Hidden Fantasy-A Werewolf's Obsession

Chapter 11-Alessia

"What?" With a surprised expression on my face, I inquired. Micheal instantly took advantage of this by approaching me and placing his hand on my waist.

"Yes, Alessia, we are going to get married. As he tightened his grip on me, he murmured, "You're going to be my wife." Micheal shrieked in agony as fire rose up inside of me. He gave me a startled glance, but all I could do was a smirk.

"No matter," Micheal said.

"Mr Aldine, when is the engagement date?" Micheal enquired, blowing on his palm, which had gone completely inflamed and sore.

"Saturday next week," Dad said as he sipped his espresso.

"SATURDAY!" I erupted as I stood up from my seat.

"I wanted it earlier, too, but Alessia, this is the proper way," Micheal beamed. This was his plan for retaliating against me, and it was succeeding. I never considered getting married or becoming somebody else's because I was frightened of them abandoning me after what occurred in the past with Dad and Mom. My adopted father, on the other hand, was making this decision without my knowledge or approval.

"NO!" I said, my face stern.

"What exactly do you mean when you say no?" My father questioned as he rose from his seat and slammed his cup against the table with such force that I was astonished it did not break.


"I'm not sure how I'm going to make this decision for you, Alessia!" This is in your best interests!" Dad bellowed.

"I know it's difficult without Mom, and you feel like you're carrying the world on your shoulders, but please listen to me. I sneered at Micheal and stated, "I'm not getting married to this stranger." For a brief moment, I believed he'd changed his mind.

"So you're not going to marry him?" In hushed tones, Dad whispered. I replied with a deep gulp.

"No," I sadly said, knowing perfectly well that this would devastate him. Unexpectedly, he did something that completely stunned me. Dad walked slowly towards me, his polished formal shoes pounding the ground, and as soon as he got close enough, he slapped me across the face so hard that I dropped to the floor, my hand on my cheek.

"I have done everything for you and this is how you repay me?! This decision, Alessia, will save us from Vampires and Werewolves! "Listen, you ungrateful brat, either marry Michael or you're no longer my daughter," Dad screamed angrily as he kicked me in the stomach causing me to feel nauseated, but I stood up straight, my rage flowing through my veins.

"I'm fine with it." You didn't treat me like your daughter in the first place, did you? "I'd rather die than marry him," I screamed as I slammed the door shut behind me. Furiously I realised what I had done as I walked out the door. I dashed up the marble stairwell to my room. I shut the door and immediately changed into my white blouse and baggy pants, which I layered over a winter jacket.

With that, I pushed open the window next to my mattress, leapt out, and landed in our front yard with my bag. I was going to get in my car and drive, but I chose to walk today. I strolled out of the neighbourhood discreetly and carefully, greeting a few individuals along the way. The neighbourhood was rather large, with houses are strewn about. We had sections set up to ensure that locals didn't get mixed up with tourists who had come to see the neighbourhood's heritage. A tall black granite memorial of the individuals who founded this location stood in the heart of the entire neighbourhood, pointing to the sky.

All of the residences were placed in Section 1. All of the markets and restaurants were all in Section 2. Section 3 included all of the tourist destinations as well as tourist shops. Section 4 was the neighbourhood's entryway, with a substantial silver arched gate in the front that was the only route in and out. Fortunately, I had a card for that gate, which permitted me to enter and go as I pleased. Our neighbourhood was named... The Dark Region was a little disturbing at first but made sense when you stay in a place like a hell. Tourists arrived largely in the afternoon, although many were still here at 8 p.m. I carefully strolled through the sections and towards the grand entrance, surrounded by tourists who had recruited a guide to show them around. When I reached, I stepped out cautiously, slowly unlocking the gate with my Id.