Day off

The next few days went by without anything happening and I got the first place in the second test of the competition.

During the group hunt, I and the others unfortunately didn't manage to be one of the first places, but at least we remained among the 5 best groups and were among the 15 best students in hand-to-hand combat.

After six consecutive days of competition, it was decided that we would have a two-day break before the events continued.

Leaving the combat arena that was next to the training ground I went to my room to rest.

* * *

The next day, as it was our day off, I decided to start putting into practice my goal of gaining more stamina and left early in the morning to run around town.

It was still early and a little cold, after running for about 5 km I stopped for about half an hour before heading towards a forest on the outskirts of Brigido.

I was wearing a set of black clothes with my hair tied back, carrying on my back a simple but good quality bow and a side bag with a few dozen arrows.

From the clothes I wore and the direction I'd taken, the people walking the streets that morning mistook me for a mercenary and only gave me a few glances before turning away and continuing on their way.

Walking slowly I soon entered the forest and started hunting some prey I found along the way.

Even though I was already a good archer, I shouldn't neglect my practices and had to be constantly honing my skills.

As I was going into the forest, more I was moving away from the city and more wild animals I was finding and so, a few hours passed until I decided to take a break to rest.

Everything around me was silent and after searching for a while, I stopped in front of a small river to rest.

Seeing small fish jumping from time to time from the riverbank, I couldn't help but remember the days I spent walking until I reached Marva.

Back then I was still a lonely lost soul but now, I had people around me that I could trust.

"It's been more than half a year... that was fast" I ruminated to myself.

After resting for almost an hour I got up dusting my clothes and I was ready to head back to the dorms.

However, just as I was getting up an immense sense of danger washed over me as I instinctively made a move.