Advancing To The Second Year (1)

"Why do you look so tensed Aiden?"

Aysel asked as she looked at her child's face. Aiden was pacing around the room with a worried expression as he suddenly stopped.

"I have my exam today mother. What did you expect?"

"I expected you to be standing in a cool pose saying that you knew everything."

"It's not a theory exam mother."

"It's not?"

Aiden facepalmed when he heard his mother's words.

"It is a practical exam where we will fight against our classmates. There are a total of eight children in my class and we will all have a single fight. The ones who would lose would be kicked out." Aiden explained as Aysel looked surprised.

"I didn't know they made the exam this hard. It was only a normal tournament back in the day."

"We will talk about that later mother, lets go first."

[ Name – Aiden Locksworth Shadowstone

Race – Demon

HP – 150 / 150

EE – 500 / 500

Titles – None

Main Job Class: Prince of Shadows (Level 6)

Exp: 10502 / 22095


< Intelligence: 105 >

< Strength: 56 (+10) >

< Agility: 52 >

< Dexterity: 56 >

< Vitality: 50 >


It had been a long time since Aiden had opened his status screen. The reason was simple, Aiden didn't check his stats while training or doing any other thing.

Even though they gave him a detailed explanation of how strong he was, they still made him think about how much he still had to do.

"You will now advance to your second year if you clear this exam Aiden. You will meet many second years now and would be a part of our military."

"While being ten years old?" Aiden was baffled by the fact that ten years old were considered as military students.

"The separation only lasts till the first year and all the students are put together. Normal classes give the exam two years later when they are almost 13 years old but the imperial class gives it a year earlier while they are 11 years old."

"And we are giving it so earlier. Great, we are going to be put together with 13 to 15 years old teenagers." Aiden muttered in an annoyed tone as Aysel nodded.

"It is what it is." Aysel replied as both of them then appeared at the academy.

After dropping him off, she left back as Aiden stepped into the classroom.

The other seven children were already there but Kisuke was missing. Aiden quietly went forward and sat beside Will.

The two friends were too anxious to say anything and sat there quietly. It looked as though the entire class was worried about the test.

So when Kisuke entered the class, everyone took a sharp intake of breath

"After some consideration, some major changes have been. First of all, six out of the eight of you will advance to the next class. As for the remaining two, you will have to redo the class and give the exam a year later." Kisuke explained as silence loomed over the place.

The children stared at each other's faces as though they couldn't believe what they had just been told.

"Now without further ado, let's go to the exam site." Kisuke added with an inward smile.

He had always loved children from the beginning and that was the major reason he had applied to be a teacher.

But he hadn't really expected that he would become the teacher of the imperial class, the same class he had once studied in.

While looking at the children, Kisuke sent the signal for the shadow user to come in.

Ten of them stepped inside the classroom at once and gathered all the children. After that, all of them teleported at once.

'Isn't this place...' Aiden immediately recognized the new place where they had appeared.

It was the arena where he trained with his mother and was the same place where he met Zoe for the first time.

Looking back on it, Aiden felt as though their meeting happened a really long time ago.

"I still remember how your mother hit my brother and sister that day." Aiden suddenly jumped in surprise as he turned around to see Zoe standing behind him.

She was wearing similar clothes to Aiden except hers were black in color. They represented her dark element while Will's purple and white clothes represented his lightning and light elements.

"So the selection will be done through an old method. You will take out a piece of paper from this box Every piece of paper has a number on it and those with the same number will battle each other."

Kisuke then took out a small box the size of a monitor screen and held it in his hands.

All eyes suddenly turned towards Aiden who gulped nervously.

'Is this another custom that I don't know about?' Aiden cursed mentally. It looked as though his mother forgot to mention another common thing.

"If a member of the royal family is in the imperial class, he or she will be the first one to pick the paper." But thankfully, Will saved him.

'Will my savior.' Aiden thought as he mouthed Will a thank you before walking towards Kisuke.

There was a small opening in the box which was barely wide enough for Aiden to put his hand inside it.

But after he clutched a piece of paper, he took his hand put and glanced at the number written on the paper.

"One." Aiden read while walking backwards as he now had to wait for the others to take their slips of paper.

He looked at the seven children as he had no idea who his opponent would be. It could only be left on chance.

After a few minutes, everyone had a slip of paper.

"Those with the number one, please step forward while the others should move back. I forgot to mention that the number on your slip will also be the order in which you will go fight." Kisuke announced as Aiden moved forward.

And alongside him, Zoe also moved forward.