighed. He looked at the device and there seemed to be a red icon of a magnet. 'Weird, it was empty but how did this appear here...'

Carlos points the device at the boxes, but it doesn't do anything. Carlos sighs as he was putting the device on his hip, but noticed the box lift to the air. Carlos gasps as he keeps moving the device around. Thankfully there were enough boxes to form a staircase for him.

Carlos slowly climbed the staircase and reached the top. He took a deep breath as he looked at the next room. There seemed to be a statue that had his left hand extended, His face is covered by a hood as his cape waves around, he seems to have chain mail under his tunic, and on his right hand, he has a weird-looking sword with the liquid that it's made off dripping from the sword.

Carlos walks closer to the statue and at closer inspection, there's an upside-down triangle on the glove. 'Who is this?' Carlos extends his left hand and shakes his hand with the statues. But as he shakes the hand he hears, "Remember... Who you are..." Carlos gasped as he let go of the hand.

'Remember? What do I need to know about me?' Carlos thinks as he looks at his hand. He looks at the statue, but blue light surrounds him and as soon as he can see, he's back out of the structure. Carlos looks around and sees wooden creatures with leaves for masks around the door. Carlos blinks making sure he's not seeing things and as soon as he moved one step, they all scattered.

'...What was that?' Carlos walks towards the pedestal. "Ah, it nearly took you half a day to come back." The tree looked at Carlos. Carlos looked up and the sky did have a sunset hue. "I forgot, but do you have a name?" Carlos turns to the tree. "You may call me, The Deku Tree..."