Gwenyvere wasn't aware of anything, since all had happened so fast that for a moment, she had thought had nightmare had personified.

in a minute she was peacefully sleeping and in the next one, she was trapped under Keane's body with no chance to move an inch. Lord knew she was afraid of the man, so she didn't know why is it he kept bounding their paths.

If only she could vanish.

The sparkling eyes she had once seen in the farmland of her father stared back at her. It was him; he was the wolf. She closed her eyes shut wishing she was swallowed by the bed as Keane leaned to her ear caressing her neck with his breath.


Gwenyvere was damn if she dared to move now!

Instead, she lay completely still, however, the ascending and descending of her hearth at such a rhythmic rate revealed how nervous she was for his closeness.

She dared not to look at him, to look at them. They were both naked, and it was the first time she had touched a man naked, let alone lay with one nude. But it seemed Keane had other intentions; He caressed her neck gently with his fingertips sliding lower to her chest.

To stop what was going on was human but to get away intact was divine. She wanted to say something but her tongue seemed to be asleep. his hand cupped her breast massaging them gently and sending shivers through her spine. She tighten her fist when the warmth of his mouth surrounded her nipple; at this point, Grwenyvere knew she had to stop him at all costs.

"Al..pha" She gasped reaching out for his hand between her tights.

A growl resounded in his throat, Gwenyvere stared at the dark until the yellowish eyes were on sight again, they look magnificent to her, she wondered how touching them would be like.

The strongest stand out between them, and one proof that the human had finally Surrendered to the fight was the fact she hasn't addressed him by his name or any of the indignities she normally came up with.

Gwenyvere had called him "alpha". It wasn't the first time he was called like that but somehow when she said it each word seemed to be music for his ears. Keane stared down at her knowing a scared rabbit when he sees one, and right now the woman beneath him was to have a hard attack if he didn't stop giving in to his impulses.

This was a whole new experience for him, Every woman he had had in the same position had been very willing and very comfortable to exhibit their beauty, Yet it was very obvious that Gwenyvere couldn't wait to cover herself and instead of enjoying his attentions, she looked concerned and the only willingness she showed was to beg him to stop his advances.

Keane frowned, his ego was hurt while his arrogant wolf urged him to take her.

To take what was his!

The woman wasn't surrendering to him, she was begging for mercy so she could fight back another day nor was she calling him alpha for acknowledgment of his range but because of fear.

Gwenyvere was so afraid of him she was shivering. But Keane knew that although she looked at him as if she was to melt in his arms, there was a little tiny side of her that was affected by him.

If he hadn't been a werewolf, he wouldn't have perceived her excitation but he was, and sooner or later he was determined to make a bonfire out of the spark.

Keane got off Genyvere and laid by her side, the sooner she was free she turned giving his back to him trying to remember how to breathe; sudden movements weren't an option so she tried to cover as much as her hands allowed her. She knew he was right behind her. She knew he was!

The night was cold and she had needed the blanket even before he had come in.

"Take it," said Keane firmly all of a sudden.

Gwenyvere stared at the wall bewilderedly, she didn't know what he meant but she had a hunch of what was going on so she went for the blanket on the ground covering herself as if Keane could see her in such darkness.

The last thought lighted a bulb on her head, she looked at where she knew the bed to be and since she heard no signs that the bastard of her raptor was awake, she slowly wrapped the blanket around herself and tiptoed to the door with supreme parsimony, victory could already be sensed for she knew all men are very heavy sleepers. All she had to do was to pull the handle and pray that there was no candle hung on a chandelier illuminating the corridor so as for her not to be caught in the action.

Maybe she was wrong to strike so promptly, Keane had just spared her and now she was attempting to disobey him once again.

She pated the door until she felt the round cool steel on her hand, she sighed with nervousness. Now the next move was to make sure he was still asleep.

Gwenyvere held the handle and look at the bed trying to spot the darker figure that was on it earlier.

She let the handle go and quickly covered her mouth to silence a scream.

at that moment her heart pounded like she has been running for hours with no stop. Every heartbeat was almost deafening her, she tried to adjust her eyes attempting to see anything in any corner of the bed, but it was of no use.

The bed was empty. Keane was not there.