Chapter 6

********************** Adult Content***************************

Joyce stepped back, holding Odin's helmet, unbelievable.

"It's not surprising that I was found out by Scott, after all, we have been fighting side by side for several years." With a smile in Odin's eyes, he stretched out a hand, and Joyce returned his helmet to him and subconsciously retreated to Alex's side. .

"... But, Joey, how do you figure out my identity?"

"You have a fragrance on your cloak." Joyce looked at Odin intently, and said, "Only people who are afraid of being recognized by me will put on perfume. I guess it might be a palace knight, but I didn't expect it to be you."

"What do you want to do?" Alex said in a cold tone: "Why would you kidnap your own brother."

Odin put on his helmet and said nonchalantly: "Master Hannibal coveted the fragments of the magic orb guarded by the Shaq Kingdom for generations. I just led him into a dangerous situation."

"So you let your brother be the bait?!" Alex whispered: "I'm afraid that's not the case, Odin, do you want that magic orb too?"

"Scott." Odin said in a mocking tone: "You are a control freak. I asked you to protect my brother, but I didn't ask you to interfere with my plan."

"You can't take out the Dragon's Magic Orb!" Joyce said: "Even the Hero King can't control it. You will bring disaster to the entire kingdom, including yourself! There is an ancient curse on the Magic Orb, once you start using it, The curse will erode your body!"

"Anida learned from the prophecy of the stars." Odin said coldly: "There will be a catastrophe in the continent where we live soon. You only need to be loyal to the Holy See and bring your guardian knight to pray. Sing a few hymns to win the favor of the Holy Light, but I am not, I am the future king. I want to protect my people, dear brother. Hannibal doesn't know who I am, you still have a chance now, just yell Out of my identity, the old mage will kill me immediately, would you like to try?"

"Did you get father's consent to do this?" Joyce said coldly, tit-for-tat, "He won't allow you to bring a mage here and take out the relics of the King of Heroes. You are not a king yet, brother. ."

"Let's not talk nonsense!" Odin suddenly shot out his sword!

Alex did not expect Odin he would actually do what he claimed. At that moment, it was too late to protect with a shield, only the sword can stop Odin's attack! Alex made a sword and pointed it straight at Odin's throat, but Odin was not afraid, and he swiped Joyce's arm with the sword, making a shallow cut. In a quick stupor, Alex's sword was slightly slanted, as he couldn't bear to take Odin's life after all.

Joyce yelled, alarming the mage and Anida in the distance. Someone in the distance shouted, "What's the matter!"

Alex: "Go!"

Odin caught up a few steps, but Alex had taken Joyce on his horse and galloped all the way out of the village.

Anida and the old mage caught up and saw the masked knight Odin standing in the snow, with the blade still dripping blood.

Joyce flinched in Alex's arms and rushed away from the abandoned village. Alex wrapped the two in his cloak. Joey was worn out, and he leaned against Alex's chest which makes him feel very warm. Feeling the powerful pacing heartbeat under his thick windbreaker, there is a vague feeling burst out from Joey's heart.

He glanced back at the mountain, no one was chasing them after, the heights were shining with flickering and dimming fires, the wolves were howling in the distant night, the road was dark and there were no fingers, and Alex's cloak was raised in the heavy snow. , Galloping along the road.

Joyce is still in shock, and he will not recover for a while. It was his brother who kidnapped him under Alex's supervision!

After both of them had escaped far enough, Alex tore off one of his cloaks, sat on the horse, and bandaged Joyce.

"Go to Licar Town first." Alex tightened his bandage and said, "Send a message to the Kingdom Guards. Joey, how do you feel?"

Joyce said, "I'm... okay."

He really felt too messy, and said, "I think it's useless to notify the guards. Are we going to alarm the father?"

Alex stopped in his horse, as if thinking, looking at each other, knowing that Odin was in very dangerous situation. According to Anida's dialogue, even Hannibal didn't even know about his disguise. Odin took a great risk and lurked by Hannibal's side, only to steal the treasure at the last minute.

Now once he finds out his identity, Odin will undoubtedly die.

Joyce said, "I think we should turn back and lie on the sidelines to prevent Hannibal from opening the seal tomorrow."

Alex said: "It's too dangerous. My priority is to protect you, and secondly to solve the crisis. You can't take you to adventure."

Joyce raised his head, Alex's heart moved, and he lowered his head. At this moment, the lips of the two touched together.

Joyce: "!!!"

Joyce's heart was about to jump out, and he lowered his head hurriedly, but Alex gently touched his head, and whispered in his ear, "Is it cold? You must be hungry and have not eaten all day and night."

Joyce shook his head hurriedly and shrank into Alex's arms. Alex said, "Hold on for a while, and we will be there soon."

The darkness of the sky has made Joyce unable to tell where is the sky and where is the earth. There is chaos in the vast field of vision. Every tree on the plain is like a ghost and a genie in the forest who are ready for predation. The hills seemed to leave the ground, rushing towards them with howling.

The blizzard is approaching, but Alex's horse speeds faster, and in the end, as if soaring on a snowy field, through the entire plain, arrived in Licar Town.

The wind and snow here are much smaller, and there is a huge frozen lake in the distance. Alex leads the horse and Joyce with one hand. Before the new year, travelers returning home will settle down here, buy a glass of ale, and exchange news about each other's journey.

Alex pushed the door of the hotel open, and as they entered, a gust of snow arrived too. Alex booked the room, pressed his palm, took out two silver coins, put them on the counter, and the bartender wiped the glass. Say: "The third room upstairs, the last room."

"Please prepare some hot soup for us," Alex said, taking Joyce straight upstairs, entering the room and closing the door. This was the real settlement. A few minutes later, the bartender brought hot mushroom soup, bread, and bacon, and Joyce gobbled it up.

After the hot soup, Joyce finally got the strength, Alex rubbed his hands and started a fire in the fireplace. After a while, the small room warmed up. The room was small and the quilt still smelled of the tide. Alex drank the leftover soup, ate the bread, and said, "I'm sorry, Joey, I didn't protect you."

"No." Joyce said quickly, "I didn't expect this to happen either."

He took off his coat, got into the bed and leaned against the wall. The bed was small, and it was barely enough for two people. Alex said again: "The environment is not good, it will be just a little bit."

Joey didn't think the environment here was bad at all. On the contrary, it felt very interesting, with vague expectations from the bottom of his heart.

"What is the key to open the seal?" Alex asked.

"The blood of the two surnames of Shakes and Gwencer... the blood of their direct members," Joyce said.

Alex furrowed his brows and said, "Then Odin himself can completely reach it. Why should him take you away?"

Joyce was silent, and Alex instantly thought of the only possibility-the identity of Odin.

The sons of the King of Heroes have six surnames, which are guarded by six countries on the mainland. The surname of the king of the Shaq kingdom is Shakes, and the queen's surname is... Gwencer.

If Odin is the illegitimate son of King of Shaq...

Alex said: "Odin and you... are not the same mother brother?"

Joyce nodded and said, "But my mother treats him as her own blood."

Joyce was a little uneasy and didn't dare to look at Alex again. After a moment, Alex understood and nodded, "I'm sorry, I have no intention of offending. I will keep a secret for you."

With a smile in his eyes, Joyce said, "But my brother is very nice to me. I have always regarded him as my own brother. I always thought he would be a competent king."

Alex sighed and said, "He never mentioned it to me."

There was a moment of silence with each other, and the atmosphere was a bit awkward.

"Teacher..." Joyce asked, "Shall we... sleep together?"

"Are you inviting me?" Alex smiled.

"Yeah." Joyce was a little nervous and nodded. Alex put their boots on the fire to dry them and went into the quilt. After running around for so long, Joyce is not sleepy, but very energetic. He and Alex have only been separated for two days, but at this moment there is a joy of reunion.

"How did you find me?" Joyce said, "I almost thought you could not find your way."

Alex smiled slightly and said, "We already have a contract between us. I am your knight, and the contract guides me where you are."

Joyce: "!!!"

Joyce remembered that he had never had sex with Alex. How could it be?

"I..." Joyce said blankly, "I remember we didn' that?"

Alex smiled: "Why do I always feel that you are obsessed in my body? Did you do something to me while I was asleep?"

That sentence was almost enticing, Joyce flushed, but when he thought about it, there was nothing to be embarrassed about, after all, they were destined to belong to each other as early as the moment they met.

"I didn't." Joyce flushed to the equator: "You wear clothes when you sleep!"

Alex said: "I feel that my body already has the holy Stigmata. Every time I get close to you, the stigmata gives me a stronger feeling."

Joyce remembered that when Alex was close to him when he was locked up in the abandoned house, he would also have a vague feeling. Alex asked again: "After signing the contract, the knight will show your exclusive Stigmata, I think there should be a record in the priest's handbook, have you forgotten?"

Joyce was immediately embarrassed and said, "I...I haven't finished reading yet, I only read half of it."

Alex smiled: "It should be in the last few pages."

Joyce remembered the commentary in the priest's manual, and he saw the middle part and he didn't dare to read it anymore, because most of the content involved how to proceed with his guardian knight in detail...the details of those things. Some places have also been vividly drawn and pictures.

"Have you read my priest's manual?" Joyce asked.

"I have my book of knights." Alex replied: "About the stigmata, I think it works as long as us not be too far away. The stigmata will stay on me forever, help me, protect me, and let me do ...Fight for the love in my heart. Because of the love you gave me, it made me feel like I was reborn. The moment you kissed me, the contract was signed."

"Really?!" Joyce said with joy: "Where?"

Alex said: "I don't know, this is just my hazy feeling, it must be somewhere in my body..."

Alex took off his shirt and said, "Will you take a look for me?"

The fire was dim, and Joyce touched his sturdy back, but did not see that Alex was stripped totally naked, sitting on the bed, Joyce's hand stroked the broken hair beside Alex's ear. Examining his whole body carefully, he couldn't help but look at his lips and then stared into his eyes.

The breathing of the two became more rapid, and Joyce found the trace and said in surprise: "Ah!"

Alex was not surprised, just watching Joyce smile.

"See?" Alex said: "What shape is it?"

Joyce carefully looked at the stigmata behind Alex's ear. It was covered by his hair, and he couldn't find it if he didn't look carefully. The stigmata were like hexagonal snowflake.

"Like ice crystals." Joyce whispered: "But it's not obvious..."

He looked at Alex's eyes and suddenly didn't want to talk anymore. He would rather just look at each other like this. The exchange of eyes is more direct and real than a thousand words. Alex put his arms around his waist, covering his body on the quilt, kiss him, and putting him flat.

The room was quiet, and the lilies on the bedside table bloomed with the long-lasting fragrance of the quiet night. The only sound was the rustling snow outside the window, the beating flames in the fireplace, and the slight breathing of each other. Joyce stared into Alex's eyes. The knight's eyes seemed to contain the twinkling stars in the long night. His sturdy body carried the vitality of a man.

Then, Alex lowered his head and kissed Joyce's lips.

The kiss was long and last, as if awakened the lives buried under the snow. Joyce's breathing started to accelerate, and Alex's face was flushed to the base of his ears, and he let out a hot breath.

"I love you, Joey," Alex whispered, then hugged Joyce and pressed him under him. The two of them hugged each other. Joyce laughed, don't know why, and faced him earlier. Alex's tension and restraint disappeared without a trace at this moment. He stretched out his fingers, stroked Alex's hair, and stroked his ears.

Alex's eyes were filled with the enthusiasm of the young man and the persistence of the young man. Joyce's eyes were smiling. Alex said, "When you laugh, my heart is about to melt."

"When you laugh, I..." Joyce smiled: "I don't know what it feels like, I love you, teacher..."

"Please grant me, Joyce, let the power of this stigmata increase again..." Alex whispered in his ear.

Joyce became nervous again for an instant. Alex held Joyce in one hand and took off his clothes with the other hand. The strong warrior kissed his lover's forehead, his nose, and his lips. He moved carefully and cautiously. Alex's hard and hung stick lean against the bottom of Joey, and then slowly pushed in.

Joyce's breathing almost stopped. Recalling the pictures and texts in the priest's manual, he did not expect that the moment when Alex was officially entered would so simple and beautiful. The warm and intrusive feeling made his soul out of his body a little bit. It was undisguisedly exposed his soul in front of Alex.

That is the most candid and direct way to face each other. This process strips off all the unnecessary disguise, so that their souls blend with each other, just like two drops of water blend with each other, and then merge into one in the surging holy light. , They were reshaped. It's like a melting pot in the heart of flames, No matter what creature it is, once it enters, it is cast into hot rock and magma, and there is no trace of the original.

After a long time, Alex trembled, Joyce let out a deep breath, the lower abdomen was splashed with greasy liquid, Alex kissed his lips and pulled away from his body.

"I give my soul to you, my god." Alex's voice was deep and magnetic, whispered: "I take you as a faith, relying on you, and live and die for you from now on until I The day of sacrifice for you."

The moment Alex said these words, the stigmata on the side of his neck buzzed brightly, and Joyce was stunned to watch the miracle happen suddenly, the holy light illuminating the whole room.

"Teacher." Joyce laughed and said, "I saw it! It's amazing!"

Alex smiled gently and fell asleep with his arms around Joyce.

When he woke up the next day, Joyce sat up and saw that Alex was wearing his armor.

"Where are you going?" Joyce chased Alex downstairs, and Alex said, "Go and stop Odin."

"I'll go with you," Joyce said.

"No." Alex said, "Joey, I will let the Kingdom Guards escort you back and wait for my news."

"No! No!" Joyce followed Alex downstairs in his pajamas. The hotel was empty early in the morning, and the bartender looked up at them with a confused expression.

"I must follow you." Joyce said: "The opponent has a mage, which is too dangerous! My existence is to improve your combat ability. How can you abandon your priest and run to fight by yourself?"

Alex was really helpless with Joyce and said, "I won't necessarily fight Odin head-on..."

"That's why I need to be with you more." Joyce said seriously: "Teacher." As he pressed his hand on Alex's armor, Alex's whole body lit up.

Alex's eyes were full of surprise, and Joyce said: "Sacred Healing, as long as you are injured, I can heal you and increase your strength."

Alex thought for a while and had to say: "I must make a few agreements with you first..."

"No problem!" Joyce turned and ran upstairs. He didn't bother to listen to what Alex said. After a while, he got dressed and got down, grabbed the bread on the counter, and followed Alex out while eating.