34. Prehistoric piece of trash!

Trieze crept into the packhouse with a grimace, an omega that didn't see him jerked in fright then frowned.

Trieze raised a brow, he is gravely upset and the omega dare to look at him with disgust??! He won't have it! He grabs her neck, lifting her above the floor.

"Where's your frown now?"He taunted.

The omega is Lila, she struggles effortlessly to pull the hand away to no avail. Her face was red with veins and to top it, a crowd began to form.

Left with no option, Lila shifted and landed on her feet.

"So you wanna fight huh? I will kill you bloody omega!" Treize barked as he shifted as well.

To everyone's surprise, Lila did not cower away. She had her head up although her limbs were shaking. This is for her baby, this monster wanted to hurt her boy. Her tears streamed down but she must hurt this alpha even if it means she uses her omega ability that is likely to take her life.

The omega ability is another treasured secret of omegas, it gives them the strength of a thousand omegas in one blow but the consequence is death or in some cases, the death of a loved one and that is why most omegas avoid it, it could go either way.

Treize's wolf growled and bared his teeth as he approaches her.

With his paws, he sent her flying across the room followed by a sudden commotion outside.

"The Ultima wolf is back!"

Howling, Treize's voice sounded like five powerful alphas roaring, every wolf present froze as his eyes turns red before he ran out.

<" Where is that prehistoric piece of trash!"> He barked.

The guards that were shivering from seeing the wolf again were now terrified of their alpha, his new voice, and his size. It was as if every time he shifted, he grew.

The rest of the guard wolves pushed their leader forward. He swallowed as his mind linked back. "It went that way, alpha." He pointed to the spot the Ultima was before it shapeshifted.

Strangely the wolf stood in the spot it destroyed before like it didn't want to cause more harm.

Treize's head twitched, and he bolted to the woods with god-like speed.

He didn't know what he was chasing, he had never seen the Ultima wolf before but felt zero fear of it.

He heard the snapping of a twig behind, forcing him to pull the brakes of his legs. He turned and was face to face with a sliver-eyed white and black wolf that is four feet taller than him and bigger.

He suddenly became afraid but didn't show. He stalked towards it. <" So you are the pack invader? I will show you what we do to your kind."> He muttered and leaped at the wolf.

Energìa slapped him to a tree as Trieze felt his head almost detach from his body.

<" I won't kill you now, your time will come and it is closer than you think."> Energìa mind linked him before she disappeared.

Treize unconsciously crawled back. <"Where did it go?"> He could still feel eyes on him but couldn't see them.

He rose with difficulty and began slowly walking to the packhouse. ' How is this possible? Among the powers of the Ultima, mind powers were not involved. How did it do that? Could it be a member of the pack? Impossible! But I have to make sure of it. '

Betty ran to his side and nuzzled his neck. "My baby, my alpha are you okay?"

Treize grounds his jaws, he felt like pushing Betty away but that would make the lie he wants to tell invalid. <" Are you nuts?! My neck hurts let go!"> He sent her a mate's mind link.

Betty smiled at the crowd as she let her mate go. "You all should be proud of your alpha, he faced the Ultima and came back unharmed, he is truly powerful! All hail alpha Treize!"

"Your reign will be everlasting!" The gathered crowd chorused.

<"Pass on this information, the oath swearing is in two days."> Trieze told.

He refused to shift as he climbed up the stairs.

The crowd gasped and Betty squealed!

The oath Treize was talking about can only be sworn under the great blue moon. It had been a part of their pack tradition, that is, the one Trieze made after his father passed.

All members of the blue moon pack aside from the juveniles have sworn it. The oath is Treize's assurance that no one will challenge him or try to wrestle him for the Alpha position.

It is called the devotion oath, it is done with Treize's blood, sand from the pack, the blood of those swearing, and the rays of the blue moon.

It is feared by all because betrayal means death, the packies that refused to swear were kicked out, those included the elders ordained by Treize's father who considered the act cowardly.

Since one must shift before swearing the oath, this generation of juveniles was yet to swear because the blue moon has not been sighted in ten years and it's supposed to appear every four years.

Betty spines around like a child. "I am getting married in two days!" She stops as she realizes. "I am not ready for it. Oh my goodness! How do I prepare for a wedding in such a small time." she panicked.

Tina patted her back. "Don't worry, we are here to help. "She said.

She knew Betty will not lift a finger but then she is going to be luna in two days.