35. Werewolves and their damn senses!

Beta Joe who was standing on the sidelines turned away. His face screwed up, he has a lot of work to do. The gamma's mate entered heat yesterday meaning he would be little or no help to the pack. His only option is the deltas.

<" Where are you, boys?"> He mind links his boys. <" The alpha just announced the siting of the moon, we have a lot of work to do, his wedding is on the same day and you know what that means.">

< " I don't feel like leaving the pack."> Jeremiah nagged, his father raised an investigation brow, this son of his never refuse any pack duty while the other~ comments are reserved.

<" I am not asking you what you feel like doing Jeremy, those invitations won't send themselves. Get home now."> Beta joe berated him.

<" And this is why I said all werewolves should be tech-savvy, we could have easily emailed the invites to them without going to their packs."> Jedidiah chipped.

<"Thank you for the unsolicited advice, Jed, get home now!">Beta Joe said after which he broke the link.

Jedidiah heavily sighed. "What do we do now? The moon is coming a week ahead of plans." He asked.

"The plan doesn't change, only that the signing has to happen tonight. " Arielle said.

Emilia nodded, "I have spelled the papers, all that the delta boys need to do is exchange it with any important documents . " she explained.

Jedidiah shook his head. "Not gonna happen, we have invitations to delivery you do it yourself and how the hell do you think exchanging a random document will make Trieze sign?" he asked.

Emilia rolled her eyes. "It is a process, first you place the documents on the one I will give you, it's on a copy cat spell, it will copy the content of the other but only Trieze can see the fabrication if anyone else sees the plan will fail."

"Too complicated, you're doing it yourself." Jedidiah hmphed and crossed his arms.

"Why do you guys need to invite all those alphas? It's not like they are all going to come."Arielle shrugged.

"Oh they will come, the moon's powers are stronger on our pack grounds, it blesses every wolf under it with a special gift or strength increment, so it's a huge event." Jeremiah told.

"I guess it would be an opportunity to make new alliances. "Arielle said then looked at Emilia. "You are on your own, I am sorry. I have other things to do."

Emilia nodded with a smile but deep down she was scared, her sisters felt her distress and fondled her.

"Don't worry you've got this!" They cheered.


After drinking a potion that makes one invincible, Emilia gave her sister the go-ahead nod to open a portal before she is completely invincible.

Clara immediately opened one that revealed the backyard of the packhouse. "Best of luck, sis." She said as the portal closed.

Standing at the door to the washer room Arielle directed her, Emilia turned the knob.

Unfortunately, the creek alerted a patrolling guard wolf nearby. "Who is there?!" he growled.

Emilia held her breath. ' Werewolves and their damn senses!' She tiptoed into the room, straight to the door that led to the hallway.

The guard wolf rushed in and began sniffing the air. His wolf told him it was not the wind that opened the door but he couldn't find the perpetrator or better still, he couldn't see anyone.

He scratched the top of his head. "Beatle, I don't think there's anyone here." He said.

Emilia deciphered that he was referring to his wolf. She lets out a sigh of relief when the guard wolf left the room. ' That was too close.'

This time before she moved, she thought cautiously. She mumbled a spell that drained the majority of the oil on her face. It was little and floating, she controlled it, sharing it with the two bolts holding the door. "Better safe than sorry. " She whispered.

Opening the door after some seconds, she almost bumps heads with a blonde-haired middle-aged man. He had lazy eyes like Jeremiah, she knew instantly that he is the twin's father.

She took a step back as the man paused, looking at the door that just opened on its own. He pushed his head into the room with his hands on the frame. He could see through the darkness so he didn't feel like flipping the light switch.

Narrowing his eyes, he still couldn't see anyone, and just like the guard wolf, he made an excuse in his head for the door opening. He shut the door with Emilia hurriedly leaping backward on her tippy toes.