
"Why?" I suddenly said without context.

"Why?" he asked back.

"Why didn't you take the stone when you had the chance. I had fainted, and even now, the stone is right there but you refuse to take it." I said with slight puzzlement. That was the part I didn't understand.

"Sure, I could have taken the stone off you on many occasions. But it isn't a stretch to say that I wanted to see what you would do. I must say, you never cease to surprise me. The things you know, how you act, and the things you have accomplished all in one year are fascinating. That is why. Nothing more nothing less." He said calmly.

"But I am surprised that you're giving it to me so easily. Don't you want it? after all, you must have taken it for a reason, right?" he said curiously.

I smiled slightly when he mentioned that. "you're correct, I did take it for a reason, but I do not want the stone. It is of no use to me apart from making me rich. Which I have no issue doing by myself." I said calmly. Dumbledore perked up when he heard that and sat up a little straighter.

"Oh? Continue, what is it you wanted with the stone?" he asked.

"A negotiation of sorts, I wish for something, and in return, you can save your friend's life. Simple stuff, right?" I said with a grin. Dumbledore's eyebrows furrowed slightly as he looked at me.

"And what is it you want?" he asked.

"Knowledge, I wish for knowledge professor. Should be something you can provide, right?" I asked. He looked at me and then at the books on his shelf before nodding slowly.

"I do not wish for only access to these books, no-no, I want full access to the forbidden section for me and Hermione," I said adamantly.

"This isn't much of a negotiation if there's no bargaining," he said with a stiff smile.

Ohhhh… Sorry, did I say negotiation? I meant extortion."

Dumbledore's lips twitched slightly as he looked at me. He sat there quietly for a moment before shaking his head.

"No, that won't do. There are things in the forbidden section children your age shouldn't have access to. But… I can make an exception if it's only you, Granger can't come. You must also forfeit your right to come here and read my books," he said after a bit of thought. I knew that this was fine if it was just me since that was my goal. But thinking about Hermione and her incessant nagging. I simply didn't want to deal with it. Plus, in a sense she was helpful. Two people can cover more ground than one.

"Professor, I wonder how much pressure I would have to exert in order to break this stone?" I said while looking at it as it lay on the desk. Dumbledore looked puzzled but still smiled slightly.

"I do not think it will be possible," he said confidently. He would be right if it was anyone else. I was sure it would be incredibly tough to break, but I had Drak.

"Why don't we try it then?" I said before stretching my hand out and grabbing it. Dumbledore looked on intently with intrigue.

I simply looked at it before clenching my fist burying it inside. I clenched tighter and tighter and began to use Drak's power and concentrated it all on my forearm and fingers. Soon, a small cracking noise could be heard, and Dumbledore slightly flinched.

"That is enough. I didn't think you could manage it. it seems I was mistaken. Let me see, I can give you and Granger a pass for two years into the forbidden section. That means next year and the year after. But you will still have to forfeit reading my books," he said while rubbing his forehead. I smiled happily and accepted. Next year I would be able to extort him for more. I think I got a winning bargain. He didn't get anything, and I got half a library full of incredibly useful knowledge.

"Very well, I will tell Madame Pince to expect you and Granger there next year." He said reluctantly.

"Pleasure doing business with you,"

"Business is when both parties benefit," he said helplessly.

"Oh? Whatever could you mean Professor, did I not perhaps, save Potter from certain death due to your miscalculation? Did I not perhaps save everyone from Voldemort's return after he got the stone from Potter's dead corpse? I think you earned a lot here. If anything, I came out with a losing bargain," I said with fake disappointment.

"Maybe we should discuss our arrangement again?" I asked.

"No-no, that won't be necessary, it is all fair, all fair," he said with a stiff smile. I ran out of tea, and he soon filled it up for me again.

"Now, moving on to the second topic, I would like to ask you, Tom, what do you think of Harry?" he said as he poured the tea. I was surprised at his question but answered truthfully.

"Ignorant, naïve, low self-esteem, incredibly dependant and has little to no motivation towards school." I evaluated. Dumbledore was surprised that I had just spat that out as if I was ready for the question all along. "What can I say, I'm stuck in his class all year. You evaluate everyone." I said with a helpless shrug.

*cough* "you seem to know him well. I plan to let the Gryffindor house win…" he paused.

"To boost Harry's confidence, I assume?" I asked.

"Correct, but because of our little chat before you fainted, I cannot give you any points. I plan to award Longbottom, Grander, Weasley and Harry for their efforts. You're not regretting it, are you? If you are, you can simply take the fame and I will take back the passes," he said excitedly as if he was about to go do that this moment.

"No-no, that is not the case," I said as my lips twitched uncontrollably. This was not what I expected from Dumbledore. He didn't try to hide his disappointment but cheered up anyway.

"Professor, can you tell me why you manipulated the snitch in Harry's first game?" I asked suddenly with a grin. His face froze as he looked at me in surprise.

"I did not think anyone caught that. Well, I can't expect much less from you." He said trying to move away from the conversation.

"Well, I would be happy to hammer down in Harry's ineptitude and lecture him about why he's not adequate, which would ruin the little scheme you're concocting if you don't add something to the table. You know, it's only fair that way,"

"*Sigh* what do you want?" he said with a tired expression.

"Not much, just access to your books," I said pointing at the massive collection on the bookcases. Dumbledore looked at me with a helpless expression before nodding. I smiled happily and got up but stopped suddenly.

I swear I saw Dumbledore flinch. "Yes, Tom? Anything else?" he asked cautiously.

"I was just wondering, why go through all this trouble when you could directly strong-arm the decision and call the shots at the feast tonight." I could see the relief on his face when I said that. I wondered what I missed during the year to make him have such a reaction. Slightly disappointed at the missed opportunity but what could I do.

"Well, if I do so, Professor snape would be very angry and the other students are very hard to handle themselves, and since I am a headmaster, I need to be fair to all students," he said.

"Even if you use tricks?" I smiled.

"Yes, even if I have to use tricks." He replied. I smiled in understanding. we both shared a brief laugh before I proceeded towards the door.

"You know Tom, you remind me of someone," said Dumbledore suddenly.

I stopped in my tracks when I heard him say that. I turned around and looked at him with curiosity.

"Oh, really? Can I ask who?"

"Ah… a very old… friend of mine," he responded, seeming as if the question brought back certain memories.

'Who do you think it is?' I asked.

[ha! Well-well-well, it seems I was right to pick that person after all] said Drak.

'What do you mean?'

[the person I suspect he is talking about is the same person I will take you to meet,] he said with a chuckle.

'can't you just tell me?'

[Don't bother about it, you will know when you need to know,] he said. I didn't bother to ask further. Whoever it was, I'm eager to meet them if both Drak and Dumbledore see a resemblance of them in me. Odd fellows these old people are.