
The sun had risen upon the small village once again, there was glittering on the horizon. A few villagers noticed these glittering slimes, a huge swarm of slimes slowly fumbling their way to the village.

"Slime Raid!" Villagers frantically called out to warn others before it was too late.


Alex awakened to a violent knocking on his door, "Young Sir! Please help us, there's a slime raid!"

'Huh? Help? Slime raid?' Alex tiredly thought to himself… 'Shit'

Alex who passed out last night was still dressed in his clothes, he quickly stood up and opened the door. "Slime raid, what's that?" He asked the servant who works at the inn.

"Young sir doesn't know? No matter. A slime raid is…" Upon listening to the servant, Alex discovered what a slime raid is. A slime raid is an exponential problem caused by a person killing a slime and doesn't clean up the kill or killing of all slimes in the area. The slimes would eat their fallen causing them to gain size, then they'll start attacking wildlife which causes a cycle of reaction. The culprit of this problem happens to be Alex who's done this unknowingly.

'Oops, I didn't know that would happen.' Alex then felt a little obliged to help out with the problem even though he has little to no combat knowledge. 'They're just slimes, can't be that hard right?'

Under the obligation to help, Alex ran outside and looked for the guards who were on the outskirts of the village. "Hey! I've come to help!" Shouting out he did get their acknowledgment and thanks, but a veteran villager came up to talk to Alex.

"Thank you boy, but you don't even have a weapon. How could you be of help?" The veteran said with a straight face towards Alex.

'Right, I don't have a weapon… maybe somebody may lend me one?'

"Thank you for your concern, I was hoping I could borrow one temporarily. Does anyone have a spare?" Alex spoke clearly for the others to hear. But he was only greeted with silence.

"Boy, you're not only young, but you don't even have a weapon, and nobody would have a spare as we struggle to even buy a weapon of our own! Please just go back to the village and wait for the good news." The veteran replied after a moment of silence leaving Alex red at the ears being a little embarrassed.

"Okay, I'm sorry to have bothered you guys. I only hoped to help… as a noble." Alex then slowly walked away before stopping as another voice called out to him.

"Stop… young sir. I have a spare hunting knife, please don't be offended by my previous silence." A bystanding guard called out. He realized he recognized the boy from yesterday, and realizing his mistake decided to hand him his knife.

"Noble? From which family?" The veteran asked. 'Damn, I should've guessed this question would've come up' Alex thought to himself before replying. "It does not matter, I…" But the veteran stopped him from speaking. "You're right it doesn't matter, sorry for intruding, please help us."

After that short ordeal, Alex receives the hunting knife and a pair of spare wrist guards from another guard. 'I hope I can do alright, I know I have no combat experience but everyone starts somewhere…'


Somewhere else in the wilderness…

"Oh damn it! Why!" Olen cried as he ran from a horde of goblins chasing and throwing spears at him.

Olen was also in the bus when it crashed, and awoke in a den inside of a goblin camp. After getting over the shock of a near-death experience, Olen also assumed he somehow survived and was kept in a small cave for protection. But he was quickly shown otherwise when he thought he heard the footsteps of another passenger of the bus only to see a small green midget with pointy ears and a protruding belly.

"Hi… what the fu… it's a goblin!?" Olen, only then realizing his situation, immediately booked it towards the light, only to then feel regret. Outside was a large camp full of goblins… many of which were staring directly at him after hearing his screams. 'Fuck'

This led to his current situation of him running for his dear life through the forest, he feels he could eventually lose them if he just kept running. He eventually broke through the forest entering the steppes and immediately spotted a small village in the distance. Feeling as his only hope of safety, he doubled down and put everything in his final sprint.


As Alex was preparing for the soon-to-be slime raid, Alex spotted a silhouette of a person in the distance running towards the village. Seeing this, Alex gathered some of the others' attention towards the person and asked "Is he a scout?" They talked amongst themselves seeing if they knew but nobody did, but they stopped when they saw yet another hoard chasing after said person.

'What is that? I can't see, they kinda look like green midgets? Goblins?'

It wasn't long until everyone else noticed and was immediately put on high guard as they soon started shouting "Goblin Raid!" This also put Alex on guard too, 'Really? Slimes and now goblins? Wow, my luck sucks…'

Everyone ran into positions and a tense atmosphere slowly took over, slimes were one thing as they weren't believed to be sentient but goblins are crafty and cruel creatures and posed a huge threat to this small village. Alex was extremely nervous about what's to come, this was going to prove very difficult for him as he doesn't have any combat experience besides high-school wrestling which didn't give him much confidence.

'Damn, if only whoever led them here simply died, then we wouldn't have to deal with this…' Alex also wasn't the only one having such thoughts, many others also had similar thoughts but didn't voice them out loud.

Soon the person running eventually reached the village and collapsed once he broke through the human barrier of makeshift guards. Unfortunately, since Alex didn't exactly want to fight the goblins all too much, he wasn't nearby to see that it was his classmate.

It didn't take long for the goblins to follow and for the raid to begin with slimes following only moments later. Alex tightly held his knife and assumed his fighting stance.

The raid has now gotten much worse as the village was now being attacked on both sides. With that, the raid commenced.