Hidden Fantasy-A Werewolf's Obsession

Chapter 1- Alessia

Glacial, penetrating, and piercing

The light sky was engulfed in darkness, resulting in a grey mass of clouds above me. From all sides, icy cold blasts of air blew in. The pale yellow sun tried in despair to break through the bank of clouds, but it was in vain. The darkness has already had the upper hand. The horizon began to darken, leaving me completely in the dark. When darkness fell, I was always amused. For some reason, it was a period that refreshed me. Considering I come from a family of supernatural hunters, my life wasn't exactly lighthearted, but there was always something new to discover. My family was constantly busy training or catching magical beings, so I had plenty of free time. I was terrified of what would happen the next day because I was starting Hunters Academy the next day. A hunter's school. This was going to be the place where I'd find out who I'd be killing and who my life would be associated with. But I wasn't going to think about it right now. I stayed there for the remainder of the night, engulfed by a few stars that blanketed the night sky in front of me. I was overjoyed to learn that today was a dreamless night, allowing me to get a full night's sleep in preparation for tomorrow's nightmares. Then I was startled awake by the sound of a scream outside my window. When I checked my clock, I saw it was only 4 a.m. Why would someone wake up the neighbourhood knowing that students would begin classes at the academy the next day? I quickly changed into my soft slippers and robe and dashed down the marble stairs, trying to figure out what was causing the uproar. When I arrived at the front door, I was apprehensive about what I was about to encounter, but the anticipation was killing me. I opened the door with a sudden intake of breath, my hands shaking as I touched the gold iron handle. I closed my eyes and pushed the door open without hesitation. The next thing I witnessed shook me to my core. Parents and hunters shouted as they circled our granite fountain of a man named Alexander, who founded this location, in the heart of the neighbourhood. I turned around to observe more young adults walking towards the fountain from their homes. As I drew closer, I noticed a fire in the midst and grey smoke filling the atmosphere, making breathing difficult. I moved closer to the fountain, covering my mouth with my arms. Any other normal person in the neighbourhood would find a crowd of people circling a blazing fountain at 4 a.m. unusual, but I live in a part of Canada where a magical veil shielded you from human sight & it was ideal for this kind of event. I had to push my way past a lot of people to see what they were staring at, and it honestly astonished me. I didn't recognise the individual in the centre of the fountain on the Alexander statue. It was a young adolescent, around 15/16? His eyes were blue, and he had jet black hair that seemed to cover his face. When I looked at his shoulders, I realised why he had such pale skin and a terrible expression on his face. People had driven two metal shafts into his shoulders, causing his deep crimson blood to contaminate the fountain, which was now spraying his blood. The boy was raised in excruciating pain. I was about to assist him when one of his neighbours exclaimed, "Vampire!" Which brought me to a halt. Was this young man a vampire? The Leaders then moved forward and marched in unison in the heart of the fountain, even before I could ask a question. The crowd evacuated the midway in less than a minute, allowing them to walk without hesitation. They were dressed in customary dark navy robes and walked in synchrony. One of them had to be her Dad, right? What my father had in his palm astounded me. A hand-carved wood stick scraped the earth in his grasp. My heart pounded against the inside of my chest. I knew precisely what he was about to do, but there was nothing I could do about it but stand there and watch. My father and his co-leaders removed their robes as they approached the fountain's centre, revealing tattoos painted across their necks and on their faces. It represented the four elements of the world: Earth, Fire, Air, and Water. They referred to themselves as "The correctors of Injustice" since they were allowed to kill immortal beings in order to balance the scales. And I was about to inherit the entire family fortune, which I despised. I almost forgot why I was here since I was lost in my thoughts. I turned to see what the leaders were discussing with the Vampire.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THIS PLACE, CREATURE?!?" One of the leaders yelled angrily. When I turned to face the boy, all I saw was a smirk on his face. I was so taken aback by what I was doing that I gasped when I saw my hand. It immediately began to smoke. Fortunately, no one had noticed because the smoke rapidly dissipated and vanished as I focused on my emotions. The last thing I wanted was for everyone to find out about my long-hidden secret. See my mother was a guardian, commonly known as a witch, and my father was a supernatural hunter when I was born. Those characteristics were passed down to me in some way. However, I was adopted after my parents died in a fight between vampires and werewolves. After learning that my new father was a leader of the supernatural Hunters, I knew I had to keep this ability hidden before anybody else did. While my mind was immersed in its thoughts, I heard a shout from nearby, jolting me back to reality.

"OK, I TOLD YOU I CAME HERE BY ACCIDENT!" I WAS JUST COMING THROUGH WHEN I SAW ALL OF YOU AND YOU STABBED ME WITH VERVAIN JUST AS I WAS ABOUT TO HAVE A SNACK!" The youngster screamed. It's no surprise they apprehended him. To prevent him from fleeing, the people must have stabbed him with vervain.

"I DON'T BELIEVE YOU!". TELL US THE TRUTH, AND WE WILL MERCIFULLY KILL YOU!" My father screamed angrily. He had a furious scowl on his face, which I was all too familiar with. Then something unexpected occurred. The youngster just laughed madly as he looked at us all. The crowd was stunned by his presence, yet none of them could say anything. Then one of the men dipped a metal rod in fire and inserted it into the boy's body. They were all astounded by what they saw. He was not injured by the fire, but he was absorbing its energy. The man immediately grabbed the rod and tossed it aside.

"YOU ARE PART OF FACTION 2 ARENT YOU?!" My father remarked.

"HAHA, AT LEAST ONE OF YOU IS WISE! I'll let you in on a little secret now. "I've come to deliver a message from the leaders to all of you," the boy continued.

"WHAT MESSAGE?!" A man stated.

"A WAR HAS BREWED BETWEEN VAMPIRES AND WEREWOLVES. IF YOU KNOW WHAT'S BEST FOR YOU, STAY AWAY!" The youngster yelled. Then, all of a sudden, everyone started whispering to each other, generating a disturbance. Excessive noise arose in the air, but it all came to a halt when the leaders yelled at everyone, and all fell silent.

"WE ARE GOING TO RID THE WORLD OF ALL OF YOU!" A man shouted as he was ready to drive the wooden stake into the boy's heart, but he pulled through the restraints and charged at him. Before anyone could react, he bit into the man's neck, causing blood to stream all over the place. The entire crowd went into attack mode. My father was going to kill the boy when the boy unexpectedly put the man in the fire and forwarded the message to my father. Dad lunged at him, but the boy, despite being just on Vervain, was surprisingly powerful and snapped the stake in half, tossing it into the fire.

"FILTH, SAY GOODBYE TO ONE OF YOUR LEADERS!" With a grin on his face, the child yelled. My emotions were on fire since I was so angry at the time. I needed to concentrate this power on someone, so I went with the boy. I focused on him just as he was ready to bite Dad's neck, causing him to fall to the ground, his head in anguish. As he studied the crowd to see who was doing this, his eyes flared to a Prussian Blue colour. Dad instantly pulled out his wooden bullet gun and shot the boy in the stomach just as he fixed his malevolent gaze on me. The boy screamed angrily.

"HUNTERS, JUST WAIT AND WATCH!" THIS IS AN UNSTOPPABLE WAR!" With his eyes fixed on me, he explained. Then, out of nowhere, he levitated into the sky and sped away, shocking us all.