Are all history teachers this boring?

[Done. Now the armour has acquired the ability to assimilate the beneficial properties of external sources.] Drak explained.

'How?' I asked.

[The runes you saw were created by me. All I did was give them the task of collecting samples and recording how the steel actually goes about assimilating the properties of these materials.

To my surprise, the steel actually copied the magical signature unique to the runes and assimilates it into its own. Quite fascinating. So all I did was give it some of my own power to assimilate so I can witness the process again. Now that the runes have the process all I did was apply it to the armour. I suggest you destroy this steel though, not only does it serve no further purpose, but it actually holds a minuscule part of my power. This steel is insane, I wonder how those goblins were able to pull this off.]

Drak's words surprised me. This steel being able to absorb even a tiny, infinitely microscopic piece of Drak's power was already crazy. Drak's power could be regenerated so it wasn't like he lost it forever. And such a small piece was already regenerated the next instant. But for this steel piece, it was like being blessed by a god.

I could feel a sort of link between this piece of metal and myself. This was evidence of Drak's words.

As I was getting ready to destroy it with my flames a thought popped into my mind. What would happen if this was forged into a weapon. And what if that weapon was wielded by a massive bipedal bear towering over everything.

The mere thought of it made me want to laugh like a madman.

'Is it possible?' I asked in my head.

[Sure is, use transfiguration to change the shape of it.]

'Wouldn't it lose its ability If I used transfiguration?'

[It would if you changed it into a chair. But you are simply reshaping it. so it won't. all you have to then do is make a handle for it. after that you'll be right.] he explained.

I nodded in understanding before placing the steel into my bracelet for safekeeping.

"So that's it? you just copied the ability and placed it on your armour?" Percival asked with a look of disbelief.

I chuckled at his facial expressions, "that's it. nothing more, nothing less. Don't worry, in the not-so-distant future, I will tell you. For now, let's all go to bed. And before I forget, John, if you play opera in the morning again, I will crucify you outside the girl's room. Naked. You have been warned."

John froze in place as he was starting to walk away. He slowly turned around and stared at the smiling faces of everyone else before nodding stiffly.

"Now that all this has been sorted, goodnight everyone," I said before tucking into bed after changing into my Pj's. Well, it was just me in a t-shirt and shorts. Nothing crazy.

The night was cool with a gentle breeze seeping in through the slightly open window.


The next week or so went by extremely fast.

I experienced a lot of things in that time. We had history with a ghost which wasn't anything surprising considering that it's better due to their long… life spans? I didn't know if that was the right terminology, but they seemed to hang around permanently.

It wasn't like the Casper ghosts that disappeared after accomplishing whatever it was they couldn't do whilst alive. Here, they just… well, floated around aimlessly. So they must have experienced a lot of things. Having them as history teachers was a smart move.

But who would have that that there could be someone even more boring than Professor Binns at Hogwarts. I mean, holy shit, this lady actually fell asleep mid-sentence. When I asked about it, Percival told me about Professor Vaicent.

Apparently, she fell asleep and died from drowning. That's right, she fell asleep in the bathtub and drowned. I couldn't help but facepalm when I was told. That was just… pathetic.

But it seems to have stuck with her even in the afterlife. Again, I didn't think that was the right terminology since they were still here but not quite. Yet it wasn't limbo where Voldy was sent to. It was like their souls couldn't move on. It was beginning to give me a headache.

What interested me was that Professor Vaicent looked like she hopped right out of the bath. She had water dripping from her soaked hair that dissipated into wisps of smoke upon touching the ground before remerging with her body.

Her eyes were permanently half-lidded with dark circles around them. She had a long dress on and a bottle of wine that she would take a sip out of from time to time. That is, whenever she was awake. the class went for an hour, and I swear she drank more than 5 litres of wine, yet it never ended.

But this did give me some insight into her circumstances. It was probably a suicide. What allowed me to arrive at such a dark turn was the fact that she had two vertical cuts along her wrists and up her forearm that she went to a lot of trouble of hiding. The only reason I was able to catch a glimpse was due to my insane eyesight.

Truly a sad outcome. I could tell that she was quite a beauty when she was alive. But times back then and even now were different. Unlike the 21st century where the biggest problem faced by first-world countries was the way people wanted to be addressed. It was a different era. If I had to choose, I would say that the early 2000s was the best time for everyone. Before that was too extreme, and after that, it also went to shit.

But I digress. According to when professor Vaicent died which was 1500's, beautiful women like her were the equivalent of objects. A terrible way to live in which she had no rights at all. They were miserable back then. So her choice to escape such a life was in a way, her only choice.

I shook my head to rid myself of these terribly depressing thoughts.