
Chapter 5

Awal and the Trijans return to king Abu after defeating the seven regions.

"Your highness chief Awal has returned, " The royal informal said

"Great bring him in" King Abu chuckles

"Your highness" Awal bows his head

"I'm hoping for Good news from you Awal I trust you so what good news do you have for me?" King Abu said in excitement.

" Sir we have succeeded in defeating seven regions.."

" Ahah I trust you Awal you can never let me down" King Abu interrupts him

"But We have not defeated the eighth region, " Awal said his head faced down

"What?? And what is keeping you from attacking their kingdom?" King Abu said Furious

" Sir These people are stubborn they believe in a God they call the only true God and that they will never surrender because they have this God by their side"

"Nonsense no other God is better than bal "

" Sir an elder from one of the regions we attacked earlier told me that other kingdoms from the past have tried to attack this kingdom but never have they succeeded because of their God, and the only way you can defeat them is if they disobey their God.

I also remember my Grandmother telling me a similar story about this, and this troubles me a lot, not like I'm afraid of them I just feel we should leave them be we have already succeeded in conquering the other seven regions, we have power now, "Awal said.

"Never!! We will defeat these people with their so-called God. And how can you say such, do you know who you are? You are Awal the great!! the leader of the Trijans, the greatest and the most feared army of all the lands who defeated seven regions, and now you listen to one bastard elder. who cares if they have never been defeated. You Awal will defeat them, now gather more soldiers, rest for a few days and go and attack those people " King Abu commands Awal.

"Yes, Your highness I will do that" Awal bows his head and leaves.

" imagine Awal, bring me more wine" king Abu commands his servants.

Awal returns to his Chambers with Zara one of The many harems of women he sleeps with but his favorite.

"You are back my love," She said hugging him tight

"What brings you here at this ungodly hour?" Awal retorted.

"Oh come on Awal I just wanted to see you, it's been so long my love and you have gotten stronger with those muscles," she said touching his muscles

"Not this night Zara," he said removing her grip from his hand

"Make love to me my love," she said removing her clothes

"That is enough Zara leave my chambers at once" Awal yelled

" why would you not sleep with me you have grown tired of me for how long Awal? When will you ask for my Hand in marriage?" She said

" Woman you must be going mad leave now and put on your clothes," Awal said laughing at her

"Now you make jest of me, all you wanted was to sleep with me. I can't believe you. You will never touch my body again," She said Picking up her clothes and wearing them

"I have enough sluts for that " Awal said coldly

"You're so cruel," she said running out of his chamber crying.

The next day, King Abu prepared Awal and the Trijans a great feast celebrating their success. With some of their women around them.

"Did you know That I killed about Seventeen men at once in one of our battles?" a Trijan said to a woman

"Oh really? That is so brave" The woman said

"Well not compared to me who killed fifty at once," another said drinking his wine

"You both are lairs Chief Awal is the real warrior amongst us, " Said a Trijan.

"We are the great Trijan Army we all are warriors, I'm I right?" Awal said hyping them

"Yes," The all roared.

A fellow lady named Zainab met Zara crying at her chamber and felt the need to ask what has happened.

"Zara is everything alright?" Zainab asked

"It's Awal that cruel bastard he had refused to marry me. I went to his room this night and he chased me out. I hate him and I hope he dies a cruel death," Zara said cursing

"But did we not warn you of him?. We told you he was a womanizer he sleeps with every woman he sees, he is not devoted to anyone in particular.

Remember what he did to me and even Amamat and Halima. I don't want to mention more names but you know what I'm talking about so, in other words, I hope you have learned your lesson, my sister. Marry a responsible man " Zainab said

"I have heard you" Zara responded

"Hmm alright if you say so," Zainab said.

Three days had passed already and the Awal and the Trijans had rested and gathered energy and more men to go and attack the Agu Kingdom.

When they arrived at Agu kingdom they noticed that they had increased their walls and made them higher so high they could barely see the kingdom.

"What is going on here" Awal yelled

"It seems the Agu kingdom have made their wall higher and the gates are closed," Another Trijan said

"We will camp here let them know we are not here to play, " Awal said.

The Guards from Agu saw the Trijans as their army had increased and that they are even camping beside them so he rushed to tell the others that the Trijans have arrived.

"My Elders They Trijans have arrived they have set a tent, it seems they are camping besides our kingdom," The guard said

"What do we do now?" An Elder said

"We wait and seek what God has to say, nobody goes in or out" The chief Elder

Awal and the Trijans set out their tents and sit watching the Kingdom gate to see if anyone will come out of the kingdom.

" We will wait here They will get hungry in a matter of days and when they are weak and Tired they will surrender or we will attack, " Awal said.