She should've known

Life was truly full of surprises. One minute, everything seemed in place. But in just a blink of an eye... everything felt like it was falling apart. 

I thought I was ready for it. I was certain that when the time comes, I would understand. 

I was wrong. 

Even when I knew deep in my heart what would happen, no amount of preparation was enough to stop the pain. I could feel the pieces of my heart fall apart while staring at the man who owned it. 

Hugo was staring in a particular direction, wide-eyed. I knew that look in his eyes: surprise, attraction, and confusion. We were just enjoying the ball after he introduced me to people. But as the night fell deeper, just when Hugo and I were about to sneak out, he stopped. 

For reasons we all knew, he turned his head in a particular direction. He froze that instant and never took his eyes off of from there.