I packed my cart early in the morning, put my suitcase with my clothes in it. Genésio hasn't crowed yet, my mother was right, I needed to get a younger rooster, I would also help him to crow, if the sun had appeared in the sky. As the big city was far away, I preferred to wake up before the rooster crowed, to get to Robson's house in time. I only had a piece of corn cake in the kitchen and some black coffee to wake up, because the pie and mimosa only gave milk after eight in the morning. I've never seen such temperamental cows, it can only be for lack of bull. After that, I went to town.
It wasn't hard to find Robson's house. By the way, house was a nickname, he lived in a huge apartment, I had to leave the cart on the sidewalk, because I couldn't leave animals in the building's parking lot. I tied my horse to a post, hoping no one would steal the Ferrari from me.
I entered that apartment that were two of my house and had a strong coffee, including cheese, bread, butter, papaya, banana, melon and coffee with milk. I remembered many breakfasts there on the farm with a plentiful table, but there, in addition to the house servants eating, there were also peons who joined us at the banquet and when there was food left over we fed the pigs to avoid waste. However, here he was alone, he had no wife, no children to share all this food. What did he do with the food he couldn't eat? Did he have a pig here?
"I'll tell you, more or less, what the sisters you're going to work with are like," he said with his mouth full, how impolite! I think the pig was himself. "Your cousin is very smart when it comes to programming."
"Now! Am I going to work for a television company?" Did he laugh, by any chance, did he laugh in my face?
"No! The programming I'm talking about is computer programming, the development of software and applications for better development of the machines we manufacture. Well, I believe your sister Alexia will put you in that role. I asked their father several times to put it to work, but he never wanted to."
"Because he didn't want to put them to work with him since they could contribute to the company?"
"That, I don't know, I just know that Roberto left a luxury apartment, as an inheritance to his cousin, and left nothing to Alexia.
"She must have been very angry with her father."
"You have no idea, she hopes to work with you in running the company."
"Fine by me! I don't know anything about administration."
"But Ishmael said you're good with finance."
"Yeah, yeah, maybe if I had helped my dad in the grocery store like he wanted from the start, we wouldn't be suffocating right now."
"But only with the salary you'll earn managing FazenTéc, you'll be able to pay off the farm's debts."
"Yes, that's what I hope."
Robson told me what was written in the other will, said I could pass the company name on to the two sisters if I didn't want to work at the company, but only after a year. If he gave up sooner, the company would take the board.
"The company is going through a financial crisis and if you give up sooner, the crisis will only increase, because the sisters won't be able to do anything."
"So it's all up to me?"
"Basically, even if you're not directly managing, but you need to be in the company."
"It's complicated, where am I going to sleep, how much do I have here in town?"
"For now, you can stay at my house until I find a place for you."
"All right!"
We finished the coffee and left for the company, he offered me a ride, but I decided to go by buggy to see the city landscape, calmly. I saw people walking in a hurry, children tantrums on the sidewalk, and the mother didn't seem to mind.
Ah, if it were me, my mother would give me her hand on the “ears”, to learn how to behave. Oh, I miss the old days when I ran barefoot through the yard, came home with dirty feet, and Mom ran after me with a leather thong so I could wash my feet. Mom was affectionate, but when I needed discipline, she had a steady hand. When I have my kids, I'll raise them loose on the farm to learn how to fall, get hurt, and get up to do it all over again. Play with the animals and learn to take care of the land.
I was so absorbed in my thoughts that I didn't even notice when I arrived at the company I'm going to work for. The FazenTéc building was huge, almost an entire block, and I had the impression that the height matched the sky. I had to leave the Ferrari tethered to a post again, it seemed like no one wanted to be responsible for a horse. We entered the building with glass doors, marble floor and interior walls, it was covered with mirror wherever I went.
We waited a while at the reception to get my badge, I looked around and saw people looking at me strangely, it felt like they were seeing an attraction at the zoo. What was wrong with my appearance? We got into the elevator, I hung my badge on my plaid button down shirt, looked at myself in the elevator mirror, tied my windblown hair as I rode in my stroller, straightened my hat and straightened my buckle. belt that was crooked. When we got to the plenary of the presidency, I was much more "correct". A blonde girl who was sitting behind a table, which had a screen that looked like a TV, one of those very thin, got up and came to greet us.
"Good morning, Mr. Robson?" said the blonde.
“Good morning Sara! This is Romão, Francisco's son." The woman looked me up and down, as the people below did. "Have the sisters arrived yet?"
"Yes, and I'll let you know, Alexia is a real beast."
"I imagine, it's even understanding, after what her father did to her."
I think they're talking about her father's will.
"Do you think this will could be false, that there could be another one that would nullify this one?"
"It's possible, I've already thought about investigating, but I need them to get to know each other first, to give me time to resolve this matter."
"I'll announce you." The girl entered and it wasn't long before she entered, she left. "You gentlemen may enter."
Robson got in first, and when I got in I thought their reaction would be the same as the secretary and the people downstairs, but I was wrong. His reactions were worse. They both looked transfixed, as if they'd seen a spook, their mouths slightly open and not breathing. At least, that's what it looked like.
"What the hell is that?" said the white girl, with blue eyes and brown hair in a bun, with makeup well done, not like Cidinha who looked like Snow White's stepmother, but this girl's makeup looked professionally done.
She wore a dark blue blazer, almost black, with a white button-down shirt, showing some of the swell of her breasts, and a tight skirt the color of the blazer. She really looked like an executive, very well groomed and coiffed, I can say that she went well with this look.
"This is Alexia," Robson said, close to my ear.
"And I'm Patricia, Alexia's sister and her cousin." She looks like her sister, she has the same color of eyes, the same type of hair, a little darker than the other.
She was also wearing the same type of clothing as her sister, but the color was dark gray and, unlike her sister, Patricia didn't look very good in this type of outfit.
"Pleasure!" I say, squeezing my cousin's hand.
"The pleasure is all mine," said my cousin. "Sit down."
I looked at the other girl as I sat in an armchair across from her desk and she rolled her eyes, stirring her coffee with a spoon.
“I think we need to not only run the company together, but also the way you dress and the way you look,” said the little white girl in a haughty tone.
"What's the matter with how I look and how I dress?" She looked at me, straightening her posture and lifting her nose.
"In the world we live in, we have rules of etiquette. It may be common for you to dress like this, not cut your hair or shave where you live, but in my world, appearance and dress are fundamental. If you show up like that at a dinner party bargain or meeting, people won't give you any credit,” said Alexia.
“I must admit my sister is right. I don't like to change people's dress or appearance, but the company is struggling and we really need new investors. And as you are one of those responsible, you will be the face of the company and you need to be presentable" said Patricia.
"OK! I can even wear those fancy frilly clothes the men in your world are used to wearing, but my beard and hair don't mess up."
Alexia didn't seem to agree, but she didn't say anything. Good for her, if she opened her cocky mouth to talk about my hair, I would make her swallow that cup with coffee and all. Lie! I would not do that. Mom taught me that, no woman you should hit, even if she makes you angry. But if she were a man...
“It's a good start,” Patricia said, looking at Alexia, who rolled her eyes.
How annoying!
"So, can we know the name of the country's savior, who has never seen a pair of scissors in his life?" she said mocking my face and taking a sip of her coffee.
“Alexia!” Patricia scolded her sister.
"My name is Romao."
I saw this girl blushed in a way that looked like she had eaten pepper. She started coughing, choking on a sip of coffee, all after I said my name. Will I have to change my name too?