Black Dragon Chess Grandmaster

The game was rather intense. So much so that everyone else in the common room of all grades huddled around the game of magical chess being played by two seemingly prodigy level geniuses.

That atmosphere had changed as everyone seemingly found it hard to breathe. They were short of breath as they observed the delicate moves done by both sides. The audience could almost see the gears turning in both of their heads as their eyes shone from time to time as they got flickers of inspiration.

But eventually, black won. Percival extended his hand out and lightly tapped the white king piece causing it to fall over signifying the end of the match.

Instantly the entire room burst into loud applause for the two participants awakening the two from their dazed state.

Achlys extended a hand and shook it with Percival's.

"You have a bright future ahead of you. What a wonderful game. It was my most entertaining one yet. A 12-year-old kid, is able to keep me on my toes to this extent, quite the interesting thing.

I am not afraid to admit you almost had me with that Knight queen play you pulled. Innovative and creative. Did you come up with it yourself?" he asked.

Percival was stunned speechless for a moment before slowly nodding.

"Do you have a name for it?" Achlys asked.

Percival shook his head with an awkward smile on his face, "I came up with it a while ago against my grandfather. He also asked me the same question. But I never used it since then, so I never really gave it much thought." He responded.

Achlys nodded with a pensive look on his face before snapping his fingers, "I got it, how about the Percival royal?"

Percival stared at Achlys for a moment before closing his eyes. it wasn't until a few moments later that he opened them again and nodded happily.

"I like the name." He said joyfully.

Achlys was also content, "make sure to use that move when you get famous. There are tons of muggles or as you people call them, No-Maj's out there that are incredible chess players. Granted they don't play magical chess, but the rules are the same. Try it some time." Achlys suggested before getting up and heading upstairs.

"Where are you going?" Percival asked.

Achlys stopped before pulling on his shirt.

"I feel dirty. So, I'll take a shower. I'll be back in several minutes." He responded before turning and leaving again.

Percival left the table and sat down next to Jenna on the couch.

"I can't believe I lost," Percival mumbled to himself.

Jenna closed her book and smiled slightly.

"I know, you said that you haven't lost in a very long time." She acknowledged.

Percival was silent for a moment.

"There was something different about him." He said, catching everyone's attention.

Robert leaned in, "what do you mean?"

Percival frowned slightly, "I don't know how to describe it. it's almost like he was a different person. Incredibly confident, not that he wasn't already, but even more so. As if his words were absolute. I even got a chill as I played against him. Calculative, cold and incredibly intelligent." He said slowly, an involuntary shiver caused his muscles to spasm momentarily.

From the corner of the couch, Fred opened his eyes slightly.

"Like playing against a shadow?" he voiced causing everyone to look at him.

Percival's eyes widened before pointing at Fred, "that's right, that's a good way to put it. it was like I was playing against a shadow. Like he could see through me, yet I couldn't do the same. He was always one step ahead."

A glint flashed through Fred's eyes before it went away. A small smile found its way onto his usually aloof face which was also subsequently hidden.


"That was a good match Achlys. Did you mean what you said back there? Was he that good?" I asked.

{Tch, you ignorant fools disgust me. do you live under a rock? How could you not see what a marvellous game that was?} Achlys responded in a disgusted tone.

[because we have better things to do than to play meaningless games on a stupid little board.] Drak replied.

{M-meaningless? S-stupid? You dumb lizard. You're the stupid one. Your whole life is meaningless.} Achlys insulted.


"ENOUGH!" I shouted stopping the argument as my voice echoed in the empty shower room. I had already regained control of my body on my way to the showers.

"Quit with the bickering you two. Just because you don't like the same things doesn't mean you have to insult each other. I think it's great that Achlys has a hobby. Just like Drak loves playing poker, Achlys loves chess. Doesn't mean you are any lesser because of it.

Now, are you going to answer my question Achlys?" I repeated.

{Yeah, he's a great player. A wonderful mind for a young man like himself. A good strategist I say. Worth pulling to our side. Who knows, he might come in handy someday.} Achlys said.

"Well, I was always planning to expand my social circle. But we need to deal with Fred as soon as possible. I think I'll do it tonight. Whatever he knows, we'll deal with it accordingly."

The shower was rather refreshing. There were studies conducted in my past life that delve into the topic of whether cold showers were actually better for you. Naturally, some argued in favour, stating that it indeed provided benefits ranging from increased energy levels, increase in circulation and so on.

Obviously, some said that there were little to no benefits and that it was more of a lifestyle choice than anything else.