Assassination squad

Joyce's point of view:

Hearing what had happened that morning from my Young Lady's mouth, I couldn't help but get a little worried that she was getting hurt.

"Are you sure she wasn't hurt? Does it hurt anywhere?"

"Don't worry Joyce, I'm perfectly fine, no scratches, please don't underestimate my skill ok?"

I saw the small smile on her face like I saw something funny and when I realized I had lost my composure I couldn't help but blush slightly and go back to my seat.


I coughed to dispel my embarrassment and returned to the main topic. "Really, it seems that they are tired of waiting and are ready for the first attack, but if they think we are easy to deal with, they are very wrong, if they underestimate us, they have felt the consequences of their actions firsthand"

I saw her nod in agreement and take another sip of her tea when her bright black eyes turned to me when she asked. "Are the preparations ready?"

"Yes, all preparations are ready, I am confident that we can prevent them from killing the younger generation and we should still be able to capture some of them for interrogation."

"Oh yes, Young Lady, I almost forgot to warn you that the Aires Family's exclusive group of assassins will also be helping us in this mission"

"Oh, what are they like?" I saw a hint of curiosity spark in her eyes when she heard about the assassins.

"*laughs* The assassination group has worked for the Aires Family for many years and you don't have to worry about their loyalty, all the members are among the best assassins in all five kingdoms and they have a headquarters of operations in each of the kingdoms and beyond-"

"Miss Joyce, a girl is looking for you and said you were expecting her-" began Almira, but before she could finish another voice came from the hallway behind her.

"Aunt Joyce, I'm here!" I saw a girl who was around 18 years old enter the room with a beaming smile on her face, she had a sharp look and short shoulder length black hair, her black eyes conveyed vitality and she wore black clothes.

"Oh, you're here, Young Lady, let me introduce her, she's-"

"Aire's Little Girl"

I saw Neila exclaim in surprise at the person in front of me and I couldn't help but turn to her and ask curiously. "Do you know each other?"

"She's have been watching me intensely for the last few days, so she's part of the murder squad, right?" Elora replied before Neila could speak.

"*embarrassed laugh* Yes, it was me. How did you find out?"

"Well, when you were watching me so intently for six days straight, it would be weird if I didn't notice." I saw her raise her eyebrows in amusement.

With a smile on my face at the interaction between them, I finally asked Neila to sit down as I turned my gaze to Elora as I officially introduced her. "Neila, as you already know, this is Elora, the next matriarch of the Aires Family and Elora, this is Neila, the next leader of the assassination group"

I saw them shake hands and say in unison. "It will be a pleasure to work with you in the future"