
Staring at the pamphlet on the table, I fell into thoughts and a whirlwind of questions seemed to form in my head.

Do they know about that mysterious group that has appeared in recent years?

And the witches?

What will be the purpose of those people in black?

Why did 'they' exactly capture my grandmother? Why was she a witch?

Too many unanswered questions seemed to form and I couldn't help but be even more confused about this situation.


"I'll have to go talk to Joyce again, this all seems to be more complex than we imagined" I muttered looking at the ceiling.

I returned my gaze to the papers on the table and sorted them out so I could analyze them better.

I got some information that could be useful with Joyce in the flower shop, they had been gathering a lot of information since her first appearance.

'They' called themselves 'An Sinnsir' from Gaelic which means the forerunners, those who herald the beginning of a new era and the end of another.

It was still unclear what their ideas were, but it was obvious that they were planning to accomplish something big.

Their first appearance was about ten years ago in the southwestern region of the Kingdom of Vaughan, they kidnapped some people and seemed to be looking for something in the regions near some abandoned ruins.

They attacked some small villages on the outskirts of these ruins apparently gathering information, until they learned about 'us'.

We still don't know how they discovered us as it was something that only the emperors of their respective kingdoms and their descendants knew about.

I massaged my temples as I felt a headache coming on and couldn't help but swear, reflecting on how complex this was still.

"It's no use getting stressed trying to find an answer to all this, I should focus on the competitions of the next few days for now" I concluded putting all that paperwork in my bag.

Turning my gaze to the registration form, I decided to participate in all phases considering them a way to gain experiences.

Leaving the room, I went to meet Artur and the others to invite them to participate in the group stages.

Down the stairs I went to the square next to the flower shop where we agreed to meet at 3 pm to discuss what they would apply for.

But just as I finished the last flight of stairs and was ready to leave, I heard a voice behind me. "You must be Elora Aires, right? Would you do me the honor of a brief conversation? It won't take up much of your time"

Turning to find myself with familiar gray eyes, it was one of the teachers who had served as our representatives this year, the one I assumed was the father of the current Emperor, Renan Mordha.