Chapter 3

Alex has also taken a shower. He was wearing a snow-white shirt and white trousers. His tanned-skinned neck is very clean and sexy. He stood barefoot in front of the bookshelf and looked up at the bookshelf.

"What do I need to help you with?" Alex asked without looking back when he heard Joey coming in.

Joey: "Which books do I need to read under your guidance?"

Alex: "No need, whatever you want, as long as you are studying."

Joey said, "Then I read the book "Hagen's Herbal Medicine" that I read half of yesterday."

Alex nodded and took the copy of "Theology." Joey and Alex sat on the floor and opened the books in their hands. Joey read the book today and didn't know why he was a little distracted. He read his herbal medicine and closed it, replaced it with a copy of "The Hymn of the Holy Light", read it in his mind, and read, "The eye of the gods cuts away the darkness." When read "Sharp Sword", he couldn't help but raise his eyes to look at Alex.

Alex seemed to be immersed in the book intently.

Joey couldn't help but looked at Alex a few more times. He felt that his eyebrows and eyes were very handsome, and the curve of his nose was also very good-looking, and he had a sense of heroism. He closed the hymn, changed the copy of "The King of Heroes", watched for a while, and couldn't help but look at Alex.

Will he go to the battlefield to kill the enemy? How many people did he kill? Joey started to think about it, will he be covered with blood when he kills?

"What does this paragraph mean?" Alex looked up from the book and asked Joey, "I'm asking you."

Joey recovered, a little embarrassed, got up and went over, explaining what Alex pointed out.

"The soul is the poles of light and shadow. The divinity can be seen at extremes, but there is no way to capture it..." Joey sat beside Alex, lying on the table, looking sideways at him, and said: "My understanding is that If you really improve yourself constantly, you will be infinitely close to God. If you fall to the extreme, you will also be infinitely close to God."

Alex moved his eyebrows, looked at Joey's face, and said, "In other words, justice and evil, If reach the extreme point, can they both be close to God?"

Joey said, "No, it may not mean that, not in my understanding."

Joey took the book and said: "Here is also an explanation, here, teacher, look, the interpretation of light and shadow..."

"Justice and evil are just relative norms. What is justice? The interpretation of justice is just the definition of human ethics." Joey said: "Guardian, law, eradicate evil and promote good, these are all justice. In the eyes of the true God, all things are treated equally. For example, this country invades another country. This is unjust in the eyes of mankind. Therefore, in order to protect their homeland, go to the battlefield to kill the enemy. It is the just side, and the aggressor is the unjust side. This is called eliminating evil and promoting good."

"Yes." Alex nodded.

Joey said: "These are just standards set by human beings. In fact, the true God does not care about these, because in its eyes, everything has its own development rules. Wars, rise, and fall are all in this law, regardless of how many people we have killed, or how many people have been protected, for the true God, we are no different from animals...In the true god's eyes are only light and shadow—birth and resurrection are light; death and destruction are shadows."

Alex frowned slightly, and Joey laughed at himself: "Maybe my understanding is a bit naive."

"No." Alex said: "Go on, then how can I get closer to the divine?"

Joey murmured: "The true divinity depends on your attitude towards these things and what you have experienced. Everyone is infinitely close to the embrace of God when the soul is born and destroyed. During this process, at a certain moment, if you suddenly got Epiphany, and you will be with God..."

Joey was struggled to explain, but at this moment, a soft light appeared on his body, and countless spots of light appeared around him, converging continuously on the outline of his body, but Alex's eyes were full of admiration. Zhizhi stretched out a hand and covered Joey's head.

"What did I see... God," Alex said in disbelief.

Joey was taken aback and said, "What's the matter?"

Alex said: "This is the Holy Light?"

Joey realized something, looked at his hands, and said, "Anything else? My brother said I've appeared before."

Alex said, "No, Joey, I understand."

Joey: "What do you understand?"

Alex said: "When the seven disciples of the true God preach in the world, they will emit this kind of light."

Joey didn't know what to say, and after thinking about it, he had to continue reading the book in his hands.

He sat very close to Alex, and couldn't help thinking about something in his heart. He started to get to know Alex a little bit, and he felt like a humble and polite older brother.

After looking at it for a while, Joey turned his head and found that Alex was not reading, just looking at him.

Joey: "?"

Alex's face was a little red, waved his hand, and looked down at the book.

This time, Joey was immersed in the book, and in the evening he finished reading the "King of Heroes" and was full of all kinds of sorrows about this legendary character. At dinner, Joey couldn't help but suggest to Alex: "Teacher, I strongly recommend you to watch the epic of the hero king."

"I heard some legends about him when I was a kid." Alex said, "but not very specific."

"It's simply too powerful!" Joey ate a turkey leg and tell Alex with joy, telling him how the hero-king drove a dragon and descended from the sky to rescue the princess. Alex smiled as he finished dinner and listening, and nodded again and again.

After a tiring day, Joey slept well at night. In the middle of the night, he felt someone pull the quilt for him. He woke up immediately but didn't open his eyes.

It should be Alex. He came in and went out again. Even if Joey closed his eyes, he could still feel every movement of Alex from pulling the quilt to turning around and leaving the room. Alex's movements Slowly, after leaving, Joey shrank under the blanket, feeling very comfortable, and fell asleep again.

From this day on, Joey slowly became acquainted with Alex.

He was fond of Alex very much, and he can feel that Alex was very nice to him. When Joey was in the palace, he didn't have many friends. All he knew was a group of rigid knights, or Odin, who thought he was annoying and clingy when he was a child, but Alex, who was here to accompany him, was very patient with him. , Almost all questions are answered.

Alex was simply a moral role model, he knew everything, and the battle practice was very, very fierce. Joey began to follow him to learn to block, parry, and even make bluffing moves. Alex adjusted a pair of light armor to match Joey's figure, tightened the leather buckle, and let him put it on.

At first, Joey only felt a little cold, but after getting used to it, after combat training, he would sweat all over his body, and wearing light armor would not be easy to catch a cold. At first, after every fighting practice, his muscles ache, and his calves seem to be filled with lead, but after getting used to it, it gradually doesn't matter.

Two months later, Joey was almost inseparable from Alex. He was very dependent on Alex. There was still something in his heart, but he couldn't say it.

"Actually, I can also fight." One day Joey put the shield and sword back on the weapon rack and said, "Let's switch to a real shield and sword, teacher."

Alex shook his finger and said, "No."

Joey said, "Why? You see, I learned it all."

Joey drew out the long sword again, swiped it a few times, and crossed in front of him. Alex smiled and said, "You are only a beginner. For freshmen like you, teacher has seen too many when I was on the battlefield, they are the soldiers who can be slaughtered easily. To quote an old saying, it give someone a head for free."

Joey was embarrassed and said: "But you can take me to the battlefield."

Alex said: "No, you shouldn't go to war. When you become a priest, as long as you are alive, the soldiers will not be afraid. Your role is far greater than killing the enemy on the battlefield. "

Joey said, "But if you leave me on the battlefield someday, I will be afraid of your death."

Alex said: "My duty is to protect you, live for you, and die for you, as your guardian or for the glory of the knight."

"Oh." Joey suddenly felt a little uncomfortable and said, "Don't say that, teacher, I love you."

Alex said, "You are not allowed to go to war because the teacher loves you, Joey."

Joey stopped talking, and for the next few days, he was a little unhappy.

Alex noticed something but didn't mention it. One afternoon, Joey watched "Battle of the Scarlet" for a while, and suddenly thought of something, staring at Alex in a daze.


Alex looked at Joey seriously.

Joey: "How did you and my brother meet?"

Alex turned a page and said casually: "We used to be comrades in the army."

Joey nodded, read the book for a while, and asked, "What battle are you talking about?"

Alex said: "It's the book you read, Bloody Battle."

This book was compiled three years ago. Joey turned the cover and glanced at it, and said: "It should be called the Battle of Scarlet, at least scholars call it that."

Alex said: "The official definition of it is not necessarily the most accurate."

Joey mumbled vaguely. From this book, he knew the cause of the Scarlet Battle three years ago. In the past, as a result, the cause was actually the two adjacent territories of the Shaq Kingdom and the Kane Kingdom. The peasants revolted, and the two countries joined forces to suppress it and fought a war with the rebels.

"Joey, what do you think about this battle?" Alex asked, putting down the book in his hand.

Joey said, "This is a brutal massacre... No, teacher, I mean..." He realized that Alex had also participated in the battle and that his brother Odin had been sent as a prince. The battlefield was baptized by blood and fire.

Alex nodded and said, "You are right, it is indeed a brutal massacre."

The two remained silent for a long time, and Alex continued to read his book.

Joey: "Teacher, have you killed anyone?"

Alex: "Of course."

After a long period of silence, Alex said: "I joined the Rodburg Cavalry Regiment when I was sixteen. In the past six years, I have experienced one major battle and twelve small battles. The injuries on my body are just like that. Coming down."

Joey nodded and asked, "Have you ever been life-threatening?"

"Yes, I almost died in the hands of a mage." Alex said: "At that time, the cavalry regiment was ordered to eradicate a mage's laboratory. In the end, he performed a successful magic detonation and my team was blown to death. Seven people, I almost died."

Joey was frightened and said, "Are you not injured?"

Alex said, "No."

Joey was in a cold sweat on his back and nodded and said, "It's okay, okay."

Alex said: "From that time, I believed that there was always something affecting my destiny in the dark. Later, your brother found me and told me that you need a teacher."

Joey said: "So you are here? But teacher, please excuse my honesty, I can't understand why... According to commonsense, shouldn't everyone in the explosion range be affected by magic?"

Alex looked at Joey with a smile in his eyes and said nothing for a long time.

Joey didn't understand what he meant and was a little confused. He got up and went to the bookshelf, pulled out a copy of "The Dark Code", and flipped through it. Alex couldn't help but feel surprised when he saw the book, and said, "Is there still this kind of book in this library?!"

Joey nodded and said, "Of course, I can't practice, and my physique is not suitable for practice."

The mage is a group of people who control the power of the elements. To control the power of the elements in nature, you must use chaos, disorder, etc. to break the balance between the elements. People who learn and control this technique are called The magician who "sell the soul to the dark".

The physique of magicians is mostly very fragile, but they are the nemesis of warriors. Joey is a priest, with only the holy light in his body, which is the opposite of the mage profession.

"Your holy magic is specifically designed to restrain the mage," Alex said.

"But I have no way to master any offensive spells," Joey said regretfully.

Indeed, with Joey's physique, he can only master the Holy Word spell, which cannot directly harm any enemy. He can only assist all his fighters to buff, improve the fighters' physique, strength, and even reaction ability, and defend against elemental attacks. , Or to treat some simple injuries. Correspondingly, the beneficiary must also have a firm belief in the true god Joey serves.

The mage is the nightmare of all combat occupations on the battlefield. Ordinary mages can release fireballs, and powerful mages can summon a meteor burst. There has been an example of a mage successfully annihilating tens of thousands of troops in history.

"Let me see..." Joey turned to the middle of the book, sat next to Alex, and said, "What is the attribute of the magical explosion?"

Alex stopped reading, staring at the page Joey turned to, and said, "You must keep it secret."

Joey: "?"

When Joey was wondering, Alex whispered: "That's a necromancer."

Joey: "..."

Joey said in disbelief: "Necromancer? There is still a Necromancer in this world?"

Alex said: "It is said that he escaped from the northern icy woodland. He captured some people for experiments in the Eternal Frozen Harbor. Rodburg sent us to conduct reconnaissance and encirclement with the elite knights of the Principality of Arthurland in the north. It was finally killed by us."

Joey said, "Does anyone know about this? Does the Pope know?"

Alex said: "I'm not sure about this, but the Golden City sent out the Saint Knights of the Temple afterward to detect where the Necromancer came from."

Joey couldn't say a word for a while. The Necromancer and ordinary mages can't be compared. Necromancers are immortal. They somehow modified their bodies and become a creature that doesn't need to eat, drink, or sleep. , They are corpses without breathing, they don't have any pain, there is no joy, anger, sorrow. Their magic power is much stronger than ordinary mages. They are very terrifying spellcasters.

What is even more frightening is that after endless cultivation of the source of magic power, in the long years, these necromancers are likely to evolve, truly abandon their bodies, and become a lich in a pure spirit state.

The lich is immune to all physical attacks. Only a knight bathed in holy light can cause damage to it. There was once a great lich cultivated to be able to cast the wind and summon the rain thousands of years ago. The lich ruled the entire continent. As a result, the Western Continent was plunged into darkness, and finally, the hero-king descended into this world in the long night, as the son of the holy light, he purified the great lich thoroughly by his holy light.

"Corruption and detonation." Joey murmured: "The power and range are equivalent to ten times the detonation effect of the element mage's magic power... Teacher, how did you escape?"

Alex said, "Joye, do you remember the year when your brother went to fight in Rodburg?"

Joey: "What? It was in me... three years ago when I was eleven? Does it have anything to do with that?"

Alex pulled out the book from Joey, closed it, and said, "You polished a tiger-toothed dagger for Odin when he was away from home that year, remember?"

Joey remembered and said, "Ah! It's just a small knife."

Joey laughed. That year, he did use tiger teeth as a material and sharpened a small knife for Odin. It was a small knife, rather like an ornament. It was the size of a small finger, and Joey let his brother take it to the battlefield, hoping to protect him.

Joey laughed at himself: "That thing is too small, you can only hold it for fun."

"He tied a string to the knife you gave him." Alex got up, put the book back on the shelf, and said lightly: "Say his brother gave it to him and showed me a picture of you when you were a kid."

Joey laughed, and Alex added: "Later when I participated in an ambush attack, he gave me this pendant because I was performing the task alone."

Joey seemed to understand something and asked: "Later, teacher, did you... keep it with you?"

Alex nodded and said, "After the Scarlet Battle ended, I kept it on my wrist to commemorate the friendship between me and your brother. Later, in the battle to destroy the Necromancer..."

At that moment, the magic exploded and formed a shock wave, which destroyed the lighthouses, buildings, forests, and huge rocks to the ground. As soon as it passed through Alex's body, the pendant exploded into dust, and the holy light softly blocked the shock wave.

Joey was stunned, Alex sat back next to Joey, looked at him, smiled, and said, "So, I have always believed that one day, I will come by your side."
