A Show for the masses

An: sorry for the late release!

"Monster!" he mumbled with shock.

"Why did you spare me?" he asked.

"Because I felt like it. you're annoying but you're good to have around." I said dismissively and walked up the stairs slowly with my hands in my pockets. Percival was close behind.

As I walked up a thought of an idea.

'Drak, since you're not gonna teach me the piertotum locomoter spell, at least create an owl for me'

[what for?] he asked.

'just do it will you?' I asked in annoyance.

As I continued to walk, a stone owl began to form off to the side. I felt a connection to it, and I could freely control its actions. I smiled happily and commanded it to fly over the colosseum.

"What's with the stone owl?" Percival asked

"Don't worry about it," I said with a slight smile. When I saw that the owl was stationed in the proper spot and was flying in circles, I used the power of my right eye and an invisible arrow shot towards the owl. Attached to the arrow was an invisible string that connected to my head.

When the arrow landed on the bird, it was like an extra perspective was given to me. I could see the entire area. When I commanded the owl to look in my directions, I saw me and Percival. I then saw myself fall on my face. It was harder than I thought. After some practice, I was able to get it down and commanded the owl to monitor the situation in the arena.

[smart trick kid. Very smart] commented Drak.


The students who remained in the Colosseum were shocked silly. They had never seen magic like this. And the boy was doing it wandless. Which shocked them even more.

"Hey, we can't let that kid get the first prize, let's use water magic to douse the flames and then melt the ice!" an older boy yelled. Everyone agreed. There was only about 50 of them left. They ran towards one of the walls and shot a ball of water towards the wall. They looked on expectantly only for their faces to sink instantly.

Their jaws dropped as they looked at the clouds of steam rising over the walls.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" bellowed a student.

"Shut up you idiot! Screaming won't help. We need to join hands for the time being and get rid of these flames." Said the older boy. He had the aura of a leader. They convened and thought about it before spreading out in a circle and pointing their wands in the air.

A massive ball of water appeared in the air. They slowly made it hover towards the wall before shooting it forward. a massive amount of sizzling could be heard before the fire died down on that portion of the wall. Everyone cheered slightly.

"Ok, now he just need to make some stairs and we can leave," said the leader. Everyone nodded and created stairs out of ice that connected to the ice wall. As soon as the first person took a step the froze solid surprising everyone else. They all backed away quickly and cursed Tom.

Tom who was seeing this burst out laughing which freaked Percival out.

The students tried one method after another, from dirt mounds to fire, everything, but nothing worked. if they used dirt to build a staircase, it would be frozen upon contact with the ice wall. they tried fire in order to melt the ice but the green flames would spread again a short while after being initially snuffed out. Their numbers began to dwindle until only the last two remained.


Couple of minutes prior

Inside the castle in a big open area, all the teaching staff were seated around a massive mirror that showed the progress of the event. As soon as professor Brambleton said go, the entire field was covered, including the participants, in ice except for a total of 52 students.

"What!" yelled a teacher as he stood up from his chair in shock. There were gasps echoing in the room. everyone was staring at a student with black hair and blue eyes who had a mocking smile plastered on his face.

They all saw him walking towards past the teacher who was clearing yelling something. Tom stopped turned around grinned, waved his hand, and covered the teacher in ice.

The teachers seated gasped again, "This is unacceptable! The audacity! Does he no respect his elders?" another woman bellowed angrily.

"Quiet, please. The rules were short and concise. If we are to blame anyone, we can only blame ourselves. As for the student freezing Brambleton, that is on him for being bested by a mere child." Said a woman who was seated on a much grander chair. It almost looked like a throne.

"Sorry for my outburst headmistress." The woman lowered her head and said before sitting back down.

'What I want to know, is how such a young boy got a hold of such incredible magic. And he even did it wandless. Not to mention without speaking. This is incredible. He just bested 95% of the school. I would even argue the entire school if the students who avoided it were even a meter closer." Said an aged man as he stroked his beard with an intrigued look.

"That is correct. And look, that fire, it's not burning the ice, but it burnt some of the students. Then the ice itself, once the students were able to circumvent the fire, they were frozen solid by a single touch. It's cursed ice. This child is a prodigy. He superimposed so much magic in such a short amount of time." analysed the headmistress.

"Who is the boy next to him, he was able to dodge right as the first boy perform the initial spell." Asked a goblin looking man.

"I assume the boy was only able to dodge because he was warned beforehand." Said the old man.

"Why so?" asked the headmistress.

"Simple, they are currently waking together leisurely. And the body shouted something as soon as he performed the spell which was coincidentally when the other boy jumped. Now, is it a coincidence? I think not." said the old man with a smile.

Everyone in the room nodded.