Chapter 8

Alex was busy doing a knighting ceremony, and the paladin raised it up again and left.

Alex said solemnly: "Odin, you idiot, Joey is obviously smarter than you in this matter."

Odin pushed Alex away hard, and Joyce was about to step forward, but Odin staggered and pointed far away at Joyce, meaning that he would settle accounts with him in the future, then turn around and take the soldiers away.

In the evening of the next day, Alex and Joyce returned to Licar Town. The snow fell again, and Alex took the horse and entered the village with Joyce. Joyce always looked apologetic. Alex stopped, did not speak, just smiled at him and touched his head.

"I'm dragging you down." Joyce said: "Teacher, I'm incompetent."

Alex laughed and said, "Don't say that, Joyce, you have just started. You didn't even pass the priest test. This is more than the best you can done."

Joyce said sadly, "No."

"ha, I disagree." Alex said seriously: "You have done a good job, Joey, do you remember the moment when the mage detonated? You protected me, and we resisted the magic detonation together, which made me very proud of you."

Joyce had a sore nose and said, "But I didn't protect anyone."

"You protected me." Alex raised his eyebrows and said, "Ray's chant of the goddess did not cover you and me. If it weren't for you, we would have fallen to pieces."

Joyce's heart recovered, thinking of the moment when the magic power was detonated, it seemed to be the case, Alex added: "Not only that, but Ray also showed me where I was lacking. I couldn't do it like him on the battlefield. Seeing the six directions and listening to all directions requires more hard work."

Joyce couldn't help laughing and said, "That's because I distracted you."

Alex lowered his head, kissed Joyce, and said, "I could have defeated Odin faster, but I didn't do it in time when I seized the advantage. We all need to become stronger. Believe me, we work together."

Alex stretched out his hand and looked at Joyce tenderly.

Snowflakes fell silently and landed on Alex's shoulders and arms. Joyce looked at his eyes, his heart was unspeakably calm, and that little bit of annoyance and anxiety disappeared without a trace.

"We will all grow up." Alex said seriously: "When I see Ray again, I promise that he will treat us with admiration."

Joyce laughed and nodded: "Yes, absolutely."

He and Alex held hands and continued to walk towards the village.

After returning to the inn, Joyce realized the gap between himself and Alex and the Templars through this battle. In the future, there is still a long way to go.

Joyce slowly learned some details from his priest manual that he hadn't noticed before-when to establish the contract, it is not entirely necessary to make love. As long as the priest and the knight can reach a tacit understanding of love, through physical contact, the Stigmata can be triggered. And, of course, when you don't feel much about each other, or just have a vague affection, making love is the most direct and effective way.

"There used to be a great priest." Joyce said in surprise: "He has not done anything with any guardian knights under his command..."

"Purely resonate with each other's love." Alex said: "Theoretically, it is also possible, but in this way, the knights who obtain the stigmata will often lose their sense of security and question each other's love."

Joyce also saw that continuing to make love can further strengthen the ability of the stigmata. In addition to his own skills, the Guardian Knight has a large part of his ability, which will be obtained from the priest's holy light. The stronger the connection, The stronger the priest's holy power poured into the knight. According to legend, there was once a great priest who could bring his sacrificed guardian knight back to life.

He closed the manual and looked at the feathery snowflakes outside the window. This night, he felt that he was almost the happiest person in the world.

Alex and Joyce stayed in the hotel in Likal town. The blizzard came and shrouded Likal town in the severe cold before the festival of God's grace. Travelers had nowhere to go. It became more and more crowded, and even the basement and stables of the hotel were filled with people.

Joyce has lived for fifteen years and is about to enter his most verdant life. The love with Alex seems to have opened a glorious door for him. He can obviously feel the holy light in his body rise again. , Like a majestic ocean tide, almost out of control.

He quickly flipped through the final priest's handbook, and began to use Alex to test their connection with each other, first of all, Holy Word spell.

"Don't worry." Alex looked at Joyce like a child and couldn't help but smiled: "No matter whether you can become a qualified priest or not, teacher will always be with you."

Joyce smiled: "Teacher, you should say, Joey, I believe you will become an archbishop."

Alex did not worry about Joyce's strength at all. To sum it up in his words, "Even the Pope may not have the power like you at your age." He repeatedly encouraged Joyce to spend time with each other. They will become stronger.

And Alex is more worried about Odin than they are.

"He is too stubborn and persistent," Alex said.

"Maybe..." Joyce thought for a while and said, "My father asked him to do this."

"No." Alex said, "Your father is not a militant, as can be told from his attitude towards the Scarlet Battle."

For the first time in his life, Joyce took a serious look at his relationship with his brother and the responsibilities of their two brothers. Odin also wanted to get that piece of magic beads, perhaps because of the Shaq Kingdom. For thousands of years, since the death of the King of Heroes, the Shaq Kingdom, as a small country with weaker national power on the mainland, has been at a corner. Successive kings have few ambitions, and no one intends to carry out any expansion plans. Similarly, in the multi-national meetings, the Shaq Kingdom does not have much weight in the Holy See.

Alex said: "For this kingdom, Odin and you are very important. Many people think that you two brothers will revitalize this country."

"But it shouldn't be in this way." Joyce sighed and said: "At least it should not arouse the vigilance of the Holy See."

"For us, it is true." Alex nodded approvingly and replied, "But for him, it was not easy for him. In the end, it was the unknown faction that got the piece."

The elder brother seeks the fragments of the magic orb, and the only purpose is to control this artifact to make Shaq's kingdom stronger. But the Dragon's Magic Orb is a very dangerous item, otherwise, the King of Heroes would not destroy it after burying the mount. Joyce connected the whole thing together, and gradually deduced an outline-Odin had already started investigating the matter and planted an undercover by the old mage, so that he could get information for the first time. Maybe Anida is the court astrologer of the Shaq Kingdom.

If it weren't for the last Paladin to descend from the sky, Odin would almost succeed, and the Holy See should be closely monitoring this incident.

After obtaining the Dragon's Magic Orb Fragment, what will he do with it? The function of the shards of magic beads is to awaken-to make the frozen corpses in the cemetery attack indiscriminately. Similarly, thousands of corpses can be awakened on the battlefield. Thinking of this, Joyce couldn't help but faintly worried. Fortunately, Odin didn't get it. Otherwise, like a necromancer, it would definitely attract condemnation and anger from other countries.

"Can the Holy See retrieve it?" Joyce said worriedly: "If it falls into someone's hands, I'm afraid..."

"That's the Pope's trouble. I am more worried about the relationship between your two brothers than this." Alex flipped through the books and said casually: "I hope Odin won't come to mad at you."

"No." Joyce said: "When I was a kid, I always got into trouble, and I spoiled his good deeds at every turn, and he didn't do anything to me."

Alex smiled and said, "I will protect you. I think Odin needs to reflect."

Joyce smiled and said, "Brother is not an enemy either."

They spent another three days in the Poems of the World Hotel. Until the eve of the Grace Festival, everyone started to revel without sleep. That morning, Joyce sneaked out early and wanted to buy a gift for Alex. But he didn't realize that Alex had already followed him far behind.

Joyce bought a scarf, but almost bumped into Alex when he turned around, immediately put the scarf away and hid it behind his back.

Joyce: "Teacher, how did you... when did you wake up?"

Alex couldn't help but smile, and replied: "My life is closely connected with you. You think you secretly come out, I don't know? What are you doing?"

Joyce took out the scarf and handed it to Alex. Alex was wearing a black trench coat and gloves, like a tree standing tall in the cold wind. He smiled, not taking the scarf, but lowered his head.

Joyce put the scarf on his neck, and Alex took his hand, wrapped him in his trench coat, and gave him a deep kiss.

At twelve o'clock in the evening, the new year came, and the huge bell was rang in the Likal Hills. At twelve, the whole village and town were put on New Year's fireworks, and the crowd began to revel. Alex held Joyce in his arms. Alex smiled: "You are a year older, Joyce."

With the fireworks shining brightly, Joyce sighed a little and asked, "What is your New Year's wish?"

Alex said: "Always there by your side."

"Uh." Joyce was a little embarrassed, and said, "My New Year's wish is to become stronger. It seems quite silly."

"Of course not." Alex couldn't help laughing and replied, "We will go back tomorrow. I believe your wish will be fulfilled."

On the first day of the new year, the snow melted and everything germinated. Alex rode Joyce back to the library. The maids returned. The library obviously suffered a great migration of animals in the severe winter. The garden was arched in a mess. Joyce resumed his original life, studying and practicing martial arts with Alex every day.

In spring, everything grows, and his heart has a never-ending love, which is always sprouting. When he returns to the library, their relationship and feelings are obviously different. Sometimes Alex walks through the corridor and Joyce With just a move in his heart, Alex could feel it, standing in the garden and looking at him.

He studied with Alex during the day and slept in the same bed at night. He couldn't control his love for Alex. Their relationship became crazier, and sometimes they would even keep the love going on for a full night until dawn until Joyce fell asleep exhausted. The weather gradually warmed up, and the flowers were in full bloom in April, and he often clung to Alex.

"You are too clingy, Joey." Alex finally couldn't help teasing him, touching his head, and pettingly said, "Why do you always like clinging?"

Joyce rubbed around in Alex's arms, holding him in an attachment, every time Joyce came over, Alex couldn't help but want to kiss him, again and again. And then he would carry him to the bed.

Joyce is also getting bolder and bolder. He will reach into Alex's thin clothes and touch his body. Alex is strong like Apollo, wearing only a shirt, a pair of thin shorts in late spring. Part of the time, barefoot, clean and sexually sitting in the corridor reading a book. At this time, Joyce would tease him, sometimes pinching his chest, sometimes even rubbing his sexual tools with the palm of his hand, making Alex intolerable.

Summer is coming, they have thin shirts and shorts, which are more convenient for making love, to do it over and over again, as if they will never get tired. And every kiss or hug, makes Alex's affection for Joyce excessively deep.

Alex always likes to sit on a bench in the corridor, and Joyce rides on his lap, with their foreheads pressed against each other, sometimes they will say a few love words, sometimes they look at each other, no word needs to mention, enjoy this scorching summer.

Every night, when they lie on the bed and the moonlight comes in from outside the window and falls on their naked bodies, Joyce always leans on Alex's majestic naked body, and whispered: "Teacher. "

"Your love gave me a new life," Alex whispered.

The light of his stigmata became purer and stronger, even Joyce can feel it, Alex had become a lot stronger than when he first came to him, and his skills were more vigorous. And there is always endless strength when comes to it.

In August of this year, Alex came to the library. One year after he met Joyce, a letter from afar was delivered to him.

The maple trees on Likal Hills turned red, and the Maple Mountain was covered by golden trees like a colorful carpet. Alex sat in the corridor and read the letter. Joyce came over and hugged him from behind. Curiously asked: "Teacher, whose letter is from?"

"Comrade in the army." Alex said: "The commander of the Tucker Mercenary Principality Hugh Kokan."

"I remember him." Joyce

said with a smile: "You told me, that magic swordsman."

"Yes." Alex replied while scanning the letter: "The master of magic and swordsmanship...the darling of the god of war..."

"Is he strong?" Joyce said, "It's the first time I know someone is practicing this profession."

"Very powerful." Alex said: "They are the only class that can use magic without being chased by the Holy See."

"Why?" Joyce asked.

Alex: "Because the Holy See can do nothing with them. Of course, the profession of Magic Swordsman is very rare. There are very few swordsmen who can naturally understand magic... If there are more Magic Swordsman, maybe the Holy See will also take control of them."

"Then he should have a corresponding position." Joyce said.

"So." Alex folded up the letter and said, "He is the commander of the Mercenary Tucker."

"I have never understood why mages and those who master magic are so hated," Joyce said.

Alex said: "Because in this world, there is no power to punish them. People who master dark magic may have their own personalities. Magic will not choose who can master them. If you let a hateful, dark personality possess this ability, it will ruin the happiness of many people. An irritable child with a powerful weapon in his hand may be used against the person who snatches the candy. In fact, his enemies often do not deserve to die."

Joyce understood, and said: "Similarly, the Holy Light is allowed to be mastered, and precisely because it never causes killing, let alone offensive spells."

"Yes." Alex smiled approvingly. "This is where everything is balanced in the world."

"When Hugh is practicing magic, What would he think about this? "Joyce asked.

Alex said: "The talent is his help, and it is also a shackle, but I think he is decent, although he does not agree with me in the principle of dealing with certain things..." Then he opened another letter. , Frowned immediately.

That is a letter from the Holy See.

Knight Alex Scott:

Please attend for convene in the Golden City before September 13th. The Holy See urgently needs a new force to fight against the dark creatures in the northern underground. May the Holy Light protect you.


Joyce: "..."

Alex looked at Joyce and understood each other's meaning.

"Who is Ibran?" Joyce asked.

"The commander of the Paladins." Alex replied, Ray that appeared that day was the sixth Paladins, and Ibran was the first of the Paladins."

Joyce thought of the power of Ray, which can be described as horror. A paladin can actually summon the guardian of the goddess, holding the magical power of the great magician and detonating, and also summoning thunder and lightning to strike the gargoyle in the sky... more magical It's his Pegasus... It would be great if Alex also had such a ride.

"We Must go?" Joyce asked nervously.

"Yes." Alex said, "Hugh will also get there, and maybe Odin will be called up too."
