Chapter 89: ~Previously~


Royal princess and Stefan Brown.

"I see war, in the future your life depends on your mate. It is her love that can save you from her."


"Who?." I questioned.

"Have you wondered how a human could be this powerful, fearless and deadly?." She could be referring to Noami. Only Noami's strength had marvelled me. She survived the silver bullet, she is beyond human.

"I think you know what I am talking about. Think.., fearless, bold, dangerous and keep to her words…"

"She is an Uran?." I asked.

"She is Ophelia, keeper of the moon."

Brief introduction of Uran.

Urans are humans, born as keepers. They are bold, fearless and deadly. They keep to their promises till death. Supernaturals fear them greatly, they don't stand a chance against them, most of them. They are called the keepers. There'd be a time where a human possesses the power of Ophelia if found worthy.


~At a restaurant ~

~Elena's pov.~

"A second phase mate?." I asked and chuckled loudly. I didn't read about such a thing.

"Yes. It is done when someone loses a mate. The moon goddess can decide to bless he\she with another mate."

"Mm.If I die now, the moon goddess can give you another woman." He nodded.

I dropped my soup, "That's cheating.." I cried. He smiled and touched my cheek. "If you die, I will die too." He mumbled…

"No, I was joking.." I said.

"What if I die in battle?." He asked. He sounded really serious. "Stop joking around, Stefan. No one's dying, there's no way I'm letting you die." He looked down at my lips and leaned forward to kiss me. I closed my eyes as we kissed briefly.

If I said Stefan was okay, you would know that I'm a chronic liar. I could feel his pain somewhere but I didn't know what it was that was bothering him. He could read my mind and I can't because he had the power to block me off the hook.

I can feel something doesn't feel right. It just doesn't. The way he behaved could only mean one thing, was he trying to dump me?.

"Baby, don't think that. I would never do such a thing." He whispered. He read me again.

"Why did you block me out?, and what are you hiding from me?." I asked.

He simply smiled and tucked my hair behind my ear. I exhaled and waited to hear him speak.

"I told you I had something for you." I nodded. Maybe this was something that he was hiding.

I watched him put his hand into his pocket and took out a small box. What's there?, a ring or another necklace, I can't wait to see.

He laughed, "Your thoughts are so weird. It's something much more special than those you listed." I rolled my eyes, he shouldn't be sneaking into my thoughts. Does he want me to stop thinking?.

Finally he opened the small box and there was the best birthday gift ever. A rounded locket gold necklace, placed perfectly in the box. I looked at him and picked up the locket. "Open it.." He urged.

I slowly opened the pendant and there stood out the picture of me and Stefan. A gasp escaped my lips before I quietly placed my hand onto my mouth.

"Do you like it?." I couldn't speak at the moment, I was staring at the beautiful picture of Stefan putting a gold necklace around my neck.

*I have copies with me.* He mindlinked and handed me pictures. I took them from him, and started checking out the pictures of the both of us. One of them caught my eyes, the way he was smiling while looking at me.

"Who took them?." I asked.

"Cali.." He said. I didn't notice Cali taking the pictures. They are all very beautiful.

"I also have something to say to you." I mumbled.

"Go on."

"I bought a house in Europe. I was thinking after the war, we would travel out of the states and live together, you and me. How do you see it?." He asked..

"Perfect." I replied to him.


Outside the restaurant, I stood and waited for Stefan to drive out our car from the lot. I held my hands together, against the extremely cold weather. I was putting on the sleeveless dinner gown Ava bought for me.

"Elena.." A very familiar voice called me from behind. I turned and frowned when I saw Wendy. She was standing with a guy and obviously going into the restaurant with him. Beside him was a teenage guy with startling evergreen eyes, he had messy brown hair that made him look more beautiful.

I removed my eyes and rested them on a slightly smirking Wendy. "Anything?.." I asked brusquely. She chuckled..

"You could at least wish me a happy christmas.." She said and I cocked my brow at her. "What do you want, Wendy?." I am pissed now. I was glaring at her this minute.

"Baby.." Stefan called me from behind. I turned, he hugged me and stroked my head gently. I knew he must have felt my tense state. He turned, then glared at Wendy. The young man beside him growled inwardly and tucked Wendy to himself in a protective stance.

Then I knew who he was immediately, a dragon. "Stay away." He warned, took my hand and led me into the car. I sat right there and watched Wendy blow up a kiss before walking into the restaurant.

"Hope she didn't say a word?." He asked, in a serious tone, obviously angry after seeing Wendy.

He drove off.

"He's a dragon." I told him.

"I know…" He pulsed and looked at me.

"Mates to a dragon. She was given a second phase mate."

"Quite lucky. That could make her think straight now." I said.

"It doesn't make me forget he hurt me as a friend. She.should.steer.clear." He was enraged.

"Get a grip on yourself, Wendy's not here." I told him and he didn't talk afterwards. The way he was driving speedily through the driveway made it known that he was still pissed off.