1st day (part 05)

Neila's point of view:

I entered the forest with my group and soon we started looking for prey.

Each group entered the woods about 15 minutes apart, so we wouldn't find each other easily.

There were many trees around us and it was not easy to find small animals with the vegetation obstructing our view.

I had to admit that the five kingdoms were pretty creative in putting this event together and there were indeed some good seedlings promising among the students in attendance.

"I found one!" I turned my head towards the voice of one of my companions when I saw him shoot an arrow at a small rabbit that ran in the distance.

I walked over and checked his paws and found the tape we were supposed to collect.

I fastened the ribbon to my belt and after putting the rabbit in the basket before turning to my companions and saying. "Let's continue"

Twenty minutes passed until I spotted our second prey.

Without making any noise I cocked the arrow on the bow and released it, the arrow went through the rabbit's belly with precision and then I approached and repeated the process of the first.

Three hours was neither too much nor too little time and we had to hunt as much as possible before the time ran out.

* * *

*burst sound*

I raised my head and saw a red light in the sky, which indicated the end of the last phase.

Organizing all our belongings we all ran back to the square.

About twenty minutes later we finally arrived where a crowd of people was already waiting for us.

Looking around, I noticed that just over twenty-five groups had already arrived, I found a random corner to wait along with the others.

Watching the spectators waiting for the results, I noticed someone who stood out in the crowd.

It was a girl, she had long black hair and beautiful eyes of the same color, she was dressed in a sky blue uniform and a cape that went down to her knees of the same color, she behaved in a totally different way from those around her and had a peculiar air around you.

I soon discovered who she was and a sly smile couldn't help but appear on my face as I my gaze became more and more penetrating. "So this is Aires' little girl, she really stands out" I muttered under my breath.

"Neila, come on, all the groups have arrived and we have to take our hunting to be accounted for"

I averted my gaze when I heard my name called and after nodding in acknowledgment I stood up and dusted myself off before giving the girl one last look before walking to the spot they were checking out.