The feelings he never wished he felt

Life was truly full of surprises. One minute, everything seemed in place. But in just a blink of an eye... everything seemed to slip through his grip like water.

Hugo thought he was ready for it. No. He was certain that when the time comes, he already knew what to do.

He was wrong. 

The second that woman from across the hall caught his eyes, he couldn't look away. It was his first time seeing that woman, but he felt like his soul knew her already. 

'I should look away,' he commanded internally, but he couldn't. 'She is looking. Rinnie is smart and she will surely know what is going on.' 

His jaw tightened as his hand balled into a tight fist. His shoulder was tensed, breathing growing heavy by the minute. His mind was telling him to go for that woman, whisk her away, and secure her in his embrace so she wouldn't leave him. But his heart told him otherwise.