

Moving in great speed not belonging to a normal human, Kara suddenly appeared, his eyes emitting a faint glow, before he went in front the holy attack, gathered magic power in his hand, making it emit a faint momentary shadow glow, hitting the holy attack and sending it to the air. 



Everyone stared in shock and surprise at Kara's unanticipated intervention in the battlefield. 

If he did not shove the holy attack like nothing, they would have asked if the boy had gone crazy. But that was clearly not the case. 

Kara was not an ordinary boy!

At the same time, Kara tried to suppress May's anger that was consuming him. But he cannot. The girl inside her had controlled his emotions entirely. So he asked her something. 

"What are you doing?" 

The voice wasn't so loud, nor was it put into an angered tone. But due to the silence of the town and the bizarreness of the situation, the crowd clearly heard what words came out of his mouth. 

The crowd were not aware of who he was talking to for real. But one thing they can see was how his eyes were looking at Astrid when he asked the question, making them naturally conclude that he was talking to Astrid.

"What?" Astrid asked, smirking greatly. 

But he had to admit he was also purely puzzled and alerted. He could not believe his holy magic attack was shoved away by someone's bare hands that easily.

'This boy must be a mage…a mage capable of travelling in great speed, and has enough magic power to counter holy attacks,' he thought, and then looked at the young blonde knight who had collapsed in the ground, 'Just earlier, it was a young prodigy capable of unleashing advanced level swordsmanship and martial arts skills. Now, it's a mage. What is going on with this town?'

'Shit,' Kara looked at his palms, while he cursed inwardly. Strange surge of unnatural flow of anger was pulsating from him. It was unreasonable.

This entire thing was completely illogical. Can you imagine not feeling anything just a few minutes ago, but after a one second, you will suddenly feel an intense surge of anger? 

'If I am a normal person, I would have died of cardiac arrest.' He thought. Then he looked towards the enemy's direction. Just by looking at him, he could feel in the shred of his skin the unnatural spikes and waves of anger.

There was a simple explanation for this bizarre development. 

This was not his feelings.

Even after watching Gary fight heroically only to lose, he did not feel a shred of pity.  He saw the viciousness of the hoy knights, yet he did not feel anger or sympathy for anyone. 

'I am not like that,' he declared confidently in his heart, 'Feelings like that does not exist in me anymore. So…this anger could only be from you.'

As expected, a woman's voice answered in his mind. 

'But how could this be?' Kara thought with puzzlement. 

May was a member of the shadow race. Their species were not emotional creatures. The more pure the blood of a shadow have, they are less emotional until they were just cold creatures with stone hearts. 

'Could it be that the shadows of the past are different?'

Kara shook his head calmly. He put the thoughts to the back of his head for now. Contemplating that was not the vital thing to do right now, as he had exposed himself to the enemy. And his anger continued to rise. 

He started to walk to the unpaved ground. His gaze fell to the severed hand, picking it. Without any change in his calm facial expression, he handed the severed arm to Gary, looking at him in the eye as if he was about to silently unleash something deadly.

"Your arm can still go back to what it used to be," he briefly said. 

Gary slowly looked at him, his dead eyes started to open.  If it was real that he could still get this arm back, he would take it.

The reality of losing an arm was probably one of the worst things that could happen to a swordsman. If that would be the case from now on, he would just be a one-armed fighter. It could be the end of him. His limitations as a fighter were already on sight. That was what he felt. He felt stupid.

Gary naturally witnessed how easily the raven-haired boy dealt with Astrid's holy attack. It was clear that he had been hiding his real power all this time. 

"You…are not joking?" he asked. 

Kara nodded. So Gary took his hand.

After that, Kara stood up and looked at the crowd. He decided to ignore their eyes. Then he turned around, and eyed Astrid. 

There was no fear in his eyes. That would be uncharacteristic of him. But now, there was anger in his eyes. For a moment, Astrid suddenly felt as though Kara was bigger for a mere instant.

'This boy…could he be a natural mage?' Astrid thought, gripping his steel sword, and making its blade shine with holy light. If the boy was a powerful natural mage, they were now in trouble.

Everyone knew how powerful of an anomaly mages were. But there were two kinds of mages; the holy mages and the natural mages. 

Holy mages were not real mages in some regard. Their magic powers were borrowed after years of training and praying to the Great Gods, who blessed them with holy power if they did enough. 

Unfortunately, holy mages were not on par with the potential of a natural mage. Holy mages were very powerful but their potential was limited. 

On the other hand, natural mages were born monsters. As they aged and train their magic power, they naturally become more powerful. And some of them were enough to wage wars on kingdoms even if they have an army numbering up to thousands. 

'If he's a natural mage, is he a member of the 'Ten Factions'?' Astrid continued to think.

There were several certain factions and organizations in this world that were ruling the world. They were the Ten Factions. One of them was the Holy Church. 

This truth was only a rumor. But for someone of Astrid's status, he was not ignorant of their existence.

Astrid remembered how the raven-haired boy easily swatted his skill earlier. So he must be standing on the same level as him. 

"This is bad," Astrid sarcastically said, wearing the fake sarcastic small smile in his face, "Forgive me, you must be a natural mage. With your level of power, may I ask what faction do you belong? And what would someone of your status be doing here?"

That speech was worthless. Kara suddenly disappeared, giving Astrid a heart attack. 

"Get back! Circle Formation!" Astrid immediately commanded to his holy knights.

The sound of armors and metal swords hissing sounded in the area. And the Holy knights started to form a battle formation. 

But Kara was too fast. 

'How did my speed increase this much?'

'It's because of my emotions. The shadows of the past are like this.' 

Before anyone could anticipate where the enemy will appear from, Kara jumped in the air and arrived ferociously inside their formation, unleashing kicks and punches. He dodged a few attacks, and when they missed him, he immediately counterattacked. 

Clang Clang Clang

Bang Bang

Kara did no stay long. After about three seconds, he jumped onto the air again, and retreated 18 meters by jumping backwards. But that was not all. It could be seen that he had carried someone out of the formation. 

"Doctor, you are a healing mag, right? Put Gary's arm back." He said, putting Doctor Angelo to stand on his own.