Small Changes

The plot proceeded, following the predestined trajectory of the Harry Potter verse. Pro was only able to cause small changes here and there, but not enough to throw the plot off course. For example, Hermione was able to discover the details of Nicholas Flamel earlier and told Harry about it, but it didn't speed up Harry's progress towards the final confrontation.

Of course, Pro didn't want to change the plot too much anyways. Although changing the plot would make for a great story, Pro knew that he only had one life. His advantage was knowing the future, and if he flapped his butterfly wings too much, he may lose his only advantage. Perhaps, he may modified the plot to his advantage once he gets stronger.

For now, accumulation of knowledge and power is Pro's main goal. Oh yes, collecting galleons is also a side goal. Ever since Pro had discovered the trash disposal room in the Room of Requirements, Pro had spent some free time in there looking for 'trash' that he could sell for galleons. Honestly, it wasn't hard to find some suitable items, but Pro still restrained himself from collecting them due to the fact that they might end up being dark magic items.

Now that Pro had gotten his dragon-hide gloves, Pro was finally able to safely collect the items into his inventory. An assortment of treasures that others consider to be 'trash' were stuffed into Pro's inventory, waiting to be sold once the school year ends.

"Seems I will need to pay a visit to Knockturn Alley or Hogsmeade secretly. Hopefully, my strength will be strong enough to protect myself at that time," Pro mumbled as he took one last glance at the Ravenclaw's Crown before leaving the Room of Requirement's storage room.

Pro also continued to explore Hogwarts, in an attempt to find the mysterious Book of Admittance but to no avail. On the other hand, Pro managed to purchase the secrets of the seven secret passages from Fred and George using a couple of galleons. In fact, they might have told him for free since he already found the entrances to the passages, but just lacked the key to get in, but Pro didn't take advantage of them.

With the main passages unlocked plus a bunch of other extra secrets as an added bonus for his generosity, Pro was able to sneak out to Hogsmeade to complete the explorations there as well. After disguising himself by putting on a mask and hiding within a hooded robe, Pro also visited Hog's Head Inn to build some connections in order to launder off the dark magic items he picked up in the Room of Requirements.

Although it wasn't foolproof, Pro wanted to start this transaction early. He already had some defensive and offensive spells, and Pro wasn't afraid of being ripped off. After all, he picked up the items for free. No matter how low the price he sells the items for, he is still making a profit. Of course, Pro would always strive to increase his profits. The system item descriptions certainly helped him a lot in gauging the price of items.

With Pro's diligent, hard work, Pro's funds easily skyrocketed to a total of 125 galleons, 54 sickels, and 103 knuts. Of course, after the initial sales, Pro toned down his treasure hunting to avoid suspicions and being targeted by thieves. Well, even if they wanted to rob him, they won't find the money because they are all stashed in his inventory.

Pro also happily practiced his spells against his occasional stalkers, and boy were they surprised to see his wandless magic. Of course, Pro used his trump card in order to avoid the events being traced back to his wand. Without any scruples, Pro harvested XP by beating them senseless with both fists and magic. Pro also had to thank them for the extra money that they 'willingly' offered to him after being beaten up.

Even though he technically did a lot in the background, in the end, it didn't affect the plot much. Pro still got along with his friends, and even Hermione didn't discover anything wrong except the fact that Pro doesn't show up in the library as much as before.

When asked, Pro simply told her that he was hiding in the Room of Requirements in order to find ways to make money for their wedding in the future. Well, the shy Hermione avoided Pro for days after that statement, and he finally managed to turn her back to normal with some cuddling.

Time passed and Harry's Quidditch game approached once more. Snape was the referee and everyone decided to wish Harry a sweet journey to hell. Pro didn't comment too much because he honestly didn't care too much. He knew that nothing will happen.

As expected, Harry caught the snitch, and Pro caught Hermione's hand. The game ended so fast that Pro didn't even have the chance to warm up the excited Hermione's hand.

Of course, Harry also discovered the 'suspicious' Snape and the 'innocent' Quirrel. The the two boys then had their imaginations run wild despite the persuasion of Pro. Hermione also thought Snape was suspicious, but she began to have second thoughts after listening to Pro's speculations during their private time in their secret hideout.

Pro honestly told her only after she promised to keep the secret. Pro can at least trust Hermione on that because she wasn't like the loose-mouth duo that would expose their secrets out-loud in the hallway. Still, Pro constantly warned her to pay attention.

Pro wanted to continue his easy-going exploration life at Hogwarts, but it wasn't long before Hermione dragged him off to review for the exams that are still ten weeks away. Glancing at the system inventory where he had all his first year books stored, Pro seriously lacked the motivation to color code his notes and waste time studying.

Even his notes can be stored, so Pro had no worries. Still, Pro won't complain because he easily used studying as an excuse to spend alone time with Hermione in their secret hideout. Besides a lot of sweet cuddling time, Pro spent the rest of his time grinding magic XP by attacking practice dummies in the Room of Requirements while Hermione joined in from time to time.

Another day of bliss arrived for the couple. Leaning against the couch, Pro embraced Hermione in his arms whilst she laid against his chest and continued to peacefully read her books. Honestly, the cuddling they were doing were already exceeding the boundary of an unofficial couple, but too bad they were both children so they both didn't have any other dirty thoughts.

Snap. Hermione shut her book as she snuggled against Pro. After enjoying the moment in silence for a bit, Hermione finally said in a soft voice, "Pro, it's time to go. Harry and Ron should be waiting for us. We are going to visit Hagrid. I've heard he may have something dangerous. Hopefully, it's not something that would get us expelled."

"Well, don't get your hopes up," Pro chuckled as he stroke Hermione's head in an attempt to smooth out her bushy hair, "Knowing Hagrid, he probably does have something dangerous, perhaps it may even be a dangerous."

"That's totally barbaric-," Hermione suddenly sat up as she glared back at Pro as she snapped, "You do know, don't you?! You always seem to know everything. I've heard Harry and Ron mention how your random jokes came true, even the fact that Snape will be referee. It's brilliant, but ... scary at the same time. Pro ... what-"

"Shhh ..." Pro shushed Hermione by placing a finger on her lips, "Don't ask. When the time is right, I will tell you. Trust me."

Hermione stared at Pro's face with her eyes, searching for a clue, but in the end sighed, "Okay. I'll wait ... still, I hope what you said won't come true this time because it's totally outrageous if it is. Hagrid could get in a lot of trouble."

After enjoying each other's embrace for a while longer, the couple finally left the Room of Requirements and headed off to meet up with the two boys.

"Blimey, where have you two been?" Ron stared at the two with a curious face.

"Studying for exams in a quiet place," Hermione calmly lied while slipping her hand out of Pro's hand.

Harry stared back and forth between the calm Hermione and grinning Pro, feeling that something strange was going on but his brain couldn't process it at the moment.

"Well, we're going to visit Hagrid aren't we?" Pro changed the subject with a chuckle.

The two boys nodded before leading the way towards Hagrid's hut. Strolling over, Pro smiled as he felt someone secretly slip her hand back into his.

Making their way to Hagrid's hut, Pro felt a hint of excitement inwardly. Although he knew that he won't see a dragon this time, but seeing the egg would also be amazing. Perhaps, some new quests could be triggered. Pro really needs some quick XP so he doesn't fall behind next year.

Entering Hagrid's hut, Pro could instantly feel the overwhelming heat inside. With a sweep of his eyes, he had already locked on to the egg being cooked black. The dull trouble-making duo didn't bother to observe the room, and focused on asking about Flamel. Hermione also helped to squeeze answers out from poor Hagrid's mouth while Pro silently observed the new quests he got.

[Dragon Taming] A dragon's egg has been discovered. Experience the process of raising a dragon and perhaps you may get a surprise! Check out the dragon egg. Meet a dragon within a month of its birth. Pet a dragon without getting hurt. Feed a dragon three times (0/3).

[Hidden Dragon] Prevent the dragon from being discovered or take the dragon away.

Glancing back at the egg, Pro can't help but feel a bit excited. The first quest may require him to spend some effort while the second quest will probably automatically complete itself if the plot continues unless it requires Pro to take away the dragon by himself.

As for the first condition to prevent the dragon from being discovered, it will probably be near impossible with the Harry-Ron duo's loose mouth. Pro can't follow them all day in order to prevent Malfoy from overhearing.

Still, Pro decided to take things one step at a time. First, let's set up a way for him to complete the first quest.

Interrupting the trio's interrogation, Pro got Hagrid's attention, "Hagrid, is that a dragon egg?"

The trio paused as they followed Pro's line of sight and locked onto the egg. The poor Hagrid could only agree and explain how he got the egg. Afterwards, Pro requested to come help raise the dragon, despite Hermione's protest.

"I've always been interested in the dragons of legends. They always appear in Muggle stories that I've read since childhood, I can't wait to actually meet one," Pro acted in an excited manner in order to convince Hagrid to let him participate while he stroked the egg wearing gloves to complete his quest.

"Well, o' course you can! An' I am happy to have you here when it hatches," Hagrid replied with a happy, innocent chuckle.

Although it was dangerous, the innocent Hagrid that had a different sense of danger was actually happy to let a weak child help him raise the dragon. Hermione could only grumble and actually decided to follow along. The pure, honest girl that doesn't like breaking rules was somehow corrupted by spending time with Pro.

Harry and Ron were also interested, but were shut down by Hermione as she stated that they won't have time with the pile of homework the professors assigned. Unlike Pro and Hermione, the speed of their completion of homework was completely different.

After the group discussed the egg and fished the secrets out of Hagrid's mouth, they returned to their school life while waiting for the egg to hatch. Not surprisingly, Harry was the one that got the notice when the dragon egg was about to hatch.

On that day, Pro specially watched over Harry and Ron to prevent their leakage of the event, but the idiot Ron still managed to leak it in a monologue even though Pro held Hermione back from arguing with him. Pro honestly wanted to know if that idiot did it on purpose! Also, that Malfoy, he just had to magically walk by when Ron spat out the first sentence despite Pro's warnings.

Well, Pro just had to deal with it. His aim was the Dragon Taming quest anyways. Pro was excited over the rewards of the quest, and can't wait to complete it at once. It probably won't take more than one visit if he could feed the dragon multiple times.

"I wonder ... Will I get some lame reward like a 'how to train a dragon' manual? Or will I be able to tame a dragon?"