A strong lineage

"Now, why don't you show me what that Werebear transformation looks like. If I'm being honest, I'm quite intrigued about it." I admitted honestly. I loved the concept of werewolves and the ability to transform into creatures. That was an additional, very small, but additional reason for why I trained to achieve dragon's decent.

The ability to turn into a massive dragon is a thing anyone who reads fiction would love to have.

Fred didn't seem to mind and nodded in acknowledgement.

I sat back down on my chair with Drak and Achlys by my side as I watched on eagerly.

The air around Fred seemed to be charged with an electric surge, the hairs on my arms rose similar to when you rub a balloon on a carpet and pass it over your hair. Similar concept, except, it was radiating off of him.

I turned to Drak for answers.

[This is called the sun phase, usually, people who can control their transformations have two phases. One is the controlled phase in which the human mind is in full control. They can harness the power of their animal form to enhance their power by multiple times. Their magic resistance is also increased to a new level. a power transformation in its own right.

The moon phase is when the shifter is in emotional turmoil. If they lose control, they shift into their moon phase. Their power rises parallel to their emotions. So the stronger the emotion the stronger they get. But this second phase is extremely hard to harness because it requires full control over your emotions.

Teaching the kid Occlumency might be something to include in his training program.] Drak commented.

I nodded in understanding. I was a bit surprised to hear that they were actually quite powerful beings. No wonder they cherished their gift. Even though they chose to live in seclusion, I would not be quick to say who would win between the werebears and the wizards. it would be a war I would not want to see happen.

In any case, I focused back on Fred who was, by now, going through some rather drastic changes in appearance.

His hair began to grow longer across his entire body, his uniform was torn to pieces as his shoulders widened to crazy proportions. His head snapped from side to side as his skull went through massive changes. The front elongated and massive razor-sharp teeth began to grow. His entire body grew in height by massive proportions.

In the end, a 4-meter tall dirty blond coloured bear standing on two legs appeared before me silently. Yet I could so clearly hear his breathing as the boiling hot air shot out of his nose like jet engines. The power of his body was visible and the magical energy surging towards his body was as clear as day to me.

Blue rune-like tattoo's covered his legs, arms and parts of his chest with small ones on his face.

But what caught my attention was that his hands still resembled a humanoid form, with thumbs and claws.

"This is my werebear form." Said Fred in a voice so low it sounded like a drum, deep and rough. I even felt a small thump in my chest simply from how low his voice was. it seemed to create its own echo.

"This is… amazing. To be able to control something like this is a tremendous feat. Wonderful, simply wonderful. I was also informed of the two phases you have as a shifter. I have a way of allowing you to control your emotions and harnessing the power of your moon phase. Are you interested?"

Fred's big eyes which looked like a deep abyss widened to the max as he stared at me in shock.

"How can you do that?" he asked quickly.

"You should be aware of what Occulemency is right?"

Fred nodded in understanding before shaking his head, "that is something we have tried before Tom. Something so obvious wouldn't be overlooked if it could grant us so much power. For some reason, when we train in this art to an extent, we actually begin to lose control of our emotions.

Some have tried to persevere through it and are now dead due to trying to kill everything in sight. They were lost to the moon phase. There is no way around it so far. Even after such a long time." Fred said helplessly.

I frowned at his words before turning to Drak.

[I think this was done on purpose by your ancestor kid.] Drak said calmly.

But Fred instantly snapped his head in Drak's direction, "what do you mean?" he said quickly and seriously.

[Think about it, if you had so much power with some many numbers, would you stay quiet and live in seclusion? I don't think so. Someone in your lineage must have decided to avoid this and put a seal on your entire bloodline. Ingenious if you ask me, to come up with such a complex rune system that can actually be integrated into ones DNA.]

Fred transformed back into his human form before dropping to his knees in shock.

I quickly waved my hand and the torn pieces of clothing turned into a nice clean uniform before fitting onto Fred's body instantly.

"Why would they do that?"

[Simple, to avoid what happened with the werewolves in Europe. If they employed something similar to you, they might have survived. But they decided to show off their abilities to gain a profit for their community while naively thinking that nobody would target what they had. That cost them their entire race.

Seems your ancestor was smarter than them.] He explained.


AN: there is a picture of Fred in werebear form in chapter comments. tell me what you think!