One true alpha


Daniel turned his eyes to the east, seeing Teresa, Priscilla, the unconscious Sally, and a few werewolves and Garrett run in the same direction they were heading. The palace was nearly empty, aside from the vampires they encountered on the way and took down.

"Your Highness is His Grace..." Garrett, who rushed to join Daniel and Silas and their packs, gazed at Hugo on Daniel's back. Seeing that Hugo seemed to have lost his consciousness, his eyes darkened.

Garrett clenched his teeth as he looked ahead. His mind was slowly filling with anxiety. His wife was still in the inner palace and was surely caught up in the chaos.

"Cora is still back there to help Tomas," he reported solemnly, barely holding himself back from going back to assist his wife. "Princess Sally's condition is still bad, but if she regenerates continuously, she'll get better."