Your luck has run out


Cora's voice rang through the thick walls of the castle, sprinting at the fastest speed possible. She ran through the narrow and bleak hallway, leading to where he could smell Tomas' scent.

Her eyes barely blinked, staring at the broken door as her brother's scent grew stronger. "Tomas!!" she yelled her lungs out, storming out as the faint moonlight felt blinding as the sun.

Her feet slowly came to a halt, looking around at the almost empty courtyard. Cedrick was no longer there, but before she could wonder where they went, she caught a figure in her peripheral.

She twisted her neck like a rusty metal to look at that figure. As soon as her eyes fell on it, her heart sank. For a moment, she couldn't breathe while taking a careful step.

From her vantage point, all she could see were broken limbs and a torso. Something she dreaded to see on her way here. The closer she was to the body, the more painful her heartbeat felt against her ribcage.