Existence of the Angel Race

Existence of the Angel Race

The doctor was so intimidated.

'I never saw eyes like this,' he thought in fright.

Doctor Angelo was stunned and afraid, almost shaking even. He always felt something different from Kara's eyes and demeanor. But never did he realize he could speak so intimidating and authoritative. It was like he was talking to a cold murderer.

Slowly, after he huffed a loud scared breath, Doctor Angelo quickly went to Gary without saying anything.

"Let me," he offered gently putting the severed arm of Gary to his left shoulder.

Gary was not wary about Doctor Angelo in any regard. If he could put his arm back, then so be it!

"Phoenix fire: heal." Doctor Angelo said. As soon as he spoke those words, blue phoenix fire emerged from his hands, and engulfed Gary's whole arm with the same beautiful fire up to his shoulders. It was a beautiful magic that made everyone seeing it agape their mouth.

'Phoenix fire, huh? It's not…hot. It's warm and comfortable,' Gary inwardly reacted.

"My magic is called Fire of the Phoenix. The fire of the phoenix is capable of healing any wounds. You wound isn't the average, so its going to take a while for it to heal, but it would heal." Doctor Angelo explained.

As the blue phoenix fire engulfed the severed arm, Doctor Angelo advised Gary to lay down to the ground to heal faster and comfortably. Gary did as he was told, removing his iron chest armor.

At this time, the knights of the special operations squad and the adventurers approached Doctor Angelo and Gary.

"How is he?" Knight Faller first asked with a wary facial expression set on Doctor Angelo.

"He's going to be all right. Just like the raven-haired boy called Kara said, I am capable of doing this," Doctor Angelo explained, looking at Kara's back.

Everyone has something to say about Doctor Angelo, but they refrained. Right now, a certain unknown element has revealed itself.

'Sigh, now, how am I going to deal with this?' Kara thought.

He could use his shadow powers and even his explosion powers, but that might be unnecessary. Seeing how shock they were of his speed, he must be able to defeat them with his physical gifts.

Looking at Astrid who clearly had lost pieces of his annoying calm expression, Kara grinned a little looking straight at Astrid's blue eyes, right before he disappeared in the speed no one here could see!

"Holy Light: Barrier."

A barrier made out of holy light appeared in front of Astrid. Most of the holy knights and all the archers had been finished by Gary so only Astrid and at least the six strongest holy knights were standing!

"The Holy Light: Barrier Is an advanced skill of holy mages, capable of stopping an ogre from its full power attacks for five to seven times. Accept it as an honor from the Great Gods for witnessing it, natural mage!' Astrid laughed.

That was correct. But Astrid immediately knew it was useless to use it anyway.

A shadowy streak of human figure swept past him!





Two holy knights were sent away from the town square in succeeding successions, as if a bull just bulldozed them!

Immediately after that, three holy knights fell to the ground, as the streaky shadowy figure swept past them, ending them with just one attack.

Using his nails that were suddenly like claws, Kara slit their throats as if he was using knives.

With a closer look that no one would be able to notice, his fingers were now covered with a dark dense of shadows that was capable of slicing throats and crushing stones like nothing.

'Shadow: Black Claws are capable of even slicing through metal and steel. I just need to use my speed to my advantage and strike the unguarded parts of the human body,' Kara grinned as he slashed the last holy knight standing in his throat.

Kara made sure to avoid hitting the armors of the holy knights because the damage would not be as great when using a power from the dark mage arts. Unlike Gary's martial arts powers which can deal the same amount of damage despite against any magic attribute, mage arts cannot be merely used against another mage.

With mere physical strength, Kara used a roundhouse kick and hit the chest of the last holy knight, sending him away to Astrid's position.

Astrid were quick to notice this, and dodged.

But Kara already moved forward, and in superior speed for a normal human being, he arrived right in front of Astrid's face with eyes so fierce he looked like a different person.

His crimson eyes radiated with magic energy, and the edges of his hair emitted a few dense shadows.

Looking at this, Astrid pulled something from his robe and declared.

"Summon Angel!"

As soon as a bright holy light emerged from the crystal that Astrid grabbed from his robe, Kara stepped on Astrid's shoulder, kicking him and used him as a escape foothold.

The body of Astrid staggered backwards, but his expression suddenly seemed out of it, and his blue eyes were already beaming with holy light!

Astrid smiled, "The pope told me not to use this unless the Princess of Silence appeared, but you are a worthy opponent. I pray the Great Gods would forgive me for this!"

Astrid was like a madman as something suddenly grew from his body!

Everyone quickly retreated from the blinding holy light, and watched it. Kara had a calm look on his expression, but he had already created a shadow swamp for him to escape from in case.

But he didn't need it.

As soon as Astrid used a tremendous amount of holy magic using that crystal, his skin started to manifest vitality, his eyes showing calm holy light, his gold hair grew like that of a long haired beautiful woman, and soon he grew the majestic wings of an angel!

The body of Astrid stopped struggling, as its new eyes brimming with holy light looked at the world he was in as if he was teleported to a strange place he did not know.

"The world of the living," The angel inside Astrid's body said and grinned.

Kara was shocked. Everyone was stunned.

"An angel?" Chris said speechless.

Everyone was in the same boat.

They had never thought angels were even real. They all gulped.

The angel inside Astrid's body looked at the people that was shocked to see him and sized the situation. In an instant, a flash of understanding appeared on his beautiful face.

It was at this moment!

He spread his majestic white wings and flew to the air. Just then, he looked at Kara as if he was a lowly creature.

"How could this be? Hahaha," The angel started laughing.

While grinning, he madly eyed the raven-haired boy standing twenty meters in front of him. Kara was extremely alarmed.

'What is this feeling?' he thought.

It was for the first time he felt something like that. It was as if the angel could see his soul and his entirety!

It was different from mere fear or intimidation. It was like he was looking at something entirely different; something scary and to be not messed about.

'Heh. Is this a quality of angels?' Kara thought deep inside, as he had never saw an angel before too, 'I saw and read them mentioned in books. If I remember correctly, they used to co-exist alongside all the races of the world in the beginning, but that was it. However, stories say they are in pact with the Church.'

Kara believed in their existence as much as he believed in the strangeness of magic itself, but he thought meeting them would be impossible. At least in the physical world.

'May, what do you suggest I do?' Kara asked in his mind. May should be open now, as she was the source of all this trouble.

'Haha. An angel, in reality I never thought they would be so quick to get me. However, don't worry, I can gauge this angel's power. He is not very powerful, you can take him on,' May declared.

Kara rolled his eyes inside his head, and grinned inside.

'Take him on, huh? I don't care but do I have any choice?'

Kara was still feeling the anger as if it was burst out and make him insane.

Feeling this, he eyed the angel flying its majestic wings in the air, and grew his claws out, covered with black shadows.