A game of chess

I spent the next half an hour eating silently in the cafeteria listening to the chatter of the students around me. I even found myself chuckling softly at some of the stuff being said.

It wasn't until some students got up noisily that I finally snapped out of my thoughts. I got up from the table and returned the now empty tray to the desk only for it to disappear the moment I let go of it.

Runes of the table lit up faintly before dying down the next. Seems to be a small teleportation rune for inorganic material. A fascinating concept. Something I would have to look into since this could revolutionise the way letters are sent. Like the internet but with physical letters.

There could be a special energy signature given to every person which they can share with others to receive cards and messages instantly. The only reason I even found this idea feasible was because of how outdated wizards are. They don't like change very much. But they might be able to accept something like this since its origin stems from magic.

A small difference but to wizards they were worlds apart.

I thought about this in a bit more detail and even chatted with the dragon pair so that they could give me their input. They said that it was doable, but it would require a lot of work. But something got my attention.

Drak said that in order for me to get my name out there when our plan truly started to kick off creating and publishing this innovative idea could prove to not only provide monetary gain but fame and recognition. Something that could boost my image in the public eye. Since I was essentially going to blow up the ministry before rebuilding it, having people listen to my ideas beforehand could be very valuable.

But what was the point of thinking any further since it was still rather far into the future. Who knew what unforeseeable events could transpire in the coming years? I hardly doubt my journey would be a smooth one by any extent of the word.

So, as I walked into the homeroom I found the gang seated by the fire chatting casually. So, when they saw me coming in they instantly perked up.

"Tom! Over here!" Shouted Percival catching my attention.

He was seated a bit off to the side on a chair in front of a table with a chess board on it. Fred was opposite him with a deep frown as he stared at the ongoing match.

As I walked over I couldn't help but ask Achlys for some insight.

'Can you explain what is happening?'

{HAHAH! Splendid indeed. First set of moves, e4 c5. Second set of moves, Nf3 Nf6. Third set of moves, Nc3 d6. Fourth set of moves, d4 cxd4…} he went on to explain the entire game from beginning to end. A total of 34 moves were done by both sides before white eventually won in a convincing fashion.

{A splendid game. Both sides did a wonderful job, borderline masterful I say. But black simply couldn't keep up with white's foresight. Clearly, this Percival is a masterful chess player. Who would have thought.} Achlys praised.

This honestly shocked me. For the simple fact that in the time that I have gotten to know Achlys, there are little to no things he cherished. He only likes two things. Chess, and causing chaos wherever he goes.

It seems that he likes those who can also play as well.

As soon as the game finished Fred got up, and glanced at me with a complex gaze before walking towards the couch in the corner where he sat down and closed his eyes. it seems he was back to his quiet and cold self.

I focused my gaze back on Percival who was resetting the pieces before looking up at me.

"How about it? up for a game of magical chess?" he asked with a confident grin.

I was about to refuse when a wicked idea popped into my head.

'Hey, Achlys, since you think he's so good, why don't you play against him?' I asked in my mind.

{Y-You want me to play?} Achlys asked in a rather flustered manner.

'Yeah, why not, I don't mind letting you take over for a little while. In any case, Drak is here to stop you in case anything goes wrong. so don't even bother trying something funny.' I said sternly.

{yeah-yeah, whatever, trade places with me already!} Achlys said impatiently.

I entered my consciousness into the Mindspace and found Drak sitting on a couch in front of a tv screen. On the tv was the view coming from my body's eyes. it seems he was seeing what I was seeing. But there was also another tv screen showing a 3rd person's view. Almost like a game.

as I got closer to the couch I realised that Drak wasn't in his usual big form. He was about my height and was currently curled up comfortably. I took a seat beside him and focused on the tv screens expectantly.


"Ahhh, that feels good. Glad to be back for a little while." Achlys said causing Percival to look up at him in a questioning manner.

"You didn't go anywhere. What are you talking about?" he asked.

Achlys raised an eyebrow before a radiant smile appeared on his face.

"Oh don't worry about it. in any case, let's get this game started. I do hope you can entertain me for a little while. I haven't had a match in sooo long. My last opponent was a whiney little bitch who couldn't take a loss. God, he wouldn't shut up." He responded.

Inside the mind space, Drak was shaking with rage as he stared at the screen.

[You just wait. I'll get you for this.] he mumbled causing me to laugh.

Achlys didn't seem to hear anything and simply began to whistle to himself under Percival's stupefied gaze.

"Y-you're not good a chess as well are you?" he asked with an almost pleading tone. As if he was hoping that Tom wasn't good at that too. If only he knew that he was actually going up against a several thousand-year-old dragon.