Chapter 7

The sun has risen, it was a sunny day, the glowing sunshine covered the entire snowy area, and the bare trees were covered with a layer of snow. After totally whole three days of blizzard weather, the Maple Mountains finally cleared up like proper ancient mountains. The snow dust that has covered the obsidian for thousands of years, was blown away by the wind, and the mountains appeared like a giant beast under the indigo sky.

In the center of the graveyard, there is a spacious platform on which were several rows of tombstones. In the center is a huge building with a statue of the King of Heroes.

"Go ahead, Master." Anida looked at him in awe.

Hannibal smiled and took a small bottle from Anida. Anida said: "We'd better fight quickly. I'm afraid the little prince who runs away will bring cavalry back soon."

Hannibal said complacently: "No matter how many cavalrymen, they won't be my bothering. Just witness the historic moment, Anida, your teacher will be proud of you."

Hannibal opened the cork of the bottle and held the bottle in his palm. The palm of his hand glowed red. The coagulated blood collected from Joyce immediately melted, turned into weird water droplets, and flew out of the bottle mouth!

"I sacrifice with the blood of the King of Heroes' descendants!" Hannibal yelled, "Remove the seal here—"

Mage Hannibal held the scepter in his hand and point it to the sky. The wind was surging, the sky and the earth got angry and countless thunders smashed at him!

Joyce glanced at it and understood—that magic orb fragment must be under the King of Heroes statue, and the thunder that swept over was the barrier that guarded this orb. Whenever someone tried to break the seal forcibly, the lightning in the sky would knock him down. And the thunderstorms and avalanches in the past few days must be the consequence of this mage activating the enchantment!

Alex roared: "Stop!"

Joyce concentrated and showed the holy light in the distance, and the stigmata on Alex's neck instantly lit up.

"Stop! Scott!" Odin finally couldn't bear it, and shouted angrily. At this moment, he no longer needs to hide, and shouted: "This is the territory of the Shaq Kingdom! And you have no place to stop us!"

Joyce said loudly: "Brother, give up!"

"Shut up!" Odin scolded, "There is nothing to do with you here!"

Hannibal was shocked, but as soon as the barrier was activated, he could no longer stop, the lightning became stronger and intenser, and the drop of blood was injected with magic power by Hannibal, emitting a dazzling red light! As soon as Alex rushed towards Hannibal, Odin shot from the side like a sharp arrow, and with a clatter, he blocked the sword that Alex was swinging at the old mage!

Alex said angrily: "Odin! Do you know what you are doing!"

Odin gritted his teeth, holding Alex's sword in a stalemate, clanking, and mocking: "Alex, I knew Hugh should stay by his side instead. You simply spoiled my brother. Take him back, this is not something you can intervene."

Alex didn't say anything. He erected his shield with his left hand and slammed into Odin. Odin gritted his teeth and waved his sword. The helmet fell, making a noise, and fell down the cliff.

The two had fought three times like lightning, and Joyce shouted: "Don't fight!"

"Is there already a Stigmata... and you actually use the Stigmata my brother gave you to fight with me?!" Odin said angrily: "Knights, Shoot the arrow!"

"Shut up, you lunatic!" Like an angry lion, Alex knocked Odin to the ground with a shield.

Alex's face was pale, and the two of them staggered each other, apparently trying to grab the lead with Odin, but Odin instantly shouted, "Hurry up!"

At this moment, all the soldiers grabbed it at the same time, and at the same moment, Anida drew a dagger, took a step forward, and pierced the old mage's back.

Hannibal spit out a mouthful of blood and stared at the sky in amazement. The barrier has now been completely lifted. With a buzzing sound, the ground formation instantly faded.

"You are crazy! Alex!" Odin roared.

The old mage spouted a mouthful of blood, his gray beard stained with blood, and fell to the ground. At this moment, the last seal in the hilltop cemetery was released, and there was a deafening noise, and the King of Heroes statue collapsed.

Another man's sneer sounded suddenly in the sky.


At the moment when the sky lightning subsided, a huge pegasus with its entirely white body and wings spread out and glided. The man straddling the horse held a spear and launched as a thunderous blow in the air!

Alex and Odin immediately rushed to the two sides, as his spear is carrying electric lights, and when he landed, he blew the statue to pieces. The knight's Pegasus fell to the ground like a god of war. The moment he opened his helmet, everyone was stunned. The man's face was covered with scars, his facial features were twisted, like a monster, but his eyes were sharp, and when he scanned the crowd, whether it was Odin or Anida, they all backed away in horror, no one dared to speak anymore.

His gaze fell on Joyce's face, and Joyce shuddered, and then read a little warmth from his gaze, and found that his Pegasus was covered with a warm white light when it folded its wings.

However, the Pegasus knight only glanced at Joyce and noticed Alex.

"Scott?" The knight said solemnly.

"Who are you?" Alex frowned.

"The sixth of the Paladins." The knight showed a pendant: "Ray Anjes. Come to recover the ancient relics by the order of the Pope, and capture the mage Hannibal for trial."

Joyce breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that the incident had been resolved, but Odin held a long sword in one hand and sneered: "Your Excellency, this is the territory of the Shaq Kingdom."

"The Dragon's Magic Orb will only cause you much pain." Ray held a spear in his hand and said coldly: "If it weren't for King Shax's sake, I would immediately kill you because of your ambitions. , Hand over the relic--!"

When the two were talking, Hannibal's mouth overflowed with a pool of blood, and slowly crawled towards the fallen sculpture. The old mage climbed up to the King of Heroes sculpture with difficulty, pressed with his palm, and the electric light glowed from his hand. The statue made a loud noise and fell apart, revealing a red spherical fragment in the heart of the sculpture.

At that moment, time seemed to freeze on the top of distant mountains.

"Wake up--my faithful servant--" Hannibal's voice echoed far away.

Everyone changed their faces at the same time and turned towards Hannibal. However, it was too late. The tombs in the mountain graveyard were turned upside down with the light from the fragments. All the tombstones cracked and fell. What was there? Breaking ground!

"Grab the pieces!" Odin shouted outrageously.

"Extremely stupid! Who taught you to be so arrogant!" the Paladin shouted angrily.

Joyce stepped back in fear, surrounded by icy zombies. The corpses buried in the entire cemetery, which had been preserved in the cold for thousands of years, were activated by the magic of the orb!

"Beware of the living corpses!" Alex shouted.

Ray waved his spear, and a beam of holy light shot at the mage in the middle of the cemetery. It immediately pierced his throat. The old mage who held the fragments of magic beads burst into blood all over his body, staggering, and fell down toward the cliff. Alex could no longer take any more shots, and did not care to fight with Odin anymore. He turned around and defened Joyce with his shield.

Alex: "Hurry up! Odin! Don't grab it!"

Alex's assessment of his instinct was very accurate. He immediately knocked out the surrounding corpses. Joyce had never been on the battlefield. When he subconsciously wanted to fight back, it was almost too late. Leaving the platform under the protection of Alex.

The old mage held the orb fragments high up at the moment before his death, and his body was showered in light. Joyce's breath was suffocated. The halo seemed to merge with the sun, rotating to make everyone dizzy, and the surrounding sunlight immediately dimmed. , The black and white reverse color appeared between the sky and the earth, flashed, and flashed again.

The moment the black sun appeared, Joyce remembered that style, and shouted: "Fall down! The magic detonates!"

That is the ultimate skill of all mages. When it is confirmed that they have no hope of survival, they will detonate themselves and cause a big explosion. Everyone at the top of a narrow mountain is in danger. Once the detonation occurs, they will be crushed at the same time!

The Paladin shouted: "Pick up the shield and resist the detonation!"

At that moment, the Paladin turned sideways, rushed forward a few steps, and his arm was horizontal, revealing a shield of light.

Alex shouted: "Joy! Give me the light--!"

Alex flicked his shield, and Joyce leaned behind him and closed his eyes.

As if a miracle had come, a dim image of the holy light appeared behind Alex, shaking his wings, a shield of light shielded him, Joyce, and Odin!

And behind the Paladin Ray, a holy spirit appeared!

The goddess is shining in the world, leaning over to stare at the earth, hands apart, and flowers blooming in her hands.

For a moment, the hymn was sung under the clear sky, melodious and reverberating, the flowers revolved, and layers of barriers were stacked, covering everyone on the top of the mountain.

The miracle was befalling!

In the next second, with a loud noise, the mage exploded into powder, and a shock wave swept across, sweeping all obstacles along the way to smash. Obsidian tombstones, ice, and snow, turned into a twinkling light circle and spread across the whole mountain!

In just a short second, the entire mountain collapsed. The ice and snow rushed towards the cliff like a tsunami. Alex hugged Joyce tightly, and Joyce closed his eyes. The two were caught in the stormy waves of the avalanche. Roll down the valley all the way.

After a full half a minute, the world finally calmed down, Alex overturned the ice and snow with a shield, and Joyce crawled out of the snow, coughing.

"Be careful!" Odin called out as soon as he got out of the snow.

There seemed to be something passing by, overwhelming the sky, blocking the sun, the flying stone gargoyle from nowhere rushed into the valley, and the flying monster passing by seemed to be afraid of Joyce and fluttered its wings and left.

"Their goal is not us," Alex said.

A flying horse screamed and rushed out from the snowy ground. The knight on the horse turned into white light, and instantly shuttled among the gargoyle group. With a scream, the black demons fleeing all over the sky burst out green blood, followed by a dazzling halo. It spread suddenly, covering the entire sky, and the demons fell like rain.

However, the farthest gargoyle was no longer able to chase it, clutching fragments of the magic bead in its claws, and disappeared into the clouds. The Paladin ignored Odin's troubles, reigned the Pegasus, and rushed toward the clouds, chasing the gargoyle, and disappeared.

Alex was very exhausted, coughing on the snow with his sword, Joyce hurriedly cured him with Holy Healing, and after a long time, the soldiers came out of the snow.

Alex couldn't bear it, and shouted at Odin, "What a bloody disaster you did!"

"Shut up!" Odin said with a cold face, and said coldly: "Go back to where you should be!"

While talking, the Pegasus rider in the sky landed again, took off his helmet, and revealed a terrifying face and uneven head, like a scarred, stitched monster.

Everyone suddenly became nervous.

The Paladin threatened: "His Royal Highness, what you did, I will inform the Pope and let him make a decision."

Odin snorted coldly, and the soldiers gathered around. For a while, the two sides were almost ready to fight again. Odin sneered: "Apart from collecting taxes, when does the Pope care about the Kingdom of Shaq so much?"

"Watch out for your words and deeds, Your Royal Highness." The Paladin said, "And, until I see you again, Scott."