Chapter 9: Changing History

Author's Notes:

Once again thank you all for all of the support you have given me! I will be sure to post a lot more earlier this time, it's time to stop slacking off and make more chapters! Anyways I hope that you guys really enjoy this one and a couple chapters Zach will be returning to present time. But enjoy the story!


"Talking" or "Talking"'Thinking'

After Zach got hit in the head pretty hard. He found his neck touching something that felt like wood. When he looked down he saw that his neck was through some kind of wooden hole contraption. He tried to look up, only for the back of his head to touch the back of the wood. But in the corner of his eye he could slightly see some kind of metal. The metal was in the shape of a blade. Zach was very confused, so he looked down and also saw a basket. The basket looked neatly woven with some kind of natural material, Zach felt around some more and found that the rest of his body was laying on on a wooden board. 'Just what the h*ll did that guys put me in?' Zach looked to the side a little bit and saw that the metal blade was slanted. And that it was being held by some kind of thick string on the top of the wood. Zach hypothesized that the blade and his neck are at least 5 feet apart.

'What kind of thing is this, first I'm on a wooden table, next my head is stuck in this wooden hole, and now I see a slanted blade wait, slanted blade... wooden table... basket. Oh no no no NO! IM ON A GUILLOTINE!'

Zach was now very scared as he came to the sudden realization of what he was now trapped in. Zach then tried his hardest to look for a way out, but he knew that specifically from guillotines that there is no way known way out of it. But he wasn't giving up yet, he still had hope to get out of here and save Fantasy. So as he struggled in wiggled and kicked, nothing happend... he couldn't get out of the guillotine. Was he just waiting for his death...for just one of those jerks to cut his head off... he said that he would save a lot of SCPS, starting with Fantasy. He has to do something to get out of this, so he willed himself so hard, he willed the guillotine to disappear... after Zach tried to will it away, again nothing happend...but something appeared in front of Zach. It was like some kind of console? If a console only had a delete button. It was like a console to put in codes on a computer. Zach was obviously very confused on why this thing showed up, it probably had something to do with his strange reality bending that's basically equivalent to rolling a dice with 100 numbers. Zach examined the console for one more second before he touched it, well he willed for the delete button to do whatever.

After Zach "touched" the delete button the console went away in a white flash. Then all of a sudden the guillotine started glitching? It was like it was phasing in and out of existence, and was glitching like a bug in a video game. Then it exploded into millions of pixels as Zach fell to the ground. 'Ok...What the FRICK just happened...I'm just going to ignore that and get the he k out of here.' As Zach got up to go to the only door in the room which must have been the exit, the same knight came through seeing if he was still on the guillotine. "Alright now let's get on with th- h-hey where are yo-" The Giant knights words were interrupted as Zach went back into panic mode and kicked him in the breastplate section of his armor...hard. The Giant knight was knocked unconscious instantly as Zach kicked him back to the wall and his body slammed into it with a loud thud. 'Oh crap OH CRAP OH CRAP!' Zach swiftly ran away towards whatever exit that he could find because obviously someone had to hear the loud sound that he just made. ' SINCE WHEN COULD I HIT THAT HARD?! '

Zach kept pondering to himself as he was sprinting to a random destination as he was still in his state of panic. Then Zach stopped running to catch his breath, he stopped in front of two giant wooden doors that had lion knockers on them, and since Zach roughly assumed that he was inside some kind of castle...that means that...this door could only lead to some kind of throne room. Zach mentally groaned getting irritated about everything he's been dealing with lately. "I guess I'll...go...inside *sigh*." Zach groggily opened the large double doors as he stumbled his way inside the room, and... to no surprise...his assumption was right, it was a throne room. As Zach finished getting into the room he saw two people giving him deadly glares. "How has this filthy creature escaped?!" Atlas Screamed. "Tch, Where the h*ll did that guard go...well no matter Atlas, we just have to get our hands dirty just. this. once." Ember scowled at Zach. Ember and Atlas slowly got up from their royal seats and made their way towards Zach. "Why the h*ll are you guys trying to kill me anyways?!" Zach said with high irritation. "What a fool you are...ever since your stupid family came melania ago, we haven't caused trouble since...we've kept out word. But then after so long we have decided to finally overthrow you and your stupid Dragon comrades, so we can finally be in control." Ember calmly replied.

"Let's just go ahead and get rid of this annoyance...shall we?" Atlas asked. "Hehe~ we shall-" Ember was interrupted as Zach spoke up again "W-wait I don't want to fight! I want to have peace between us!" "Hm...No. We don't feel like it, now enough chatter, DIE!" Ember rushed at Zach with her daggers as Zach was trying his best to dodge and weave them. 'D*mmit...this is bad, this is really really bad!' "*Huff*...*Huff* C-can't we t-talk this out?!" Zach said as he was getting tired from dodging so many swipes from Ember's dagger. "*Sigh* what did your family use, oh yes! Reality bending, well that's a shame now isn't it, it seems that the later generations don't have that power now. And don't think you could change my mind either, you would have to change history for that to happen, and not even the most powerful members of your pathetic family could pull that off." Ember finished as she was finally about to strike Zach.

Zach couldn't move anymore. He was all out of energy. Who knew that a Metaphysical world could be so difficult? '! D*mn, are you kidding me! I'm going to have to rewrite history just to change their minds, how do I do that?! That's not even in the SCP CANNON! Scp Cannon...the cannon...wait...there is no I could really? ' Zach with his smooth brain, finally realized how he could save Fantasy! He just had to bend the OG 1762 cannon just a little. As the world seemingly passed by in slow motion with Ember's dagger just inches away from Zach's face, his brain was going into overdrive. He was Willing for Fantasy's history to be different...just not so cruel, a place where everyone can live together in peace, so he willed, and willed, and willed again. And finally, something happened...but it wasn't what he expected. The world crumbled around him, when whatever was happening finished, Zach looked around and saw that he was once again in the black void from when he first arrived at Fantasy.

But the one thing that was different in the void is that there was a glow. It was a bright white glow coming from seemingly nowhere. So he walked to it, of course, it was closer than it seemed because when he touches the white glow that was seemingly in the form of an orb he once again felt himself get transported somewhere different.

When Zach opened his eyes he saw a room. The room that he was in looked like an antique mansion that was always kept clean, to his left was a large bookshelf with books of all assortments of genres and titles. To his left was a fireplace that looked like it had been burning for at least more than ten minutes, the fire still feeling very warm and nice to sit by. Now Zach looked at what he was in, thankfully this time it wasn't a guillotine, but a chair. Just a normal chair, the char was a comfortable cushioned one as Zach sunk into it after the pretty rough time he's had in Fantasy so far. The chair was red with various patterns and designs on it. He finally stopped looking at the chair and for some reason decided to look in front of him and saw an old man. Zach was certain that the man and the chair that he was sitting in that was similar to his own wasn't there when he showed up. Zach shrugged it off as nothing, it's the SCP universe so he shouldn't be surprised by anything unexpected happening anymore.

Zach kept innocently looking at the man until he spoke. "So...I've heard that you...want to fix that true?" Zach swiftly nodded his head in agreement. "...I...see, ah! I forgot to introduce myself...I am the master of this world...or I'm most known as the master of the Dragons...and the family helped me create Fantasy...and they had given me control over it. And later on, I and the other species that opposed us and the Dragons made a treaty. A treaty where they couldn't attack us, and where I couldn't do anything to them to make peace of my own will. So I couldn't change the history of this place...or stop any oncoming war that is bound to happen because the family has been gone for millennia." Zach again nodded not wanting to interrupt the old man's words he was giving him, and let him continue. "But now that you have shown up...there is hope for saving this Fantastical world...but you have to forcefully make peace by remaking small events for there to be peace between all of the creatures, now, are you willing to take that chance?" "Yes, I am. Even if I have to rewrite some of the events of Fantasy itself, I'm willing to take that chance because everyone deserves to live in peace." Zach responded to the man. 'Jeez, I sound like I just gave an inspirational speech.' Zach said to himself.

Zach saw the old man have a genuine smile on his face after he said that. "I think so too...Well then, no more small talk let's get to it. The process is pretty simple actually, I saw you using some... interesting reality-bending I just have to give you some ownership to have temporary control over Fantasy so you can make the correct changes." Zach saw the old man get up from his chair and walk over to the bookshelf. Then after he changed some words, a secret compartment opened revealing an old worn book with some kind of heirloom inside? "Now, I don't want to trouble you anymore... so all you have to do Is hold the family's treasure and just will whatever changes in Fantasy that you want to happen...and then afterward I will let you say goodbye to whoever you please, then I will send you off to the other side of the room again."

Zach took the family heirloom, as he called it, and held it in his hand examining it. The heirloom looked like a golden amulet, similar looking to SCP 963. After Zach finished looking at it he finally willed his hardest than he had in the whole time he has spent in the SCP universe. Then he saw it...Zach saw the pros and cons of all the History of it...and even how it came to Zach acted immediately. He willed the history of Fantasy to change from all of bad and soon to be peace and prosperity among all of the creatures, sure there will still be fights and disagreements with one another, but all in all there is now peace in Fantasy. Zach snapped opened his eyes, and to no surprise, he was standing right in front of the old man again.

He gave the man back the airloon and he put the book back in its compartment. "Thank you very much. If you hadn't have come then I would've had to make another Fantasy for the Dragons and destroy the others, that would have made me very sad. So once again thank you." "Hey now, it was no big deal, I just did what was the right thing to do. But I guess it's time to head back now, please tell everyone that I met that I said goodbye, they were 2 Dragons named Alina and Bormis." Zach replied to the old man. "Oh yes, I certainly will. I will say to all of the Dragons that it was you why have saved Fantasy! Well then, now I believe it's time to send you back, thank you once again, friend." Zach once again nodded, also showing a smile on his face, as the old man cast a spell with another chant of words, and just like that Zach saw a bright light again.



















As Zach fell back into the other side of the room he fell into someplace unknown to him as a voice was heard in the distance as he was in the unconscious. "Now who could this be?" A feminine voice said in the distance. If only Zach knew that the place that he ended up in was a temporary hideout for the BLACK QUEEN.


Author's Notes:

Finally another chapter out, and it's over 2k words! Once again thank you all for all of the support and I will post the next chapter as soon as possible. Thank you all for reading and all of you have a great day!