
g l a s s e s (Noun.)

a pair of lenses set in a frame resting on the nose and ears, used to correct or assist defective eyesight or protect the eyes.

Elain hissed as she was shaken awake for a second time. Her body jolted upright as an impulse to sudden feeling and caused her even more pain. She blinked her heavy eyelids up at the three humans in front of her. Then a glance over at the planet’s native who had the same look as the others leaned over her.

“So much for not sharing trucks,” the doctor hissed out. Genuinely upset that their other ride was so easily destroyed. Frederick huffed in what she assumed was an amused manner while his wife gave her a mother’s glare. Bonnie continued to prod at her body, which was what she seemed to be doing before Elain become conscious again. “That hurts,” she hissed and tried backing further from her pointy fingertips.