House cup changes

"Now, as I understand it, the house cup here needs awarding, and the points stand thus: in fourth place, Gryffindor, with three hundred and twenty-two points;" he paused again. There was a stiff clapping going on in the hall as the Gryffindor students had sullen looks on their faces. Harry looked downcast and so did Ron. Hermione just glared at them intensely.

"In third, Hufflepuff, with three hundred and fifty-two; Slytherin has four hundred and twenty-one and Ravenclaw, four hundred and seventy-three." The same pause and clap happened after he announced every house and there was a resounding applause when Ravenclaw was announced the winner.

I really felt bad for the poor fools. It was completely unfair of Dumbledore to do what he was going to do. And what made it worse was, no one could refuse unless it was Harry, Ron, Neville and Hermione. None of which had the balls to do so since they would be crucified by the rest of the house.

I could see Cho and the other Ravenclaw students banging the goblets on the table.

"Yes-yes, well done, Ravenclaw, well done," said Dumbledore. "However, recent events must be taken into account."

The room went eerily quiet and still. The Ravenclaw students smiles somewhat faded and their eyes slightly dimmed. It seems that they weren't put in that house for nothing. Most of them probably had an inkling as to what was happening. Well, maybe the older ones. The younger ones were still fairly happy.

"Ahem," said dumbledore whiling clearing his throat, or was he clearing the tense atmosphere?

"I have a few last-minute points to award. Let me see. Ah yes, let's start here," he paused for a moment.

"First—to Miss Hermione Granger… for her outstanding intellect and use of deductive skills in the face of danger, I award Gryffindor house – Fifty points." Hermione froze in place for a moment before mechanically turning her head. I smiled slightly and patted her shoulder. She only took a few moments to get her thoughts together before smiling brilliantly. A somewhat more composed look than she would have had if she was still such a stickler for points. It seems my lessons had paid off.

The Gryffindor house clapped loudly and cheered for Hermione joyfully. Such two-face pieces of trash. All year they looked down on her for either being a studious person or for offering to help when they were struggling. And look at them now, all happy and smiling idiotically while praising her. That was the only thing that soured this for me. But Seeing Hermione so happy, I forced myself to hide it.

"Second – to Mr. Harry Potter…," said Dumbledore. The loudly cheering students instantly became quiet. Deadly quiet. "For pure nerve and outstanding courage, I award Gryffindor house Sixty points."

The cheers were unbearable, it was so loud. All those who could add while yelling until their throats were hoarse knew that Gryffindor now had four hundred and thirty-two points. That was second place. I was just snickering with Hermione off to the side as we watched Harry's flustered face.

"I didn't know a sleeping man could earn so many points." Whispered Hermione as she leaned in close. I laughed loudly which was drowned out by the cheering. Dumbledore raised his hand suddenly and the room gradually but steadily quietened down.

"There are all kinds of courage," he smiled, "it takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but even more to do so when faced with our friends. I therefore, award Twenty five points to Mr Neville Longbottom; and twenty five points to Mr Ronald Weasley for his loyal and dependant personality, even when faced with danger." Dumbledore was bullshitting the end, but it was what it was. Hermione's jaw dropped and burst into a mocking laughter. She was lucky it was drowned out by the massive applause of the other students.

Ron went purple in the face. He looked like a radish with a bad sunburn. It was hilarious to look at. That was it. the house cheered incredibly loudly as they realised that they were now first place. It was insane. The Ravenclaw house was in dismay and the Slytherin house, well, they were pouting angrily with their edgy professor over there in the corner.

Harry, Ron and even Neville stood up and started cheering madly with joy. It was only me and Hermione who were seated enjoying the show.

"Which means," Dumbledore called over the storm of cheering and applause, "We need a change in decoration,"

He clapped his hands. And the originally blue and bronze banners blew backwards as if there was a strong wind and when they fell again, they were gold and red with a lion imprinted in the middle. Snape could be seen in his seat shaking Professor McGonagall's hand with a twisted stiff smile. What was interesting was the McGonagall was actually smiling smugly. Very interesting.

The feast started and everyone ate to their hearts content. It was a cheerful atmosphere we all revelled in.


It wasn't until the next day that the exam results came out. To my shock and Hermione's, Harry and Ron passed with good marks. I cursed the old man. The extent he went to in order to help Harry surprised even me. I could only shake my head wryly.

As for me and Hermione, well, it was a draw. Both our names were on the top spot. I was surprised since I got extra points for transfiguration but when I saw points deducted on potions, I had the urge to kill Snape.