
"Look! He created a stone owl. But why? It's simply flying there?" asked a woman.

"Well, it must serve a purpose, I doubt a genius like this boy would simply waste magic for no good reason. Maybe it's a surveillance device." Suggested the headmistress.

"Why?" asked a young man in his late 20s.

"that's why." She said pointing with her chin. everyone looked towards the mirror in shock.


The two boys were finally able to traverse the wall and make it to the stairs. But just as they took a step a whistling sound could be heard from above. They looked up to see the owl shooting down at them. Just as it was about to hit them it exploded and a massive wave of ice burst in all directions.

The two boys were not able to even move before they were frozen solid.

That was it, there was no one left apart from two students.


The teachers in the room were silent as their jaws dropped.

"He was watching them and waiting for the stragglers before finishing them off. The AOE spell is very effective at taking out a small group of people. He clearly knew that his first two traps would dwindle the opponents to minimum numbers. All that was needed was a small, controlled explosion. A marvellous and intricate plan. And the fact that he didn't even stay to overlook the situation makes it all the more evident that he had foreseen the end before he even started. We have ourselves a little monster ladies and gentlemen." She said, a hint of excitement in her voice.

Everyone was stunned, they had picked up on her excitement. But that was the crazy thing, the headmistress had not been like this in decades. They all knew that something that could make her excited would be a massive boon for the school.

"We should enrol him in the duelling competition. I'm sure we could steamroll through the Japanese if we have him," said the young man.

"Professor Michael is correct. This would be a great opportunity, the only problem is, what would the boy want?" said the old man.

"What do you mean? It would be his honour to join-"

"You are mistaken, a boy like that is not easily manipulated. He would not care about the reputation of the school. After all, in a few years or decades, he would be unrivalled. But he might want something we have. And, if he needs it badly enough, we should be able to come to an accord." said the old man with a cunning smile.

"That is a good way to look at it. Very well, we will go with what you have said. Randal, you will be in charge of fetching the boy after sorting and bring him to my study. I'm eager to chat with him." Said the headmistress before getting up and leaving. Everyone else looked at each other and separated. They all went their own ways. After all, the sorting ceremony would still take a while since people needed to unfreeze the students. And a lot of them!


I smiled when I saw the result. It was very effective. I imbued ice magic into the owl and made it explode which took the two boys out. I must say, I'm surprised two made it out, I was expecting none of them to get out. but everything ended according to the plan so there was nothing to worry about.

As we climbed the stairs me and Percival took turns talking about whatever we wanted. The kid told me he had a crush on this chick in his house. She was in the same grade, but he didn't know how to approach her.

Being the good person that I am, I decided to lend him my services, "I'll be your wingman. I'll get you talking to her, but the rest is on you got it?" I asked.

"Wingman?" he asked with a puzzled look. I looked at him in shock before facepalming and laughing at myself. I forgot; the kid is 12. What the hell would he know about something like this? I explained what I meant, and Percival was overjoyed. And like that, we reached the top where Percival stopped.

When I noticed it I turned around with a questioning look.

"I'll let you take first place since you did all the work." He said with a smile. I nodded and walked forward; I wasn't going to argue since I DID do all the work. As soon as I took a step though, a young man appeared out of thin air with a smile on his face.

"Hello! My name is Professor Michael, one of the teachers for defence against the dark arts." He introduced as he stretched out his hand. I didn't think much of it and took his hand but the moment I did I was sent blasting into a tree.

"Oh my, to fall for such a trick, maybe you aren't as good as I thought." He mumbled. I was surprised at his blatant actions. I stood up and dusted my clothes before walking forward as if nothing happened.

"You dirtied my clothes you fuck." I said calmly. The man was shocked at my words.

"I hope you don't mind if a get you back for that cheap shot," I said with a grin and with a twitch of my finger's ropes appeared on the professor body and his wand flew into my hand.

I walked up to him and kicked the back of his knees. I then crouched in front of him, "Why?" I asked, playing with his wand.

The man was stunned speechless as his mouth moved but no words came out. I frowned and looked at him, "Are you a retard or something?" I asked seriously. The man became incensed at my words but was shockingly able to calm down.

"It was a test. And a form of punishment for what you did to the other students, after all, you could have seriously harmed them. But it seems that it was me who ended up being punished instead." He said with a clear hint of self-mockery.

But I shook my head, "No this wasn't punishment, this is," I said and punched him in the nose, effectively breaking it.

"Next time, be more mindful of your actions, or an accident might happen," I warned. The man dropped to the floor and grunted in pain. Percival was shocked at my actions he dropped to his knees and began to shiver.

I looked at Percival and realised I may have gone too far, if I didn't fix this, I may end up getting kicked out. So I directed some of my magic power to my right eye. An invisible wave shot out and covered the professor before his blood began to recede and his broken nose was mended.

The professor was clearly shocked as he stared at me. I then snapped my fingers and the roped dissipated into little lights and I handed him his wand before pulling him up from the floor. I patted the dust off of his cloak and began to talk as I straightened his suit,

"Ahem! Sorry about that, I just don't take kindly to being attacked out of nowhere. Hope you can let bygones be bygones." I said sincerely. It seems that after acting like a lawless tyrant for so long, it has become a habit. And a really bad one. This could get me in serious trouble.