Chapter 10: Black Queen

Author's Notes:

You guys are so great! I have a lot planned for this story in the future because of all the SCPS and the cannons. But stay tuned for that when future chapters come out, enjoy!

"Talking" or "Talking"



2033. PRESENT TIME. BLACK QUEEN'S TEMPORARY HIDEOUT IN [REDACTED].'...H-huh? Wha- oh come on! Did I black out again?! How many times am I going to that in this dangerous universe?' Zach mentally said to himself. After he finished his little "rant" in his head, he was about to do it again as he saw that he was tied up to a chair. In an unknown room. Zach...was very very pissed that he kept getting himself in these types of situations. 'ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! How does this happen every single time?! ...This is starting to get old.' As Zach calmed down from all of his pent-up aggravation, he took a moment to assess the situation that he was currently in. ' So...I am pretty sure I'm back in the SCP universe. looks like I was unconscious for who knows how long, and someone...or something found me before I could wake up...grreeaatt...'

After Zach finished recapping himself he noticed that he was tied up to a chair with some sturdy rope. He tried to wiggle his way out of the rope, but to no surprise, he couldn't. 'Trash reality-bending abilities.' As Zach kept trying to break free he thought about the one thing that he did in Fantasy that got him out of another contraption there. The delete button. Now, Zach didn't know what cannon he was in for the SCP universe, but he was pretty positive that he wasn't in any of the games.

And he was still stumped on how the delete button suddenly came out of nowhere...maybe... just maybe he could will himself out of the rope...that is, if his reality-bending works this time around...and Zach's hopes weren't up that much for it to work. Zach strained himself to make the rope disappear. 'COME ON! HNNGGG!' *Fart* "..." "..." Zach...had nothing to say...he just...farted. 'That...was very embarrassing, I'm just going to stop trying to reality-bending for me.' Now that Zach has time to himself, he examined the room he was held captive in because it was seemingly the best thing that he could do right now. Zach peered around and the room he was in was a kind of run-down office and not in the best shape. Whoever tied him up here clearly didn't have the greatest of resources for a good office. But as Zach looked around more, he noticed that the room was surprisingly clean despite its run-down appearance. ' So this place is maintained? So that means I could be at maybe...somewhere temporary...or just in the private quarters of someone and this room is just some entire branch to a whole establishment. And- Wait *Sniff* *Sniff* is that paper I smell? Am I in some type of Library?'

Zach snapped himself out of his thoughts as he kept pondering at everything inside the office, trying to get any information of where he could be at the moment until he heard the door open. He swiftly snapped his head to the worn wooden door as it slowly opened. The person who walked through it was someone who looked familiar to Zach. This person was female, she had jet black hair that reached down to her shoulders. She was wearing all-black attire that was similar to a princess but with a more modern appearance and had a circular silver tiara on her head, she also had a small black veil behind her head. 'I swear she looks so familiar...maybe she's on the wiki...yeah! She's definitely on the wiki and there's the art of her but...what was her name again?' The women in question finished walking in the room and plopped down on the leather chair behind the office desk. She glared at Zach, but then she seemed to be lost in her ghts after that. 'Okay...that was weird. Hmm...Bit what is her name? It was Black...king? No. She's a woman so that obviously wouldn't be it, Hmm Black...Queen? Black Queen...THAT'S IT! Yes, that's right! She's Alison Chao! But which cannon is this? Ugh never mind, I'll worry about that later, I'm speaking to the one and only Allison Chao, Dr. Gears daughter!' As Zach was secretly fanboying in his mind he didn't notice that Alison was staring at him with a look of interest and confusion.

"Who are you, and how have you infiltrated the serpents hand?" Alison asked Zach. 'So this is a cannon where she works with three hand of the serpent huh? That means that she wants to rebuild her family in this cannon...I think, and she wants revenge on the Foundation to get Dr. Gears back.' Zach was mentally planning when he realized that he forgot to answer her question. "Oh!, see...that's personal information." Zach replied, his voice laced with nervousness. Alison's eyes narrowed at Zach, he just nervously chuckled. "So...I can see that work for the SCP Foundation, is that right?" Zach had a look of confusion etched on his face. 'Why would she ask me if I worked for the Foundation? Oh! It's probably because I'm still wearing the blue humanoid jumpsuit with the SCP insignia on it huh?' After Zach thought about her question, he immediately responded. "No, I don't work for the Foundation," Zach responded.

"Is that so? Very well then, I'll just make you tell me the truth." Alison said with a deadly glare towards Zach. She walked out of the room leaving Zach to his thoughts as he was wondering what he was going to do next. 'Okay, I wasn't lying, but it's whatever. Ok let me recap for a moment here, Alison said that I somehow infiltrated the hand of the serpent which means I could be at one of their hideouts or the Wanderers Library, I'm willing to go with the latter more than the former. And if this Alison is in the Serpents Hand then that means that she could be the L.S. (Little Sister) in this cannon, or she could be working undercover in the Foundation while going behind the scenes to the hand of the serpent to make a plan and overthrow or destroy the Foundation. Hm, why the h*ll are SCP cannons so confusing?'

Zach stopped his ranting inside his thoughts when he saw the door open again, Alison walked inside the office again, but this time she had a book in her hand. 'What the? Is that a thaumaturgic book? Hm, well I don't know if that's going to work on a metaphysical entity like myself but, I'll humor her.'

She opened up the book as she sat down in her chair, Zach watched her with caution as she said a couple of indecipherable words that he assumed were some sort of incantation spell to make him "tell the truth" but he wasn't too sure how the Serpents Hand operated, he'll have to read up on it more when he gets his phone back...that is, if it isn't already in a very contained storage locker at O5 Command. Zach soon lost interest in what Alison was saying, and he pondered off just dozing into his thoughts until he heard Alison say something. "Interesting...the spell doesn't work on you, hm...perhaps you have some sort of resistance to it? No. Couldn't be...then let me try something else."

Alison then got out of the chair and pulled it in front of Zach, as she sat down, Zach's nervousness only grew when he heard her mumble memory checking spell. 'Oh crap! What if that spell works on me?! She'll have all of the information about the Foundation, and then she'll be pressing me for everything I know about the Foundation and other GOIs, I need to get out of here right now!' Alison place both of her hands on the side of Zach's head and squeezed lightly while saying more incantations. He tried to struggle with her light grip, but he couldn't move.

Now he started to panic, he didn't want anyone else to know about the information that he had, even though he possibly couldn't die in this universe he's read 5500! Even though that was just another layer of metafiction he just knows that someone will find a way to get their hands on the information he has. He has to get as far away from here as possible, and he has to do it now. 'Come on reality-bending work just another d*mn time! Just do something! Anything! Just get me the h*ll out of here!' Zach finally had the power to move and kicked Alison away from him as his chair fell to the ground. Then he felt reality shift around him, he didn't see Alison's partially surprised face as reality finished shifting around him and he was gone in a white flash of light.















After Zach disappeared he didn't know where he went, but he did feel his body fall collide with something hard. Zach looked at his surroundings, now slightly relieved that Allison didn't get her hands ok any of his information, he was also confused as to where he was. The room he was in felt kind of hot, that was for sure, but as he looked to the side of himself, he could see the reason why. A large steel incinerator was sitting just a couple dozen of feet in front of him. Zach then had thought of a couple of SCPS those whose bodies were incinerated after neutralization. That made him kind of sad...but all Zach could do was just hope that he could've met them or that they would be alive once again. Zach stopped dozing off in his thoughts so he could go somewhere else except for this incinerator. So he started to imagine and will himself to another random location when all of sudden the steel door to the incinerator slammed open! Zach looked back at it in surprise, as he saw something come out of it.

Ashes. Ashes slowly came out of the incinerator. They were coming faster and faster until they finally stopped in a medium-sized pile of them. After they came out of the incinerator, they started to twirl around, as if they were stuck in a mini-tornado, and as they were doing that Zach saw that the ashes were somehow reconstructing themselves. He could only stare in shock as a couple of minutes later they formed something. A human.They formed what looks like a caucasian human boy, he looked around six years old with a very similar blue jumpsuit that looked exactly like Zach's. Now Zach was very confused about what just happened. 'WHAT THE?! How did- Who is- *Sigh* you know what, it's the SCP Universe, anything can happen, I don't even know why I'm surprised anymore. But...that boy, he's an SCP...but which one?' Zach was thinking for a moment about the unconscious little kid in front of him, to recall which article he saw his face from. 'Okay so he's in the 3000s, and in the 3200s as, let's see, looks about six... caucasian boy...ah! Got it! SCP 3293! Cooper Wells!' Zach's face was full of pride when he figured out which SCP the little boy was, but that look of pride was quickly replaced with one of sadness as he remembered how Cooper's article went. 'Poor...Cooper. No one deserves to be treated like that, and then his body was incinerated! The Foundation didn't even give him a proper burial! And his body...good grief his body...he just wanted to go home! least I saved him...I think I did it?'

Zach was brought back to reality when he saw Cooper's eyes slowly open. Zach was filled with happiness as this would be his first time speaking with an SCP! Zach saw Cooper's eyes now fully open shift towards him. "Hey, Cooper! A-ah sorry if I scared you it's just that I'm glad to see that you're okay...after know, but anyways my name is Zach...and I'm also kind of like you!" Before Cooper could respond, reality started shifting around Zach, it taking Cooper with him. After reality shifted, Zach once again felt himself fall with a thud, and he heard a much smaller thud behind him. Since Zach was still tied to the chair so he couldn't see where Cooper was. So he called out to him. "Hey, Cooper are you all right?! We took...a little bit...of a...there..." It was at this moment that Zach finally acknowledged his surroundings, and he saw that he was in a cafeteria...and he fell into someones food...and everyone in the cafe seemed to be stating at him...the table he fell on had 4 people on it, those people in question were Doctor Bright, Iris(SCP 105), Researcher Zoey, and the one and only Doctor...Clef. 'I'm Soo screwed! ' Zach could only give a sheepish smile as he only said one word. "Hey."


Author's Notes:

Another chapter out! Thank you all again so so much for all of the support you have given me! But, thank you for reading ladies and gents, and I hope that you have a great day! Also if you want the edited Chapters, then go to, and look up SCP: TRANSPORTED