A giant game of chess

I exited the store, but this time with a couple sets of uniforms and information about a competition I was most eager to participate in. Although it felt like killing chickens with a rocket launcher. It didn't take away from the thrill I was feeling about the whole thing. Who cares anyway, it can simply be used to measure where I am compared to wizards currently. I could also use it as training for my ocular powers.

With that thought spinning in my mind I exited through the statue and appeared right in the middle of times square. I headed back to the hotel since there was nothing more I wanted to do here. I would be leaving for Massachusetts tomorrow. Upon entering my room, I sat on a chair and began to train my metal ability. It was much more difficult than I had initially thought. It required a very controlled but steady stream of magic while also making sure I perfectly visualised the thing I want to create.

I asked Alfred for advice, but he simply said that it came naturally to him. He didn't have to really control the magic input, he only had to vaguely think about the shape. This made me realise that although I could take their abilities I didn't take away their experience. And although I could also take that as previously done with the protego spell. Examples like Alfred remained where they were simply born with maximum mastery.

It sounded ludicrous and against logic but magic didn't abide by muggle logic, so I could only accept it the way it is. The long and hard way it was then. Several hours went by this way and I was finally seeing some progress, even if it might be minuscule. The night was encroaching soon and with it the fatigue I had been building up from today. It was interesting, to say the least, but tiring, nonetheless.

The hateful thing about NYC was that the sirens of who knows what kept zooming by all night. It really wasn't called the city that never sleeps for nothing. I woke up after some hard-fought sleep in a terrible mood. Everything was irritating and I almost blew the fuse at Alfred for asking if I wanted sugar with my tea.

I could hear the incessant laughter of Achlys and Drak in my head which didn't help in the least.

"Don't you overgrown lizards need to sleep?" I asked

[Nope, we only need to sleep when we are out of magic and since the seal supplies us with magic constantly that problem is taken care of. so, we are up twenty-four-seven,] Drak responded with a laugh.

"What do you do all the time? Aren't you bored?" I asked

[well, I was, but now that Achlys is here, we've been playing chess inside your mind space.] he said casually. But his words made me grind my teeth.

"How do I get in my own mind space? It seems you can waltz in whenever the fuck you want. But I can't even access it." I said angrily as I buttered my bread furiously, much to Alfred's amusement.

[Right, I did forget about that. All you need to do is focus on your mind space. I know it sounds stupid and vague but it's the best I can explain it. once you focus on it, send some magic into it.] he said. His words sounded unhelpful but having no better choice I closed my eyes and focused on the 'mind space' he mentioned. I envisioned it as the place I last saw Drak in. then, once I had the image locked in, I sent some magic into it and instantly, my vision changed.

I was no longer in the hotel room but in a black room devoid of anything but darkness. In the distance, a Black dragon with claws made of golden light was cursing furiously at his opponent who was an identical copy of him but seemed to be made out of the abyss itself. All the light that came off of Drak's claws were sucked into the darkness.

But Drak didn't seem to mind since he was banging his glowing fists angrily against the table. As I made my way over his shouts could be heard.

[You bastard! HOW MANY TIMES IS THAT NOW! How many times have you cheated!" he bellowed.

{Tch, it's not cheating if you have no proof. You can only blame yourself for being so shit at the game." Said the Achlys with a shrug. He seemed to notice my presence and looked in my direction.

{What are you standing there for, I won't bite… much." He finished just as I was about to take a step.

[Tch, stop annoying the kid. Tom come over and spectate the game. This fucker keeps cheating. I'm sure of it. I just can't find out how." He said angrily.

{Bah! Sore loser.} Achlys said mockingly. When I got closer I saw just how monstrously huge they were. I then began to float and soon reached the overly huge chessboard. Drak and Achlys were seated on wooden chairs as they placed the pieces back on their starting positions.

"Ok, this time I'll preside over the game. No cheating is allowed." I said glaringly at Achlys. He simply waved me off which caused a massive gale of wind to burst out. The force behind the wind was enough to level an entire block. Such monstrous strength. When I began to think about how strong they were when they were one being, I swear I almost shit myself. The image was simply too scary.