Chapter 4

Joey got up and said, "I, I, I, I will make you one more..."

Alex said, "Come back."

Joey had gone into the room to look through his own stuff. He found out the tiger tooth his mother gave him a long time ago. Every year on his birthday, his mother would give him one as a birthday present. Alex followed Joey's room and said: "wait, wait listen to me!"

Joey said, "These are all given to me by my mother. Some are broken."

Alex looked at the dozen tiger teeth and said, "I went to the Golden City once and asked a cardinal... You... Joey." Alex smiled and said: "He told me that this is a sacred object. The process of making a sacred object is called the establishment of a sacred grace contract."

" Sacred grace contract?" Joey took out the funsize knife and looked up at Alex.

Alex said: "There are a few conditions that must be met when you use it. First of all, you will have a very strong desire, and you are willing to make it for a very important person. Your blessings will be injected into the object."

Joey nodded, and Alex explained: "You still need to satisfy a relationship between you and the other party, such as blood, or..."

Alex shrugged and Joey said, "Or what?"

Alex smiled, touched Joey's head, and said, "Anyway, you can't make another holy thing now, don't try it, trust me. Ready to have dinner."

Joey was inexplicable, but Alex got up and left.

The maple leaves are falling, autumn is coming to an end, and winter is approaching. This will be Joey's first New Year in Licar Hills. When he came on the first day, he heard that he must stay here for three years, and he felt indescribably lonely.

But fortunately, Alex came, and his companion, Joey was not so lonely. However, this afternoon, he was dumbfounded when he heard the maids say that he was going home for the winter.

"Are you all leaving?" Joey asked a maid.

"Yes, Your Highness." The maid said: "We are all going back."

Joey was speechless for a while, and everyone had to stay at home during Divine Grace Day and New Year's Day, and that was indeed the case. Only he must stay by God's side. So does Alex go back too?

This morning, Joey put on light armor and stood in the hall and practiced empty-handed fighting with Alex. Their skin was exposed to the air as no armor was dressed up, and their skin touched each other. Alex stood firmly, and Joey closed his hand. The elbow hit Alex's apple. Alex locked his elbow with one hand and wrapped his waist with the other. He stepped away with his left foot and knocked Joey down.

"Use our thumb to clasp his numb tendons," Alex said.

Joey was absentminded. The faces of the two were very close, and his breathing was staggered. Alex looked at his face for a moment and said, "What's the matter? Get up."

Alex pulled Joey up to stand, and Joey felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart as if something was sprouting and growing. He even felt that the meat roll in his crotch seemed to lift, and he turned sideways. , Concealed unnaturally, and asked: "Teacher, winter... shall we continue to study in winter? The people here have all gone back in winter."

Alex said, "No, classes will be suspended from tomorrow. The weather is too cold to practice."

Joey sighed with disappointment and asked, "Will you go home too?"

Alex said in surprise, "Of course not, you want me to go back?"

"No!" Joey breathed in relief, and said, "Great, I'm afraid there will be no one to accompany me in the winter...then let's stay here?"

Alex laughed and said, "Where do you want to go?"

Joeyce was enraged and said, "May I go back to Danstington?"

Alex said: "No, no, the capital is too far away from here, and it takes three days to ride a horse."

"Ah -" Joey wanted to go home and stroll around on the Godly Grace Day, live in the palace, and attend the New Year reception held by his father. Alex then said: "But the teacher will take you to the nearby town."

Joey was happy again and said, "Okay. Then, will we stay here most of the time?"

Alex said: "Yes, I will take care of your daily diet, don't worry."

Joey nodded, that's okay, it doesn't matter where he goes with Alex, as long as they stay together.

After martial arts training that morning, Alex put all his weapons and light armor into the warehouse. The maids left after dinner and left in a carriage. There were only Alex and Joey two lads left in the library. Every day, there will be people in the nearby town of Likal who will bring them to eat, so there is no need to worry about the food.

Alex led his horse to the stables in the back garden and made a winter plan for Joey. Without martial arts training, the only thing they can do is read. Joey can sleep casually every morning, or play chess with Alex. He needs to guarantee two hours in the afternoon for reading and he can arrange freely during the rest of the time.

It was a free arrangement, but in fact, there was nothing to do, and Joey thought he could only chat with Alex.

Alex seemed to be thinking about something this afternoon. During dinner, he suddenly asked: "Joyce, do you really want to go back to the capital?"

Joey drank the mushroom soup and said, "Huh? No, I just want to take you back to show my father and mother, they don't know you yet, right?"

Alex snorted, Joey smiled and said, "I want to introduce you to my family."

Alex said: "In the future, it is not appropriate to go back in the first year. There will be many opportunities in the future."

Joey smiled and said, "Actually, it doesn't matter where you go as long as I am with you."

Alex smiled when he heard the words, and said, "Joy, have you heard Moonlight Song?"

Joey: "No, what's that?"

Alex said, "I'll tell you tonight."

Joey felt a bit strange. He had nothing to do after dinner and didn't really want to read a book. He went back to the room and opened his small box, took out the tiger's teeth, sat on the bench in the corridor, polished against the moonlight, and wanted to give it to Asia. Alex did something, as he heard noises in the yard.

"In my life, there is a moonlight..." Alex's deep voice sounded, Joeyden laughed at that moment, Alex was actually singing, and his voice softened Joey's soul when he sang. His gentleness and an indescribable sense of security, together with the male voice without any musical accompaniment, instantly entered the deepest and softest part of Joey's heart.

Joey sits on the bench, holding one knee, leaning against the pillar behind, while Alex sits opposite to him, with his back leaning on another courtyard pillar, one foot on the bench, and the moonlight shines on his left side face.

"Under the moon's shining, my soul is no longer alone..." Alex sang, looking at Joey's eyes with fascination. Joey's eyes were like ancient and deep stars under the moonlight, and his eyebrows were so beautiful. People would hold their breath when passing by him.

"I offer you my heart." Alex looked at Joey's face, his eyebrows moved, and murmured, "That is my only gift..."

At this moment, Joey suddenly understood something. It is the beautiful emotion that has existed since the birth of the world from the garden of the Creator and is above all natural rules. Alex sang: "One day, you Will understand...please put me on your heart..."

There was an unnatural blush on Alex's face, and his voice gradually lowered: "Please put me... in your heart."

Joey stared at Alex in a daze, as if a beam of light shined into his heart, he put his feet down and got up, but Alex said, "Joey...Joey."

Joey said: "Teacher..."

Alex's hand was trembling a bit and placed it on his shoulder. Joey tried to stand up and hug his waist, but Alex didn't give him this opportunity. He said in a shaky voice, "I... …My singing skill is not as good as the elves, good night, Joey, I love you."

Before Joey could react, he saw Alex's head lowered, and Joey's heartbeat stopped instantly. He closed his eyes subconsciously and felt Alex gently kiss on his cheek. A sweet kiss.

With the sound of footsteps, Alex had flashed back to the room when Joyce opened his eyes again.

Joey stood there in the moonlight, his heart beating like a drum, and his body was almost lost control. He didn't know how he got back to the room, but just lay straight on the bed, and his heart was fulfilled with infinite joy for a while. He rolled up the quilt, wrapped himself in the quilt, and laughed.

Alex kissed me?

The feeling of the kiss was not the same as before... It was not like the feeling of father, mother, brother kissing him, it was not at all. Joey's face was hot and the meat in his crotch was hard. Infinite happiness was poured into his life. It was the first time he experienced this feeling in his life. He held the quilt and regarded it as Alex, buried in the quilt obsessively, and turned over and over again in his heart. It was all about sweet Alex.

He couldn't help but think about every moment he got along with Alex. He was his knight... Is this the power of the contract? When he saw him for the first time, Joey's heart seemed to be lost in half, and in this night, Alex filled his life again.

Joey swallowed and hugged the quilt to gasp, as if he was overwhelmed by happiness, but wanted more. Something was filling up in his heart and wanted to be released. He turned around, unable to sleep all night, and was laughing until midnight when he heard footsteps again.

It was a little bit bright outside, snow rustled underneath, Joey immediately didn't dare to move, and there was another wild beating in his heart.

Alex walked in, pulled the quilt, covered Joey, touched Joey's forehead with one hand, and went back to the room.

Joey breathed rapidly, opened his eyes, looked at Alex's back, and laughed.

Joey didn't know when he fell asleep that night. When he opened his eyes again the next day, the outside was gray and shivering when he got up. The charcoal fire in the fireplace almost burned out, exuding the last bit of residual warmth..

It was one o'clock at noon, and Joey got dressed and went out, and saw the heavy snow falling from the sky to the earth.

"Wow -" Joey was stunned. He had never seen such heavy snow when he was in the capital.

"Rare to see in your hometown?" Alex said.

Joey said: "I have never seen it before."

Alex said: "Eat first, it will be very cold today. Be careful not to catch a cold."

The two had lunch. Alex burned the fire in the fireplace of the library. It was warm. The fireplace was glowing red. Joey couldn't read the book at all. His thoughts ran around endlessly, Alex. It seems that he didn't sleep well last night. He read the book for a while and said, "Teacher will go to bed. If you are sleepy, call me if you have anything."

Joey hummed, Alex fell asleep on the carpet sideways, Joey looked at his resolute lips, the heroic and masculine face, and suddenly had the urge to come up and kiss his lips.

He kept looking at Alex for a whole afternoon, feeling nervous for a long time, and finally couldn't help but lean forward, his lips lightly touching Alex's.

At the moment he went up, muffled thunder sounded faintly in the distance as if something was rolling on the clouds. Joey was taken aback and hurriedly left Alex with a flushed face.

When the lips were divided, Alex woke up as soon as Joey was sitting upright.

"What time is it?" Alex said.

"It's si si si... six o'clock." Joey glanced at the clock.

Alex got up, sobered up, and said, "Let's have dinner."