Zigzagging through the country

The plane ride was calm for the most part. My silencing spell lasted the entire flight which brought peace to the plane and allowed everyone to sleep. The child kept screaming but in silence which puzzled his parents, I would undo the spell when he wanted to talk or answer questions and when he began to scream, I would silence him again. It was annoying but at least it was peaceful.

I spent all of my time talking to Luke and Diana, watching movies and playing card games. I wanted to make sure to spend the last moments with them since I wouldn't be seeing them for a long time. About a year or so. This was because I would directly aparate to Diagon alley, buy my Hogwarts uniform and aparate just outside the school. I wouldn't go back home.

Several hours later the Pilot announced our descent towards Los Angeles. The sinking feeling in my stomach appeared again as we descended, and the roar of the wheels could be finally heard after several minutes as it made contact with the tarmac. We walked out of the plane and collected our luggage and took a seat at a random restaurant within the airport.

"This is where we say goodbye, Tom, please be very careful, I'm still very unsettled about leaving you on another continent alone, but we also understand that there are some things that you need to do. We will be awaiting your return." Said Luke with a serious expression.

"Thank you for going along with my ludicrous request. And I understand your worries, but I'm not alone remember. Plus, I'll be safe at the school." I Said with a nod.

"Have a good trip back and stay safe. I'll send you a letter upon return." I continued with a smile. Diana gave me a big hug and tons of kisses on both my cheeks before finally parting. Luke gave me a strong hug before leaving. Their next flight was in an hour, and they still had to go through customs and all that stuff. My flight was tomorrow which was annoying, but it was what it was.

I gave them a wave until they disappeared. Once they were out of sight, I smiled, got up and walked to the airport exit. There was no further reason to stay here. I waved taxi down and got in. the man was surprised to see a kid in his cab.

"Where are you parents' kid?" he said as he stretched his neck over to see out the car. I simply smiled.

'Set up the anti-magic detection Drak,' I said in my head.

[Got it.]

I waved my hand slightly, "Imperio" I whispered. The man who was initially looking at me with a frown instantly changed. His face loosened and he sat back straight.

"Where do you want to go?" he asked as if nothing was wrong.

"The Ritz-Carlton hotel please," I said with a smile.

"No problem, fasten your seatbelt and we'll be on our way." He said with a nod and pulled out of his parking spot. I fasten my seatbelt and looked out the window, taking in the view. America was vastly different to England, but that only made it more interesting. Especially when I reached Ilvermorny, that would be extremely fun to experience.

It didn't take longer than 20 minutes to reach the expensive hotel. I chose this one since I saw it in a travel brochure. It was expensive but it had a 5-star rating. And since magic allowed me to bypass payment, I would treat myself to a good stay. As for them remembering or snitching about what I did, the imperio curse seemed to make the target forget certain things, they didn't know they were under a spell and would be oblivious to any abnormalities. They would think everything was in order. So, there was nothing to worry about.

When I arrived, I simply got out and told the driver that I didn't have to pay. He didn't even flinch and nodded before driving away. I walked into the Hotel and straight to the reception desk where a good-looking lady was writing something. When she saw me approaching, she was surprised but beamed with a warm smile.

"How can I help you?" she asked.

I waved my hand and used imperio again to book myself a suite. I used a random name I came up with. I received the keys very quickly and made my way up. Magic was simply too convenient. Not many other wizards would be able to pull this off since one, they would need wands, and two, there were aurors and places that tracked the use of magic in public places. Drak simply bypassed all of that.

I slotted the key into the door that swung open to reveal a massive room. Everything was luxurious and beautiful. There was a chandelier hanging from the roof and underneath it was a wooden table with a vase holding roses. The room had a massive bathroom, massive bed and a big balcony. The kitchen was there too but who in their right mind would use that when there was room service.

I got myself some chicken using Imperio and wolfed it down as I sat on the bed. After having a good meal, I started training again. There was no easy way around that sadly. The day went by quickly after that and I went to sleep. The next day I took a Taxi back to the airport, made my way through customs and finally boarded the plane heading to the state of Washington where Microsoft headquarters were located. They were my first target.

I would spend about 2 and a half weeks there, before going to apple headquarters in California and spend the same amount of time there. I really didn't have to be there any more than that to supervise everything. All I needed to do was establish myself as a shareholder in both companies, give them the relevant ideas and technological knowledge and let them do the rest. They were the geniuses, not me.