What a year it has been

"I best be on my way then Professor, I hope we have such fruitful discussions in the years to follow," I said meaningfully before walking out the door. I didn't wait for his reply and descended the same spiral staircase and past the Gargoyle statue before heading to the common room.


"My oh my, that boy is a handful." Said Dumbledore as he rubbed his temples.

"Who would have known he was so perceptive. And to think he was able to extort everything he wanted from me in the end. My, how the mighty have fallen," he mumbled with a self-deprecating smile.

"I wonder what he meant by having more of such discussions, if it was up to me, I wouldn't want to negotiate with him ever again."

He stood up and walked towards the second floor via the stairs and looked out into the lake where a massive squid could be seen splashing around.

"Ah…. I wonder how you're doing, my old friend," he whispered with a complicated gaze.

Far into the distance in a remote part of Austria Europe. A massive stone structure could be seen. Naturally, it was hidden from sight due to enchantments. On the entrance, a set of distinctive words were engraved. And on the topmost floor, an old man sat silently, hunched over with his head bowed. But for some odd reason, he sprang to life and jolted his head upwards. He looked into the expanse of clouds that frolicked in the sky happily.

"My-oh-my, who could be thinking of me at this time?" he asked with a slight smile. His short messy white hair and tattered clothes gave him a homeless vibe. His single, oddly white eye stared into the open sky questioningly before a butterfly flew into the room. He stretched his hand out to support the butterfly, only for it to get zapped by lightning out of nowhere. He smiled before it slowly receded until only his cold, emotionless, stone-like face remained. His eyes that stared out into the endless sky dimmed once again. His figure that had been filled with sudden vitality for a mere second, deflated, and his hunched, desolate frame took shape once more.


I quickly arrived back at the common room and was ignored like always. The only difference was, everyone was huddling around like a bunch of penguins seeking warmth. They all swarmed around Harry asking questions and whatnot. I didn't fail to spot Hermione who sat in our usual spot reading the book that previously took residence on my nightstand. A book on combat spells. It seems that my little adventure sparked some of her dormant fighting spirit.

"Are you still reading that book?" I asked while I sat next to her.

"of course, I need to be abl—TOM!" she exclaimed only realising who asked the question halfway through her answer. She turned towards me and hugged me tightly for a moment before breaking away.

"I'm glad to see you are alright," she said with a happy smile. I must admit, I have grown used to her smile. Except for those buck teeth. I really do wonder if she will grow into them. I thought myself while staring at her.

"Tom?" she asked, rousing me from my odd thoughts.

Yes-yes, right, I'm alright," I said messily. She didn't seem to bother much about my response.

"To answer your question, I cannot simply allow you to go off doing such things on your own Tom. Henceforth, I'll be putting much more effort into duelling and offensive spells." She said adamantly. I simply looked at her silently for a little while. I don't really get why but I was happy to have her as a friend. I don't know why I felt so sentimental currently, but I embraced it and gave her a soft hug before getting up.

"Come Hermione, the others are heading to the great hall for the end of year feast," I said extending a hand. Hermione was frozen there for a moment with a light blush on her cheeks. Maybe I overdid it a bit. But it was better than never showing appreciation for the effort and concern other's put in.

Hermione snapped out of it and stared at my hand before taking it. I propped her up and followed behind the swarm of red and gold sweaters that were worn by our peers.

We made our way through the crowded corridors; the great hall was incredibly boisterous and lively. There were students of all grades chatting merrily. It was a very cheerful time as the end of the school year had arrived. Exams were over and the long-awaited holidays would be all there was in sight for a long time.

The only thing that slightly dulled the lively mood were the colours that hung from the ceilings. Blue and bronze draped the sides of the walls that gave a royalistic like feel. The Ravenclaw students were the happiest bunch out of all the students. After all, they had won for the first time in 6 whole years.

When we walked in, there were some stares and muffled chats, but it was all directed at Harry and not to me. Much to my pleasure.

"I'm annoyed that no one knows that you were the one to save the day," said Hermione in annoyance. I put my arm around her shoulder and whispered in her ear.

"I prefer it that way, I doubt you would want other people annoying us constantly and whispering about who knows what, right?" I asked calmly. Hermione nodded slightly but her ears were slightly red. I sighed lightly and distanced myself from her and sat down in an empty chair. The whispers continued and it didn't take long before Hemione leaned in.

"I'm glad you're so wise," she said with a giggle before turning her head towards Professor Dumbledore who had just walked in. similar to Hermione, he caught the attention of everyone present which stopped all the chatter in its tracks. Much to the visible relief of Harry.

"Another year is gone!" he said cheerfully. "And I must trouble you with an old man's wheezing waffle before we sink our teeth into this delicious feast we have prepared. What a year it has been! Hopefully, your heads are a little fuller than they were… you have the whole summer ahead to get them nice and empty before next year starts…" he said before pausing.

"Did you hear that Ron, maybe you'll even forget your name if you empty your head any more than it already is," I said mockingly. Ron was indignant but couldn't respond as Dumbledore continued shortly after my comment.

An: Holy shit. I'm finally finished with the first year. thank you to everyone who supported this novel, I appreciate every single one of you. From here on it changes drastically. I'm very excited to show you what I have in store. Hope you enjoyed the chapter and I wish you a good day or night wherever you are.