Breakfast squables

Walking through the door, the same enormous, multistorey overly luxurious cafeteria came into view. But it wasn't as packed as it was last night. After all, not everyone had a class in the morning, and anyone could come in here and eat whenever they wanted.

I spotted Percival sitting down at the same table as last night with Abby. Jenna, Robert, Fred and I all walked over and sat down after ordering out food. I got a traditional English breakfast which consisted of fried eggs, sausages, back bacon, tomatoes, mushrooms, fried bread. It had been something I had been eating a lot back at home and had become a habit.

And now that I couldn't get fat due to my body being special, I could eat whatever I wanted in however much quantity, and I would be fine. I really had to say, although the trial was tortuous, it was worth it.

Everyone else got their own food. Abby was eating buttered bread with sugar and a latte on the side. Percival was eating a muffin and drinking pure black coffee. I didn't really drink coffee anymore because I simply loved tea too much. Plus, pure black was too bitter. Jenna ate a continental breakfast consisting of pastries and baked goods, fruits, toast, and coffee.

Robert being the no meat guy, filled his plate with dozens of different fruits of all colours and shapes. There were even some I had never seen before. it was quite an interesting view.

"Where did you get those fruits?" I couldn't help but ask. Robert beamed a smile when he heard me.

"They are magical fruits made by the herbology students. Magnificent use of time. the students learn and apply their knowledge and other students eat it." he explained. I nodded; Neville would love that.

I then looked at Fred, the fucker was eating bread and drinking water. The simple sight of it made me cringe. Bread and water was a terrible mix. I shook my head and handed him a large strip of bacon under the reproachful gaze of Robert which I completely ignored.

Fred looked at the meat on his plate and then at me with a puzzled gaze.

I pointed at his plate, "eat it! how do you expect to get anything done with a body that resembles a bag of bones. You need meat, it will make you healthy and strong." I said before Robert lifted his head sharply and opened his mouth. I knew he was about to spit some annoying but probably factual information to counter my point.

"Shut it! I don't want to hear it." I said raising a hand to his face. Robert grumbled annoyingly.

"Robert, what are you, a puppy? Speak up, man." Abby said sternly. I really didn't understand what was with this girl. Robert seemed to be filled with courage and raised his head again and looked at me defiantly.

I raised an eyebrow, "boy, don't make me repeat myself. Unless you want to be left like john I suggest you shut it." I said with a smile. Robert shivered slightly, the thought of missing class and being punished shut him up instantly.

Abby raised an eyebrow at my statement. But over her head, I saw a clueless John with nowhere to sit. I sighed and got up before approaching him.

As soon as he saw me coming though, he began to frown, "what does the savage want with my esteemed self." He asked arrogantly. I swear another vein popped as I cracked my knuckles. As I was about to punch the fucker Percival came over and grabbed my shoulder. He smiled slightly and nodded in a certain direction. There, Professor Brambleton was standing, looking over at us with an excited expression. I knew exactly what the gaze meant. He was waiting for us to cause even the slightest trouble to jump on us and dish out overly strict punishments. I grimaced at the sight.

"I was simply coming over to invite you to our table, but on second thought, fuck you. I don't think someone of your calibre would want to sit with a bunch of 'savages' anyway right?" I said with a cold smile and walked back with Percival in tow.

"Cheers for the warning there," I thanked him with a nod. Percival only waved it off and nodded back. But as we sat down, John appeared and sat down next to Fred who instantly grimaced. Dark lines even appeared on his face. everyone on the table was stunned speechless. This was the most emotion he had ever shown.

John didn't seem to notice it and sat down with the same arrogance as before.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I'm gracing you with my presence. Maybe my beauty will rub off on you all and raise your standards." He said casually and began to eat. Jenna and Abby instant turned red with rage and had to be stopped by Percival and Robert respectively.

I simply smiled, I knew he was happy to have someone come over and invite him. evident by the very small almost unnoticeable smile tugging at his lips. I sighed slightly and chuckled. We finished our breakfast quickly soon after under the chatty atmosphere of the group. Everyone here had defence against the dark arts. Every second year in the house would have the same classes until the third year where, like Hogwarts, they would branch off slightly into their respective electives. Naturally, not every second year was in the same physical classroom but would instead be separated and distributed between teachers.

Around 2-3 teachers would be allocated to each house for each subject. This would vary depending on the number of students there were in the current house. But there was always one teacher that was the 'head' of the overall subject. Like Professor Michael, he was the headteacher of the defence against the arts department. Professor Brambleton was the head of the potions department and Professor Randal was the head of the transfiguration department.

So, as we walked, everyone had to put up with John's incessant ramblings and shallow insults. Fred had eaten the meat quietly and seemed to deeply enjoy it. I smiled again, he seemed very interesting. He must have a story that caused his current behaviour. But pulling him out of his shell would prove to be helpful for him in the long run. As for why I wanted to help him, well, in a way, I saw my brother in him. although Fred seemed to hide it incredibly well, I had an inkling that he was once exactly like my brother.

Maybe it was just me, but either way, he seemed like a good person.