Enchantress from the deep

But that didn't seem to happen. The class continued as per usual with some people being able to complete the task in the time allocated. The other half failed at some point during the process and were made to do it again. those who failed during the last stages were kept back for detention.

And to my surprise, Professor Brambleton never bothered me again. except for the occasional question which I promptly answered, he was more focused on the students who were failing.

Either way, I finished the potion with time to spare. But I wasn't the first. Just like Hermione, Jenna the oh-so-studious one was dead set on getting everything down to the T. which made her more efficient than me. But all I cared about was passing, who came first was none of my concern. It didn't really matter either way since I would beat her in the mid-year exams.

Since they were all based on memorising which was a terrible form of testing. There is a long reason behind why it simply doesn't work, and I didn't feel like thinking about it. But it was something that I would eventually change.

Anyway, walking out of potions in a rather good mood we headed towards the swimming pool area.

That's right, we were learning to swim. Something that was quite honestly mind-blowing to me. never, had I heard about a subject solely dedicated to learning to swim. True, it went into more detail and even studied life-saving techniques when stranded out at sea, but the main foundation was learning to swim.

What made it bearable was that I could see the bottom of the pool. I wasn't kidding when I said I had a phobia of the open ocean.

As we walked in I was once again mind blown. In a water tank directly in front of us was a mermaid, gently moving her tail as she rested against the glass. Her long, raven black hair and ruby red eyes seemed to entrance everyone.

I looked around and to my surprise, even the ladies were caught up in her looks. I wasn't surprised, there were many species of mermaids in the world. Not just those ugly things in the lake outside of Hogwarts.

The one before me was the epitome of beauty. A sense of tranquillity washed over my body as a sense of desire flowed within me. But as I began to take my first step forward, I snapped out of it. Occlumency kicked in subconsciously awakening me from my trance.

The mermaid seemed to have sensed this as she focused in on me with a surprised look on her face that slowly changed to one of curiosity as a playful smile graced her perfect lips.

I couldn't help but smile as well, these mermaids were much more devilish than those ugly ones. Their species was very mischievous due to their nature. Using their beauty to entice prey, they would cast a sort of hallucination on their opponent forcing them to see their version of the most beautiful female or male of their species.

So, what I saw, wasn't exactly what everyone else saw. I had to give props to her for being able to create such a flawless image. And I was also intrigued since this was, according to my subconscious, the most attractive version of a woman.

"Welcome class!" she said loudly, instantly, like a clap of thunder, everyone else fell to the ground as their eyes regained some clarity.

The ladies looked around trying to see if anyone caught them as they wiped the drool falling from the corner of their lips. Their faces were flushed but a glimmer of disappointment flashed through their eyes when they stared at the mermaid in the water tank.

I turned to Percival, John, Fred and Robert who were the same. I walked over to them, crouched down and pulled out a handkerchief from my bracelet.

"I think you need this," I said in a whisper as a playful smile spread over my face.

Percival's face turned a darker shade of pink as he wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth while giving me a hateful glare.

John didn't seem to care as he pulled out his own and wiped himself clean in an elegant manner. Almost made me puke. The punk always had a way of disgusting me. Fred and Robert didn't seem to care much for their appearance and simply wiped it off with their sleeves.

"Only one of you was able to resist my basic charm ability." She said slowly, her eyes never leaving my body as she scanned it from top to bottom.

I felt naked from her intense gaze, it was like she was assessing whether I was qualified to be locked up in her dungeon to be her next plaything. No idea why that was the first thing that popped into my head, but it was and there's nothing I can do about it. But Judging from her sadistic smile it seems I wasn't too far off the mark.

Everyone else subconsciously turned to me. seeing that I wasn't on the ground with a red face and saliva dripping down my chin, they soon guessed that it was me.

"Mermaids like myself, are abundant in the ocean. They prey on anything that can satiate their hunger. You must have heard tales about us right? A mermaid's song is enough to entice a boat full of humans. So enchanting in fact, that you feel yourself sink into a dream-like state.

That is my full ability. All I just did was look at you. This is just a very small example of the dangers the sea holds. And why you need to be knowledgeable enough to stand a chance of survival.

As this student demonstrated, Occlumency is a very good way of defending against attacks like the one I just used. Ones that affect the mind, sway it and confuse it. well done Mr Knight, 10 points to you." She said with an enchanting smile. I could feel my body heating up causing me to frown ever so slightly. I knew she was trying her ability on me again and she knew I knew since a small smile surfaced again on her face.

But She soon began to pout when she saw me regaining my composure just as quickly as I lost it.