Chapter 6: Travel

Author's Notes:

Welcome back for another chapter ladies and gents! I am writing this at the time I posted a new one so this one should be done by today to make up for my two-day hiatus, but anyway all of you please enjoy!


"Talking" or "Talking" 'Thinking'

As Zach was still walking down his random path leading some unknown direction, he heard someone... no something. Whatever it was, he could hear it on almost all sides of him, it sounded like it was coming from a high place, about thirty or forty feet above him if he had to guess. Zach stopped, looking frantically around himself, almost on the verge of panicking. Whatever was making that sound around him, sure sounded horrific. Zach decided he didn't want to stand still any longer and sprinted in a random direction, avoiding trees, and constantly looking behind him to make sure that nothing was following him.


'Oww! What did I bump into?' At first, Zach thought that he bumped into a tree, but no, it was much much worse than that. As Zach slowly got up from the ground he looked down. And saw a single clawed bird like a foot that seemed to stretch up for a long time... 'A... single... bird-like... foot? Oh no... OH NO NO NO! Zach tried to move away from where he was standing, but he couldn't, his eyes finally reached what the bird-like foot connected to. Ahead, a big round head, or what he assumed was one, was covered in thick matted fur and had a mouth covered within its fur, and its eyes were glaring at him... menacingly. Zach knew what this thing was, he remembered it clearly from the 1762 article, it was a Bumpkle. 'What the heck is a Bumkle doing here?! Aren't they only supposed to be in the Blackrock Forest?!' Zach was quickly snapped out of his thoughts as he saw the Bumpkle's head getting closer to him... and closer... and closer, until it stopped... just a couple of inches away from his face. Zach wanted to scream, he wanted to do anything to get away from there, but he couldn't, he was frozen because of fear and shock, all his body did to respond was fall back on the soft forest ground.

The Bumpkle got even closer to him, Zach could only see its eyes now, one of them being so big, it was taking up his entire vision. The eyes felt like they were gazing into his very soul... it was almost as as as if he could just touch them, ...and Zach's stupid curiosity overridden all of the fear and shock that he was feeling earlier. and he poked the Bumpkle's huge eyeball. The Bumpkle... well it was very confused about why this little creature that looked like an ant compared to its size decided to poke its eye. The Bumpkle moved its head a couple of feet away from Zach and tilted its head confusingly. The Bumpkle for some reason backed off and retreated into the depths of the forest away from Zach. '...' '...' 'What the heck just happened? I swear this is the universe just might give me a fictional heart attack.' Zach heavily sighed and continued in his journey along another random direction away from the horrifying sight he just saw. He continued walking and walking and walking and walking... and walking some more until he saw a cave, a big one at that, big enough to probably fit a dragon if Zach knew how big Dragons are in this world. Zach decided to go inside the cave only stopping at the point where the sunlight couldn't reach to avoid... any...uncertain events. Zach took a moment to rest before he continued his journey, he took a lot longer inside the cave than expected and started to doze off.

'Ugh... when am I going to at least get to a city or something, I want to see more of the Fantastical beasts in this Fantastical world like described in the article.' As Zach was still complaining when he quickly stopped when he heard something akin to a growl come from behind him, and a loud one at that. Zach swiftly turned around to look behind himself and he saw two piercing red glowing eyes peering at him from the darkness of the cave where the light he was sitting in didn't reach. Then Zach felt the ground rumble as he heard what seemed like heavy footsteps coming from whatever was shrouded in the darkness, and it was coming towards him, slowly but surely. Zach was just sitting in the same spot where he planned to get some rest, after the run-in with a random Bumpkle, Zach's curiosity was peaked about what the rest of this world had to offer. So as Zach was just sitting there minding his own business, the thing was getting closer and closer with every stomp that it made.

It finally came out into the sunlight, its glowing red eyes gleaming a dark maroon, and it is many heads taller than Zach, and its scales 'Wait... scales?' Its silver scales gleaming in the sunlight. Every scale reflecting the light like a small size mirror. "Human..." Zach once again snapped out of his thoughts back to reality as he heard a feminine voice speak. Zach was still kind of dozing off staring into the dragon's hypnotizing maroon eyes. "Don't you know that it's rude to stare?" 'Huh... Wha... o-oh she's talking to me, guess I was really out of it right there huh?' "O-oh yeah s-sorry about that." Zach finally responded. "Hm, what kingdom do you come from human? Or do you come from the other side of the room, like a couple of of of others?" The Dragoness slowly stepped closer to Zach as she was asking her questions.

Zach didn't answer as he thought of whether he should lie to her or not. "Well? Are you going to answer me or just doze off?" She huffed as she waited for Zach to answer. "Well, I'm from the other side of the room of course," Zach responded. The Dragoness now had a look of happiness on her face as her tail moved in excitement. "Really?! I never thought I see another one of our friends again!" She then wrapped her tail around Zach and pulled him in for a passionate hug. Zach, himself was very confused by this gesture, so he rattled his brain again for answers and once again found them. He remembered this quite from the 1762 article.

"You have found us. Thank you. It has been so long since we last saw each other, friends. The Peace has been upheld. The Giants and Behemoths have kept their word and have not caused any trouble since you last came and gave the Order. We missed Your company. How has your family been? Do You still know how to work your Room? You are welcome to visit anytime."

That key word, friends, now he remembered, these dragons thought we are their friends, or maybe we actually are, Zach doesn't even know anymore, all he knows is that many dragons will be happy to see him because he comes from the other side of "The room", wherever that is.

"Um, excuse me Ms. Dragoness, but can you please let me go? I am kind of... running... out of... air." Zach calmly asked the Dragoness while wheezing. "Oh! Haha... Sorry about that, I tend to get excited when I see one of you guys, especially since me and the other dragons haven't seen you all in a long time." The Dragoness exclaimed as she released Zach from the hug. "So... my name is Zach, what's your's?" Zach asked her. "My name is Alina, it means "bearer of light" anyway, are you looking for the nearest city?" "Yes, yes I am actually, can you please show me the direction?" Zach politely asked. "Pfft, show you? I'll take you there myself! " Alina said with pride. "O-Oh well ok t-thanks, um may I please climb on your bac- WOAH!" Alina swiftly hoisted Zach on to her back before he could finish. Alina stood at edge of the cave, and with a couple powerful beat of her wings, her and Zach were off to the nearest city!
















The whole site was in a bit of an uproar. SCP 1762 reformed after 19 years for gosh sake! *Sigh* "How the h*ll am I going to deal with this?" Doctor Miller was obviously stressed wondering how SCP 1762 became active again after all this time. 'I don't know what subject [REDACTED] did, but whatever that d*mn thing did to 1762 sure did have a lot of researchers ask so many questions.' Doctor Miller was still wondering how to sort this whole thing out. Doctor Miller was then walking to a special meeting room. It used to be an old interrogation room, now it's used to talk to O5s, of course not in person but, digitally. When Doctor Miller entered the room there were 13 monitors each one having a username on the front of it, corresponding with its current O5 member, Researcher Zoey was there as well. "Good afternoon Researcher Zoey, O5s." Doctor Miller politely greeted. "Ah, Doctor Miller, just in time, me and the O5s were just about to talk about how to find subject [REDACTED]." Researcher Zoey replied. "Once we find the subject, we will have to do some tests with it to find out more about it's abilities, because the ability to recommission SCPS would be very...troublesome." O5-1 The Founder stated. " I agree, it will be very problematic, especially if this anomaly can't just recommission SCPS, but any type of anomalies, we can not let it come into contact with any GOI, because this can be very beneficial to the Foundation at large." O5-7 teeth remarked. " Yes O5s we will conduct a search once subject [REDACTED] appears back on our radar, thankfully we put a tracker on it." Researcher Zoey replied. " Yes, well, until then report any more of its anomalous abilities to us, this meeting is adjourned." O5-5 the black cat stated. All the monitors disconnected and Doctor Miller and Researcher Zoey had personnel on the clock looking for this anomalie, but until then, they will study the newly reformed SCP 1762.


Author's Notes:

Ok! Another chapter finished. I know that this one was shorter than the last, and I will make chapters at least 2k words and over from now on. But I hoped you guys enjoyed. And that you have a great night!