
Inside Hagrid's hut, the group of children stared at the hatching dragon egg on the table with interest. Clicking and scraping noises came from within the egg that shook from time to time as something tried to break out from within.

Crack. With a crisp cracking sound, a hole was punctured in the shell of the egg as a small baby dragon, with a skinny body and spiny wings, flopped onto the table. As it coughed out a couple of sparks from its snout, it opened its eyelids to take a look at its surrounding, revealing a pair of orange eyes.

"Isn't he beautiful?" Hagrid murmured in a charmed voice.

The bulky Hagrid had already turned into a mommy and he couldn't help but reach out his hand to pet the dragon, only to have the baby dragon try to bite him.

As it was part of his quest, Pro put on his dragon hide gloves and reached out to pet the dragon. The baby dragon stared at his gloves and tilted its head in confusion for a moment, letting Pro succeed in petting it on the head. Suddenly, the aggressive baby dragon then snapped forward and tried to bite Pro's hand.

Pro's hand rapidly retreated as he felt a force pinch a finger. Fortunately, the baby dragon's bite couldn't penetrate the tough dragon hide glove. Pro helplessly pulled his hand out of the glove and reached out with his other glove to tug his glove out of the baby dragon's bite.

"Are you alright?!" Hermione's worried voice came from besides Pro as she grasped his hand to check if he was hurt.

"No problem Hermione, it didn't manage to bite through the hide," Pro replied with a smile as he observed the worried Hermione.

Hermione looked up and locked eyes with him. She frowned before saying, "Pro, don't do barbaric things anymore alright?"

"You know I won't take risks Hermione," Pro chuckled as he rubbed Hermione's hand, causing her to blush a bit before slipping her hands out of his hand.

"Who?!" Hagrid's sudden exclamation echoed in the hut as he hopped to his feet and swiftly marched to the window.

Glancing over, Pro saw the closed curtains of the window, but it was unknown when a small gap had opened. Pro recalled checking the room when he came in, and there definitely wasn't a gap there! Pro couldn't help but frown. Is it a coincidence or is there someone playing tricks behind the scenes?

"What's the matter?" Harry asked in a worried voice as he followed Hagrid.

"Someone was lookin' through the gap in the curtains. It's a kid ... he's runnin' back up ter the school."

Pro watched as Harry bolt open the door and check outside. When he recognized the escaping boy, he gritted his teeth as he growled, "Malfoy!"

The trio then became nervous as Harry and Ron apologized for leaking the news. The trio then began to persuade Hagrid to let the dragon go. While they were busy persuading Hagrid, Pro scooped some of the brandy mixed with chicken blood that Hagrid had prepared and fed it to the baby dragon.

Noticing the progress in his quest, Pro smiled and continued to feed the not so aggressive baby dragon two more times, receiving a couple of small fire rings from the happy baby dragon. With this, his quest was easily finished!

[Congratulations! You have completed Dragon Taming Quest. You are awarded: 1 Quest Point, 200 Hunter XP, Contract Box]

With the XP boost, Pro's hunter level casually rose to from 12 to 13, but Pro's attention wasn't focused on this. Seeing the new reward type, Pro couldn't help but raise his eyebrow with a hint of surprise. Pro knew the contract box is an item that does not originate from the Harry Potter verse nor R*nescape.

"It seems that the system has many other rewards that are probably added in by the creator to facilitate the plot," Pro thought with a hint of mirth.

Tapping on the contract box in his inventory to use it, Pro was presented with a prompt with multiple choices.

[Choose a contract type as a reward] Pet Contract, Housing Contract, Servant Contract, Spouse Contract

When he saw the choice of pet contract and thought about the baby dragon nearby, Pro almost couldn't resist choosing the pet contract. It's not everyday that he got the chance to subdue a pet dragon, and if he was correct, the pet contract was expected to tame the dragon for him.

However, Pro held himself back and thought about the consequences of taming the dragon. The dragon had already been discovered and will definitely be sent away. The baby dragon can't add much to his combat power, and there is no way for him to keep it even if he tamed it. So, there won't be any benefits in the near future. Perhaps, he could only reap the rewards in the far future if he tamed the dragon.

After considering the pros and cons of the pet contract, Pro decided to skip it for now. He glanced at the cute baby dragon with a bit of regret, but he moved on to the other contracts.

Pro was certainly interested in the servant contract, but it's a fact that he had no one that can be his servant at the moment. Also, if he truly wanted a loyal servant, he might as well get a house elf. As for the spouse contract, Pro is currently 11. Sorry, spouse can wait a couple of years. Perhaps he would get one for Hermione after they had become official.

In the end, Pro decided on the housing contract. If Pro remember correctly, the R*nescape house was a large empty space that he could build on. Perhaps in the real world, it could also be turned into a storage area. With a hint of anticipation, Pro selected the housing contract.

[Ding! Housing Contract has been added to inventory.]

The contract box was replaced by a parchment that can't be taken out. As soon as the parchment appeared in his inventory, Pro got a notification for a new quest. Ignoring this notification for now and checking the item details of the parchment, Pro was able to get a short description.

[Housing Contract] Can be used to purchase a house or to upgrade an existing house.

"Not much info, but it's clear that I can get my first R*nescape house with this housing contract. Plus, there's a new quest related to housing."

[First House] A warm, cozy safe zone just for you. Purchase your first house.

"Simple explanation for a quest, but the purchase parts worries me," Pro muttered, but before he could explore further, he was interrupted by his friends.

"Blimey, Pro, why are you all silent over there? You don't seem to be worried at all?" Ron brought everyone's attention to Pro.

Pro glanced back at the group and replied, "There's nothing to worry about is there? What's happened had already happened, there's nothing you can do to change it. Instead of arguing and worrying here, you should calm down to think of a way to solve the problem."

"Pro ... you have thought of a way, haven't you?" Hermione muttered as she stared at Pro.

"O' have you really? I can't jus' dump him, Pro, tell me if you have a way!" Hagrid mumbled in excitement as he stumbled towards Pro with his bulky body.

Pro backed off a bit as he waved his hands while replying, "Hey, don't look at me. I'm not the one with a solution."

"You're not? Then who?" Harry exclaimed in confusion.

"Ron," Pro stated as he pointed at Ron.

Everyone looked over at the dull-faced Ron. It took a moment to realize that everyone was looking at him as he exclaimed in shock, "W-wait! What? Me? Bloody hell Pro, what are you saying?"

The group turned back to Pro with confused faces. Pro rubbed his forehead as he stated, "If I remember correctly, Ron has a brother named Charlie? He works with dragons doesn't he?"

It took a moment for the facts to sink in before Ron exclaimed in excitement, "That's it! Blimey, how come I didn't think of that!"

Harry and Ron then explained to Hagrid the background of Charlie. The group then persuaded Hagrid to send the dragon away and the plan was set in motion. Ron went back to write to Charlie. Honestly, it was a bit different from the plot as everything progressed much sooner, almost a week earlier than the original plot.

If it was during normal times, Pro would not wanted to affect the plot, but now, Pro wanted to try disturbing the strings of fate and see if he could fish out the person behind the scenes! Pro already had suspicions on who it would be, but it's not confirmed and Pro didn't dare to go confirm it in person.

Returning to the commons room, Pro finally had time to check out the usage of his housing contract. With a couple of taps, Pro used the contract and saw another prompt pop up.

[Ding! It was detected that the host has not purchased a player-owned house. Housing contract can be used to purchase a house with a basic cost of 5000 galleons. (125/5000)

[Host has insufficient galleons to use the housing contract. The housing contract will stay in inventory.]

Pro's lips twitched a bit as he saw the abnormal amount of money that he needed.

"I had a bad feeling when I saw the word, purchase, earlier and now my ominous feeling has been realized," Pro sighed as he scratched his head in frustration.

Still, it wasn't too big of a deal. Honestly, Pro could slowly save up the money on his own by selling 'trash' from the Room of Requirements. In the worst case scenario, Pro could borrow it from his parents.

Although he could instantly contact his parents for the money now, Pro still held back. After all, they might need to save some money for the birth of his sibling and Pro didn't want to put a strain on their finance unless absolutely necessary.

"Getting a house is not too urgent anyways. Still, I guess I'll spend more time collecting treasures in the secret room. There's still plenty to sell, I just hope I won't get draw too much attention."

The week crawled forward as the group awaited Charlie's reply. Pro spent most of the week laundering 'trash' like crazy, attracting attention and also hate from those who he managed to defeat.

It was then that Pro realized how wonderful it was to have living practice target for his magic attacks! The XP gained from grinding them far exceeded the XP gained from striking a dummy. Of course, it was also more difficult, and Pro even had to use his wand once because he encountered a group ambush.

Fortunately, he was easily able to see his enemies closing in on his mini-map, allowing him to hole up in a building before the fight. Then, he defeated them with dual casting, using both his wand and hand! That was also another amazing feature Pro had discovered. He could cast spells manually with his wand while using his other hand to cast spells through his system!

Not only that, system spells that target enemies will automatically home in on the enemy, even if they hide behind obstacles. Pro enjoyed the faces of terror shown by his enemies when they realized they couldn't hide from his spells while he happily hid behind a wall.

Of course, some spells ended up fizzing out, causing their surprise, but this only added to their panic because they won't know which spells were 'real' and which spells were 'fake' or fizzle. The spells that Pro sent out with his wand as distraction caused the enemy to feel the pressure even more. Not only that, Pro was always able to predict their position using the mini-map, and Pro can easily choose who to prioritize as his target. So, they ended up being living sandbags for Pro.

After that battle, Pro thanked the owner of Hog's Head Inn, Aberforth, who had kindly warned him before he left. The brother of Dumbledore probably realized he was a student already, and maybe even found his identity, but fortunately, Aberforth didn't seem to want to tell Dumbledore.

After that event, Pro also got a reputation in the inn, and was known as the "Masked Magician". He was no longer marked as easy prey, and most of his stalkers voluntarily avoided him. Some even came to apologize and befriend him because they knew he let them go without killing them.

Even his main dealer, Mundungus Fletcher, ripped him off less and offered higher prices for his wares. Well, Fletcher still ripped him off anyways, but Pro didn't care. The money he has saved had already rose up to 331 galleons, 133 sickels, and 354 knuts. Earning money is as easy as picking up trash.

As an added bonus, his magic also rose from level 19 to 22 thanks to the many battles and the reward he got from the emergency quest of Surviving the Ambush. The quest also raised his thieving level from 2 to 4, which didn't have much significant change on his sneaking ability.

In the standard spell book, the Severing Charm was unlocked at level 21 and the Dancing Feet Spell was unlocked at level 22. For transfiguration spells, Pro unlocked the Softening Charm at level 20 and the Avifors Spell at level 21. On a side note, the upgraded version of the red spark duo spell, Vermillious Tria, was unlocked at level 21 for the DADA spellbook. At level 22, the smokescreen spell was unlocked.

In the end, the rest of the plot progressed unaffected. With Pro's attempt to speed up the plot, it didn't change the end result. Perhaps the only thing that he managed to change was the fact that Charlie's friends were now forced to visit Charlie earlier than they planned.

On the other hand, Ron somehow still got bitten by the Norbert the dragon despite Pro's constant warning and Malfoy somehow ended up finding Ron's letter! Pro truly felt that there was something wrong now. Clearly, there was someone or something making sure the events unfolded as intended. Was it fate? Or was it human interference?

If Pro hadn't known better, he would have suspected that Ron was actually a professional spy that was planted to push the plot forward. Anyways, the time to send Norbert away quietly arrived as the group welcomed the weekend night skies.