Chapter 7: Kingdom

Author's Notes:

Hey guys! Sorry for not posting another chapter soon, I have really been thinking about some plot for future chapters! But again, thank you all for all of the support and I hope that you enjoy this chapter!


"Talking" or "Talking"


Zach was screaming, and he was screaming very very loud. Thankfully no one could hear him as they were tens of thousands of feet in the air. "AHHHHHHHHHH!" Zach was so so high up, and he was basically screaming his lungs out. "Can you stop yelling! " Ailina screamed at Zach, and surprisingly, he did stop. "S-sorry about that its just that we are very high up!" Zach replied. "I know, just hold on really tight this time! I'm about to go really fast so we can reach the nearest kingdom I'm a couple of minutes, brace yourself! " To Zach it felt like Alina was going 10 times faster than before. He tried so hard not to scream, but he did anyway.












As soon as they landed Zach fell off of Alina's back feeling if he was about hurl right now. "A-Are you ok? " "Who? Meeeeee? I am just peachyy. OOF!" Zach fell over after he was done with his woozy speech. He quickly shook himself out of that stomach turning experience. Zach picked himself up and saw...a very amazing sight! 'Woah! This kingdom is huge!' Zach was looking at the huge buildings sitting right in front of him, with a look of amazement. The kingdom was a mash of what looked like a medieval New York, mixed with a couple of pyramids, and warfang from the legend of spyro, and so much more! "What the... this place is already so cool!" Zach shouted with excitement. "Thank goodness your ok... But let's head through the gates now shall we? " Alina lead Zach to front gates of the huge kingdom sitting before him.

The gates looked like the ones you would usually see in front of a mansion, except these were much much bigger in size, and they had a gold tint to them. As expected, when they walked up to the gates the kingdom of course had some sort of security. Zach saw two very burly dragons even towering the size of his silver scaled companion that was standing right next to him. They both walked up to Zach and Alina looking down on them and waiting for them to state their purpose here. "Well hello there fellow dragons! May we please come in? " Alina happily asked the guard dragons. Zach, Alina, and the two guards stood there for a few minutes of awkward silence, until their eyes trailed over to Zach and stared at him for a while, until finally the guards moved aside and opened the gates for them. "Well, that was kinda easy." Zach said to Alina. " It's probably because they saw you, No human wears clothes like that here. It's only a thing on the other side of the room." "Alrighty then." 'I really hope I'm not crushed by dragons hugging me...' Zach mentally worried.

Alina and Zach walked through the gates and Zach went starry-eyed, as he saw more of the amazing architecture in just one of who knows how many kingdoms. "Hehe, you like how the kingdom looks?" Alina said in a teasing voice. " Of course I do! It looks so cool and look at all of the Dragons... wait look at all the DRAGONS!" Zach replied, voice laced in surprise and excitement. All around Zach and Alina both saw many creatures around them, one of them being the main creatures of the 1762 article, Dragons. Dragons all around them some flying, some walking, and some of them even having some accessories that humans, like glasses and saddle bags. Zach assumed he must have been in Fantasy between the point were SCP 1762-1 spat out scroll 2 and scroll 3. So he must be between that time period, that means in a little while the dragons will have small numbers, so Zach has to act swiftly but spend enough time in Fantasy to make peace between all of the creatures. Alina lead Zach to the Library of the kingdom, to check out some books and to learn more about Fantasy. As soon as they stepped into the library Zach, again went starry-eyed when he saw the scale of the Library, it was massive. 'Woah! It looks as big as the Wanderers Library in SCP 6000!'

Zach was in awe at the giant book shelves he was currently looking at. "Hehe, you really are enjoying the sights huh? " Alina said teasingly. Zach didn't respond as he was trying to process just how big the Library is. Now if Zach didn't know any better he would have said that the Library was almost on a scale of SCP 4001, or Alexandria Eternal. Zach and Alina kept exploring around the Library for a little bit, Zach looking at many books that weren't in the article. Zach was immersed in another book when he felt something touch him from behind. Since Zach was sure that it wasn't a hostile creature, because if something hostile was behind Zach the Dragons or the other creatures in the Library would have noticed it by now. Zach swiftly turned behind him to see what was making contact with his back and he saw...wisps of pink, yellow, and orange light? 'What the heck am I looking at here? And it looks like an amorphous blob...with round eyes?' Saying that Zach was confused would be a massive understatement right now. The creature he was looking at looked like SCP 999 but just combined with pink, yellow, and orange light. Now that Zach was facing the being, he poked its head, and the sound that the blob emitted sounded similar to the purr of a cat.

Zach knew that this specific creature looked similar because of SCP 1762-BOL-1, but he couldn't put his finger on their name again. 'Was it... Chan changles, Charm Chaglings, Charm Change...Yes! Charm...Changers, Charm Changers!' It was then that Zach could recall the name of these creatures and the page in 1762-BOL-1.

More akin to a spirit than an animal, Charm Changers nonetheless have a special place in the Fantastic Lands, and so I have included them in this book. With their intense curiosity and the near limitless variety, Charm Changers can be found in any place so long as magic exists there.

In their base form, they resemble wisps of pink, yellow, and orange light, sometimes looking like a human child, sometimes no more than an amorphous blob with two round eyes. They are very pure beings and have an intense attraction towards materials used in spell-casting with particular regard for books and scrolls. As such, Charm Changers have been revered as guardians of magic shops, libraries, and rune spots alike.

Visitors and creators of such places would be wise to leave a small offering of some sort to the Charm Changers, usually consisting of a story, a carving, or a runestone. Charm Changers will take such offerings and turn them into a vessel for themselves, thereby adding the offering's magical power to its own, and providing itself better protection for an otherwise delicate body. Those who keep Charm Changers happy are blessed with prosperity; once appeased, Charm Changers are more than happy to assist those who visit or work in the place they inhabit.

However, Charm Changers can be corrupted with offerings of dark subject matter, as well as being forgotten or neglected. Charm Changers that suffer such treatment will become "Cursed" Changers, and turn otherwise benevolent places into areas of ill-fortune and disease. Cursed Changers are black, green, and silver as opposed to their lighter counterparts, and once transformed, are impossible to change back. The most tragic incident of Charm Changers turned Cursed occurred at the Library of Nott, where an offering of contaminated elixirs turned nearly two hundred Charm Changers into maddened spirits that began to leak poison into the streets. The dragons were forced to burn down the entire library, incinerating the Charm Changers, along with hundreds of scripts and books.

Ah yes Charm Changers, very pure creatures, but can also be corrupted. And since that is the opposite of what Zach wants to do in Fantasy, he pets the curious creature. From the sound of it, the Charm Changer seemed to be enjoying Zach petting it very much and nuzzled his hand. Zach got up from reading his book to go ask the Librarian, who not surprisingly was also a dragon, where the books with pure spell casting are so he could give it to the Charm Changer. He looked like an elder Dragon because he had glasses and wrinkles, but then Zach noticed n remembered that the article didn't describe Dragons life spans. "Excuse me? Do you know where any spell books are?" The Dragon looked up from his own book eyes slightly widening from him noticing what species Zach is. " Is it one of you?" The Librarian Dragon asked Zach with a mix of genuine happiness and a tint of sadness. 'Welp I better be prepared for a crushing hug just like Alina gave me. How long have the family of reality benders who made the original room have been gone?' Zach of course replied with honesty. "Yes it is me, one of the Dragons old friends from the other side of the room, the family and Dragons haven't seen each other in a long time." Zach then walks next to the Dragon, a genuine smile across his muzzle, and he pulls Zach in for a genuine hug, surprisingly not a bone-crushing one. Zach of course hugged bag and noticed that he and Alina when they hugged him, felt very soft. 'I might be able to get used to this if all Dragons feel like oversized teddy bears.' Zach and the Dragon then let go of each other both having smiles on their faces because of the embrace. " I am so happy that your family finally came back friend." "Me too, but do you know where I can find some spell books that I can give to a Charm Changer?" "Over there." The Dragon replied to Zach. " Oh and my name is Bomris, you can come here any time that you'd like. ""Thank you Bomris, my name is Zach, it was a pleasure meeting you." Zach and his new Dragon friend bid each other goodbyes as Zach walked off to get the spellbook for the Charm Changer, and after that meet up with Alina in the library to check out more of the kingdom.















SCP 1762 started to emit scrolls again, and at a very often rate. When it was in its original active state in the jabberwocky event, SCP 1762-1 would only put out scrolls every couple of months or so. The scrolls consisted of various thank you letters and more that said "Thank you for restoring the belief, we will be coming to the other side very soon." The Foundation knew that SCP 1762-2 instances weren't hostile, but that was only when they were paper Dragons. Now if the belief is completely restored they will be able to cross over to their world. The Foundation can only hope that most of them aren't hostile. And if they are...well... they will need a lot more MTF units at the site [REDACTED].


Author's Notes:

Sorry guys for my 3-day Hiatus. But thank you all again for all the support! And I have new SCP ideas because of nintendoplayer96v8! So thank you to them! But I hope that you guys all enjoyed it, and I will see you in the next chapter!