Goodbye Hawaii

When I awoke, the first thing I saw was Luke shaking me slightly with a gentle smile.

"Time to get up bud. You can sleep in your room."

I nodded slightly. I stretched my body while seated which sent a wave of pleasure through my body. It was similar to the way you feel when you stretch while in bed, that nice feeling. It didn't take long for me to fully wake up before hopping out of the bus.

The staff from the excursion were very nice and had wide smiles as they saw us off. I didn't care for much else and didn't bother to look around and quickly made my way over to my room where I fell asleep as soon as I touched the pillows.

[that was very unexpected. We're lucky it was not full-grown or we might have died today,] said Drak with a solemn tone.

{Yep, who knew it would appear. They usually stay dozens of kilometres below sea level. I wonder why it appeared there.} he said with seriousness. His playful attitude was absent.

[Anyway, it is what it is. There is no need to dwell on it any longer.] he said before saying quiet.

{Do you think that the kid has what it takes to face them?} Achlys asked spontaneously.

[Hm? What brought this on? Didn't think you cared about this so much,] said Drak in a surprised tone.

{Well, shock, I do. Now answer me.}

[Well… I believe he has what it takes. But I'm not one hundred percent sure. We will have to wait and see Achlys, that is all we can do.] he said with a trace of uncertainty.

Silence permeated the room after they finished talking. I had heard everything they had just said. It seems that there was something bigger going on that they didn't tell me about. Something that even they are hesitant about, can't be anything small. I'll wait until they're ready to tell me, but it seems I have one more thing to train harder for.

The night passed quickly after that since I didn't struggle to fall asleep. I was awakened by the sound of birds and the crashing of the waves against the sandy beach. I slowly opened my eyes to see the beautiful rays of sunshine shining through the window and onto the carpet giving it an orange glow. I got up and walked out into the balcony and leaned against the guard rail as I observed everything quietly.

There was much to do. I got a rush just thinking about what I had to do at Ilvermorny. Unlike Hogwarts, Ilvermorny was an actual school with very good standards. There was much knowledge that I could find there that I might not be able to find at Hogwarts. I would need to use my devour ability to assimilate knowledge from the students more frequently. I had never stopped practising Leglimency so my mastery over it increased steadily and at a fast pace. I should be able to get a lot of information that would otherwise take me months to get normally. This would save me a lot of time. But Occlumency was another matter. I really wasn't talented at all in it. And have recently plateaued off due to it.

It seems there was nothing I could do. I highly doubted there would be students learning Occlumency at Ilvermorny so I could only rely on my own efforts. Luckily, I was proficient enough to protect myself which was enough.

The gentle cool salty breeze hit my face as I thought about this, awakening me. I got dressed and headed out of my room. we were leaving today after all. I would be taking the plane with Luke and Diana back to Los Angeles before parting with them. I needed to take a plane to Seattle since Microsoft was there. I didn't have to worry about needing money. Luke and Diana would pay for the ticket there. They asked me what I was going to do after that, and I said that Drak had a contact that would help us. They didn't ask since they trusted me.

Although I hated lying to them, it was inconvenient to say I was actually just going to use imperio on some people to get the money I need. Luke and Diana weren't rich people. This vacation already took a lot of money out of them, and I couldn't bear to make them spend anymore. So even though I didn't want to, I had to do what was necessary. Naturally, I would target the rich. Their donations would be very helpful.

As for how I would know who's rich or not, well, the bank would help with that. I would find out who can tell me which are the people with money using imperio. After locating the targets, I would make them transfer a small amount of money. I would do this a couple of times until I had enough money from different people. After all, I needed funds to pump into apple and Microsoft. As for loans, I would force the bank to agree using Imperio so the companies had enough money. I must say, Imperio might become my new favourite spell at this rate. It was simply too useful. Who cared if it was a crime, muggles could only blame themselves for being so vulnerable.

I really felt evil, but it must be done. In any case, no one would know about my little crimes since Drak could stop all magical detection. If a wizard did find out, well, let's hope that doesn't happen. For their sakes.

{Hehe. That's the spirit Tom boy!} said Achlys with an evil laugh.

[don't encourage him Achlys you, idiot!] Drak said with reproach.

{Tch, whatever, he's not doing anything wrong, he simply using the gifts bestowed to him. Taking advantage of it to get ahead is completely reasonable.} he said seriously.

[ yeah… but it doesn't stop it from being wrong. A bit of compassion and restraint goes a long way. Make sure to not hurt them, Tom,] said Drak.

'Relax, I'm simply playing some mind tricks, nobody will get hurt,' I thought with a shrug.

As we had this conversation, I boarded the plane towards Los Angeles. I really needed to find myself a house elf. Learning to aparate was paramount. I can't take this plane shit any longer. I was having a hard time restraining myself from leaning over and caving in the head of the kid who was screaming his head off. All I can hear is a subtle ring in my right ear.

"Silencio" I mumbled as I waved my hand subtlety, the child stopped screaming instantly, much to the visible relief of everyone around.